All Mankind Are Gods/C2 I Want to Choose Galen!
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All Mankind Are Gods/C2 I Want to Choose Galen!
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C2 I Want to Choose Galen!

Lin Fann responded without hesitation, "Yes."

"Divinity is being checked to generate Belief Clan options."

The bracelet on Lin Fann's right hand glowed faintly. A soft light swept over him.

Unique to the God Realm, the divine consciousness bracelet is a fusion of magic and technology. It assists those who have ascended to Demigod status but struggle to control their Divine Power, helping them manage the Divine Domain within their bodies. Moreover, as they travel between the Main World and Branch Worlds, their thoughts can become jumbled due to the differing flow of time. The divine consciousness bracelet is designed to prevent such confusion.

Every high school student receives a divine consciousness bracelet upon enrollment.

Soon after, the display before Lin Fann updated.

"Testing complete."

"As this is your first Belief Clan selection, only initial races are available."

"Three templates have been generated."

Three cards materialized on the display.

Lin Fann was taken aback.

Displayed on the three cards were images of characters from League of Legends.

They were Riz, Ash, and Galen, known respectively as the Wandering Mage, Frost Archer, and Demacia Power.

Lin Fann recognized them instantly. Indeed, any League of Legends player would know them—they all feature in the game's tutorial.

They are among the most iconic characters in League of Legends. Galen, in particular, enjoys immense popularity due to his straightforward and powerful attack style, making him a favorite among younger players.

Lin Fann, not particularly adept at the game, also favored this character.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Fann would have excitedly chosen Galen without a second thought.

But the current situation was far from normal.

"Is there some mistake?"

Staring at the panel before him, Lin Fann exclaimed in disbelief, "This isn't Earth, and you're not League of Legends!"

Yet the unyielding Mechanical Sound persisted, "Please select your Belief Clan."

Lin Fann fell silent, contemplating his three options.

The Wandering Mage was a formidable Mage in League of Legends, known for his high attack power.

Likewise, the Frost Archer was an exceptional Archer, capable of slowing and stunning her enemies.

Lin Fann pondered seriously for a brief moment before breaking into a smile. "I'll go with Galen!"

Galen was his favorite in League of Legends, known for his straightforward and brutally effective attacks.

On the display, the card depicting Galen was immediately locked in, and the other two vanished.

"I'll choose Demacia Power as my first Belief Clan."

"You have selected Demacia Power. Cultivating one individual requires 450 Divine Power. You have cultivated a total of 100 individuals, expending 45,000 Divine Power."

The number in the initial Belief Clan was set at a hundred, no more, no less – those were the rules.

This precaution was due to the tendency of high schoolers, fresh into their Demigod status, to impulsively spend all their Divine Power on their Belief Clan. Without any Divine Power left to sustain their Divine Domain, their Branch World would collapse. To prevent such outcomes, the Divine Country Official established this regulation.

Only those who had been a Demigod for over a month and had acclimated to the Divine Domain were free to expand their Belief Clan at will.

As Lin Fann felt his Divine Power depleting, he experienced an extraordinary sensation, yet it brought him no joy.

His parents, both civil servants, gave him a modest monthly allowance of five thousand Divine Power.

The Lin Fann of the past had taken three years to amass 60,000 Divine Power. Now, in one fell swoop, he had spent more than half, leaving him with just 15,000 Divine Power.

Before he could fully process this, a voice thundered in his ears.


"As long as I live, I will battle for victory!"

"Justice stands by my side! I will defend our nation!"

The earth trembled with the roar of these declarations.

A hundred brawny men stood before Lin Fann, their muscles rippling with power, seemingly capable of felling a bull with a single punch.

Towering over two meters tall, they stood like iron colossi rooted to the ground, their gazes alight with undaunted determination.

They then turned their attention to a vague silhouette hovering in the sky.

This was Lin Fann's avatar, exuding nobility and an imposing presence.

He radiated an overwhelming might, giving the impression that with the slightest gesture, he could obliterate the world around him.

At that moment, the eyes of the hundred stalwart men turned a fiery red. They knelt before him with deep respect.

"Demacia God!"

"O great deity, we thank you for granting us life!"

"Our gratitude to you, god!"

"We shall restore the splendor of Demacia on this land and forever offer our worship to you!"

"God, have you ever encountered the prince?"

Each man's face was etched with unwavering loyalty.

Simultaneously, a stream of data materialized on the transparent panel before Lin Fann.

Notification: Your divine grace is cherished by your Belief Clan.

Notification: The fervor of your believers is intensifying.

Notification: Your followers are steadfast in their loyalty to you.

Notification: Fifty-three of your followers have ascended to Fanatical Believer status, while forty-seven have become Devout Believers.

Notification: You have amassed 765 Faith Points, which have been transformed into Divine Power.

Upon reading the final notifications, Lin Fann was mildly taken aback. "Are they truly this devout?"

In theory, for a Demigod to inspire faith in a newly cultivated race, they would need to perform miracles, and it would be highly unlikely to attract so many Fanatics right off the bat.

But as Lin Fann gazed upon those adoring faces, he came to a realization.

This was largely due to the unique nature of this race.

Indeed, in their original lore, Galen was renowned for his unwavering loyalty and dedication to the Kingdom of Demacia.

Clearly, they had redirected their allegiance from Demacia to Lin Fann. Thus, even without Lin Fann displaying any miracles or bestowing any resources upon them, their loyalty was already firmly in place.

Lin Fann felt a sense of satisfaction with the 765 Divine Power that had just emerged.

Each Fanatic could contribute 10 Divine Power per day, while each Devout Believer could provide 5.

Naturally, this was in God Realm time, where one day equates to one year in the Branch World.

By that calculation, he could recoup the 45,000 Power of Faith he had just expended in merely two months.

The more Lin Fann observed these robust men, the more his heart swelled with joy.

Yet, he was uncertain of the true strength of this Demacia Power.

Selecting a Galen at random, Lin Fann watched as a series of data promptly displayed on his interface.

Race Interface

Name: Galen 36

Race: Demacia Power

Level: Rank One

Faith: Demacia God (A loyal Fanatic)

Chosen of God: Not selected (Requires the consumption of one million Divine Power)

Divine Arts: Tenacity (Rapid recovery when not injured), Fatal Strike (Unmastered), Courage (Unmastered), Judgment (Unmastered), Demacia Justice (Unmastered)

Ability Details: Physique 9 (A powerhouse among Rank One warriors), Strength 9 (An expert among Rank One warriors), Speed 4 (Average for Rank One), Magic Power 0 (Unmastered)

Combat Skills: Heroic Brass

Current Concerns: No weapon (Acceptable), No armor (Acceptable), No girlfriend (Extremely urgent), No food (Acceptable)

"Quite the powerhouse," Lin Fann nodded with satisfaction.

Though Galens are unable to wield magic, they are formidable warriors.

With a physique and strength of nine points, they stand among the strongest in the Rank One Belief Clan. The Frog Man Clan members cultivated by the previous owner only had a physique of six points.

Big Galen is indeed impressive.

However, Lin Fann's brow furrowed slightly.

Galen 36 was in need of food.

Surveying the fragmented terrain before him, Lin Fann summoned four cards with a gesture.

Basic Grassland Card: Generates a grassland spanning ten square kilometers within the Divine Domain.

Basic Forest Card: Establishes a forest covering ten square kilometers in the Divine Domain.

Basic Ecology Card: Introduces ten thousand large and small wild beasts into the Divine Domain.

Basic Lake Card: Creates a lake of ten square kilometers within the Divine Domain.

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