All Mankind Are Gods/C3 The War Has Begun
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All Mankind Are Gods/C3 The War Has Begun
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C3 The War Has Begun

Each card required a thousand points of Divine Power to redeem, a legacy left to him by Lin Fann.

As a Demigod who hadn't yet ignited his Divine Flame, he couldn't directly manipulate the Branch World with Divine Power. Instead, he used these resource cards as a conduit to prevent any uncontrolled release of power.

With a flick of his wrist, Lin Fann sent three cards into the air, where they transformed into glimmers of light, showering over the fragmented earth.

Instantly, the once shattered and scorched land burst forth with new life. Grass and young saplings rapidly emerged from the soil, teeming with vitality.

The area was soon populated with animals—a mix of small rabbits, large tigers, and various other creatures, creating a burgeoning ecosystem.

For the Divine Domain's long-term growth, an ecosystem was essential. Initially, with few Belief Clans, the absence of an ecosystem was inconsequential. However, establishing one would become exceedingly challenging once the Divine Domain expanded and the number of races grew.

From this point forward, Lin Fann was committed to preserving the balance of this ecosystem.

Having completed his task, Lin Fann surveyed his rejuvenated Divine Domain and exhaled deeply.

His Branch World spanned a mere 30 square kilometers, yet with just four low-level resource cards, he had transformed the entirety of the Divine Domain.

The Galens, witnessing the transformation, were once again ablaze with fervor, exclaiming in unison:

"Demacia God!"

"God, we thank you for bestowing upon us grasslands, forests, rivers, and sustenance!"

"Behold the mighty Divine Power! Witness the miracle!"

As the newly formed grasslands and forests materialized before them, a hundred Big Galens lifted their arms skyward, encircling the spinning Blue Crystal and chanting with gusto. They broke into an odd dance, akin to a ritual of worship.

Prompt: Your miracle has been observed by a believer.

Reminder: Your believer is profoundly thankful.

Reminder: Your believer's adoration for you has intensified.

Prompt: Forty-seven of your followers have ascended to Fanatical Believer status.

Prompt: You have gained 470 Faith Points, which have been converted into Divine Power.

Lin Fann, momentarily taken aback, accessed the Divine Domain Panel.

In the Divine Domain interface:

Area: 30 square kilometers

It features a dense forest (10 square kilometers), a well-manicured grassland (10 square kilometers), and a tranquil lake (10 square kilometers).

Race: Demacia Power (100 Fanatical Believers)

Vegetation: Poplar forests, mosses, grasses, and aquatic plants

Animals: Groups of white rabbits, foxes, deer, and forest bears

Fish: Grass carp, wild minnows, and blackfish

Resources: Fur, smoked fish, smoked meat, fruits, and timber

Evaluation: A Demigod realm with only grasslands and forests is quite ordinary.

Lin Fann read the last comment and was momentarily at a loss for words. But considering he had only just unlocked his Divine Domain, he wasn't too bothered by it.

The presence of a hundred Fanatical Believers was a delightful surprise to Lin Fann.

He hadn't expected all these Big Galens to become Fanatical Believers.

Conventional wisdom suggests that only less intelligent Belief Clans are easily cultivated. It appears that the Galens are indeed well-suited to be the inaugural Belief Clan. They may not be the brightest, but their combat prowess is formidable.

Lin Fann hovered in the void. After the Galens in the Branch World completed their sacrificial rites, they began their tasks in an organized fashion.

They felled trees to build homes and chopped wood for water with great efficiency.

While Lin Fann was appreciating this microcosm, his bracelet vibrated, emitting a shrill, piercing sound.

The display before him turned a stark red, and a massive dialogue box appeared.

"System has detected an external force invasion."

"Yi Rubing, the homeroom teacher of Blazing Sun No.3 Middle School's 15th Grade Class, requests a simulated battle. Note: This is a preliminary assessment."

Lin Fann was momentarily taken aback but quickly grasped the situation.

The monthly exam was tomorrow, and each student would be pitted against one another in combat.

His teacher was clearly aiming to gauge each student's abilities in advance to strategically pair the combatants.

This simulated invasion was, in essence, an incursion into the Divine Domain.

It was a conflict between deities, a clash between realms.

In a Divine Domain invasion, both deities must rally their Belief Clans, readying themselves for battle.

In plain terms, the Divine Domain signifies one's own territory, and the invaders are the foes they must fervently repel!

"This is war!"

Meanwhile, at the Blazing Sun No.3 Middle School's freshman office building, a striking silhouette sat behind a desk, furiously writing. Beneath her black-rimmed glasses were a pair of cool, rational eyes. Her long, straight black hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her form-fitting skirt added a touch of allure to the young teacher. However, at this moment, the usually icy beauty was frowning deeply.

She had been instructing these freshmen for a month, but they had proven to be a disappointment. "Judging by the races they've chosen and the Divine Domains they've established, this group of students is quite average," she mused.

"Liu Chuan has chosen the Tauren as his Belief Clan, with a Divine Domain spanning ten kilometers. Despite his formidable strength, his grasp of theory is abysmal."

"Lin Fann, who has the highest theoretical scores, possesses a mere 30 square kilometers of Divine Domain. While the Frog Man Clan's power is decent, it pales in comparison to the Half-Orcs. His prospects seem limited."

"I've heard that in the neighboring academies, some students have ascended to Demigod status, adopting the Elf Clan and Demigod Clan as their Belief Clans."

Yi Rubing glanced at the roster before her and massaged her furrowed brow. She was, after all, an elite teacher with a prestigious background and had ignited the Divine Flame to become a Low Level God. Her divine role was that of the Wisdom God, and she had also mastered the Divinity of Race Mastery.

Thus, even as a Low Level God, Yi Rubing was an elite teacher at Blazing Sun No.3 Middle School, exceptionally suited for guiding new high school students. Looking at the roster, Yi Rubing let out a sigh. "It appears that most of these students will struggle to find success."

"If things don't change, it's possible none of them will pass the college or military entrance exams."

Yi Rubing circled a few names and set down her pen, her expression growing complex. Every teacher dreams of nurturing exceptional students. But Yi Rubing was well aware that Blazing Sun No.3 Middle School was no match for the prestigious institutions. They certainly couldn't hold a candle to the prodigies and well-connected elites of Divine Country No.1 Middle School.

"Forget it. At least we don't have any students here who have chosen the Human Clan as their first Belief Clan."

"I'll assess these trainees first."

"I need to conduct a preliminary test so that I can match them with opponents based on their abilities tomorrow."

Yi Rubing took a sip of water and picked up the roster once more.

"I'm hoping they'll surprise me."

Her gaze swept over the roster until she came across Lin Fann's name.

His Divine Domain spanned a mere 30 square kilometers.

His Belief Clan was the Frog Man Clan.

Based on this data, his strength was somewhat below average in the class.

Yet, he was the top student in theoretical knowledge.

"Using him as a benchmark, I'll select a troop type to test the newcomers."

"The Rude Dwarf it is, the most basic Dwarf Warrior."

"They pose no real threat, and the damage they could inflict is negligible."

Yi Rubing had a strategy in mind. The purpose of the test was simply to gauge the students' general strength in advance. There was no need for an overly challenging test.

The Dwarf Clan had its share of formidable members, but the Rank One Rude Dwarves were only slightly more powerful than the initial Human Clan warriors. They were sluggish and lacked the intelligence of the Human Clan.

"With the aid of the Frog Man Clan, even Lin Fann should easily handle these Rude Dwarves."

"I'll select a group of Rude Dwarves from the Divine Domain." Yi Rubing closed her eyes and issued the command.

Her consciousness had already accessed the interface of the Divine Domain.

As a Low Level God who had ignited the Divine Flame, her Godhead was partially formed. She had a faint Divine Power and could control her own strength without causing the Divine Domain to become unstable.

Of course, she no longer required the assistance of the Divine Sense Connection Bracelet.

With a single thought, Yi Rubing instantly connected to her Divine Domain and entered her own Branch World.

Yi Rubing's eyes opened.

Below her lay an expansive sea stretching thousands of square kilometers, its vastness unbroken and a deep shade of blue.

Bathed in sunlight, it shimmered with a clear blue hue.

The sea was dotted with innumerable islands, large and small, haphazardly strewn about.

A few white clouds adorned the Divine Domain.

The violent sea breeze roared, creating majestic waves that crashed against the massive rocks, their spray clearly visible.

Merchant ships sought refuge in the island's harbor, sheltering from the stormy sea.

The islands stood out from the others, with dense mountains and caves that resembled anthills. Bare volcanic craters spewed hot, twisting steam.

The sound of forceful hammering echoed intermittently.

"Five thousand Rank One Undead Skeletons," Yi Rubing's divine consciousness stirred.

Her Divine Domain Origin shimmered. Instantly, five thousand dwarves felt the call, laying down their hammers and marching out of the volcanic caves in an orderly manner.

After all, Yi Rubing was a Low Level God who had ignited her Divine Flame, granting her strong control over her Divine Domain.

The entire senior class had fifty students, each perfectly matched to battle a hundred Rude Dwarves.

Yi Rubing had calculated carefully.

The first-year students had been enrolled for a month, which in the God Realm equated to thirty years in the Branch World.

After thirty years of proliferation and growth, the initial hundred races had reached a robust stage.

"There should be at least two hundred of the initial races."

"They should find it quite easy to handle these hundred Rude Dwarves. I'll add a bit more of a challenge."

"Let's include a Rank Two dwarf warrior. This will give the newcomers a tough time and some valuable experience."

As Yi Rubing prepared, new ideas formed in her mind.

The Rank Two dwarf warrior was an advanced form of the Rank One Rude Dwarf. These warriors came into being by mastering the basic mining within the Divine Domain. They donned heavy metal armor, with defense and strength surpassing that of the average Rude Dwarf, yet their movements remained sluggish. They were part of the Belief Clan, ranking just below the Human Clan among Rank Two warriors.

Their steps were ponderous. Even unmounted members of the Human Clan could easily dispatch them.

"This should suffice. It's not too easy, but not too hard either. Even Lin Fann's Frog Man Clan should be able to handle them," Yi Rubing mused, observing the Dwarf Army before her and nodding in approval.

"Let's get started."

Yi Rubing donned the Divine Sense Connection Bracelet and, utilizing the server in the God Realm, commenced the testing of the students.

"The first test subject is Lin Fann from 15th grade, class 15—undeniably the weakest!"

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