All Mankind Are Gods/C15 City Alliance Freshmen Competition
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All Mankind Are Gods/C15 City Alliance Freshmen Competition
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C15 City Alliance Freshmen Competition

Witnessing the unfolding scene, a bead of sweat rolled down Baldy Yang's forehead, making his shiny bald head gleam even more intensely.

"We can't wait any longer."

Without a second thought, Baldy Yang reached out and seized the bracelet on Liu Chuan's wrist.


Veins bulged on Baldy Yang's arms.


His suit split at the seams.

His slightly overweight frame began to swell rapidly, the muscles beneath the suit rising and tensing, each one brimming with power.

Baldy Yang, a Middle Level God, was renowned for his Herculean strength.

In an instant, the once chubby and balding Baldy Yang transformed into a towering figure over two meters tall, his muscular physique surpassing even that of a Galen.

His thinning hair vanished in that moment, leaving behind a gleaming, smooth scalp that radiated divine light.

This was followed by the distinct power of a Rank Eleven Middle Level God.

The might of a Titan.

Baldy Yang's arms, now muscular as writhing dragons, clutched the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet that was fastened to Liu Chuan's wrist, exerting increasing force.

The Divine Domain Connection Bracelet was a crucial device designed to prevent a Demigod from becoming lost within their own Divine Domain. If forcibly removed during use, a newly ascended Demigod could be at significant risk of losing themselves. At best, they might be disoriented for days; at worst, they could end up in a vegetative state.

But Baldy Yang no longer had the luxury of concern.

If things continued as they were, Liu Chuan's Divine Domain Origin would collapse, and his death was certain.

This was a grave instructional mishap with the potential to tarnish the reputation of an entire school.


With Baldy Yang applying frenzied force, the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet finally gave way, a fracture forming.

The next moment, it was wrenched apart by Baldy Yang's sheer strength!


A plume of black smoke arose as the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet was utterly destroyed.

"Medical team, medical team!" Yi Rubing called into her walkie-talkie.

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

System Notification: Divine Domain connection lost.

System Notification: The battle has been forcibly terminated.

Lin Fann's eyes snapped open.

"It's a shame, just a bit more and Liu Chuan would have been finished," Lin Fann mused with a hint of regret, but then his expression turned to one of astonishment as he surveyed the chaotic classroom.

The students stared at him as if he were a ghost.

A team of medics hurriedly lifted the unconscious Liu Chuan onto a stretcher.

Yi Rubing and the bald-headed principal stood before him, their faces stern.

"Teacher, what's going on? Wasn't this just a simulated battle?" Lin Fann asked, clearly bewildered.

"Teacher Yi, please take him to the principal's office and wait for me. I need to change my clothes," Headmaster Yang said, glancing at Lin Fann before departing.

Lin Fann looked at Yi Rubing with an innocent expression. "Teacher, what's the issue? It was just a virtual battle, right?"

Yi Rubing was at a loss for words.

This kid's acting...

Yi Rubing was convinced that Lin Fann had sensed something was amiss with the earlier fight.

Yet, she said nothing more than a cool, "Follow me."


The principal's office was charged with tension.

Headmaster Yang, now in a fresh suit, rubbed his completely bald head, feeling utterly frustrated.

Looking up at the young man before him, Headmaster Yang could barely contain his anger.

"You're Lin Fann, correct?"

"Ah, yes, that's me."

Baldy Yang's face twisted with displeasure as he tapped the desk. "Do you realize what you've done? A student engaging in an illegal battle and nearly killing another student?"

"Did you come here to cause trouble? Did your parents pay for your education just so you could get into fights?"

"Enough, call your parents. I'm eager to see what kind of parents raised someone like you!"

Lin Fann's face was a picture of confusion. "Principal, what are you talking about? I just participated in a mock exam."

Baldy Yang let out a cold snort, his voice growing even colder. "Still making excuses, huh? Didn't you realize something was off? You must have known that Liu Chuan tampered with the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet, intending to kill Liu Chuan in the process!"

Lin Fann's expression shifted from confusion to shock in an instant. "What! Liu Chuan modified the bracelet?"

"That's a serious offense! The kind that gets you arrested by law enforcement!"

"So, you're telling me that the fight I was in was real?"

Lin Fann looked terrified but then insisted, "Principal, I honestly had no idea. I... I'm a victim too!"

After observing Lin Fann's reaction, Baldy Yang's stern face softened.

It was clear that the young man was unaware of Liu Chuan's tampering with the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet.

As the official investigator finished taking notes and gave him a nod before departing, Baldy Yang exhaled in relief.

"Look, I'm just going to say it straight—you're a victim in all this," Baldy Yang chuckled. "Liu Chuan's medical report came back; he's going to be okay. His Divine Domain took a hit, though, and will need a few months to heal."

"However, participating in an illegal duel is a breach of the God Realm's laws."

"In theory, you'd be facing three years of corrective detention, but since you're the victim, if you choose to forgive... this whole incident could be handled as an internal school matter."

"You're aware that if word gets out, it won't reflect well on the school's reputation."

Baldy Yang gave a suggestive blink. "So, what's your decision?"

Lin Fann remained silent.

"Smart kid, just like your homeroom teacher said," Baldy Yang said with a laugh. "I've spoken with Liu Chuan's parents. If you forgive him, they're willing to compensate you with 100,000 Faith Points."

"I won't pressure you. But let's be honest, you're not seriously hurt, and Liu Chuan's confinement won't benefit you in any way."

"On the other hand, as a newly minted Demigod, you know how crucial Faith Points are. The expenses down the road are going to be substantial."

"Your parents, being regular civil servants..."

Baldy Yang laid out the situation clearly.

Lin Fann interjected, "I'm willing to forgive, but I have one condition."

"What's that?" Baldy Yang asked, taken aback.

"I want to meet Liu Chuan face to face," Lin Fann stated calmly.

Baldy Yang nodded. "I'll arrange it. Let's plan for tomorrow, once Liu Chuan has had some time to recuperate. I'm sure his parents won't object."

"It's a deal," Lin Fann agreed, extending his right hand.

Baldy Yang hesitated for a moment, then with a resigned look, he reached out and gave Lin Fann's hand a firm shake.

Notification: 100,000 Faith Points have been credited to your account.

Lin Fann breathed a sigh of relief.

He wasn't exactly the forgiving type, but he couldn't deny that Headmaster Yang had made some very valid points.

Looking at it from his own perspective, wasn't it sweet to earn 100,000 Faith Points just for offering an apology?

With the monthly exams over, he had to cultivate a new Belief Clan tonight, which would certainly require a substantial amount of Faith Points.

Moreover, Lin Fann was eager to find out who Liu Chuan had hired to assassinate him.

From the memories of his former master, Lin Fann was aware that once certain assassin organizations took on a job, they would relentlessly send out hitmen until the task was complete, unless the client called off the mission.

Meeting Liu Chuan was essential.

"Headmaster, if there's nothing else, I'll head back to class," Lin Fann said, gathering his thoughts as he rose to leave.


"Don't rush off," Baldy Yang said with a smile, pouring Lin Fann a cup of tea. "Have you heard about the City Alliance's Freshmen Competition that's coming up?"

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