All Mankind Are Gods/C4 The Elemental God of the Divine Domain
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All Mankind Are Gods/C4 The Elemental God of the Divine Domain
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C4 The Elemental God of the Divine Domain

Warning: The Divine Domain is on the verge of invasion.

Warning: An intruder is close to breaching the Divine Domain's defenses! Prepare for countermeasures!

Warning: Countdown initiated. Invasion commences in one minute and thirty-two seconds.

Lin Fann's interface flashed ominously red as piercing alarms hammered against his heart. Simultaneously, the barrier on the eastern side of his Branch World crumbled, and a wave of chaotic energy unsettled a hundred stalwart Galen warriors.

"An invasion?"

"I'm not scared in the slightest," Lin Fann said with a chuckle, opening his Godhood Panel.

Godhood Panel

User: Lin Fann

Citizen Number: 03542288154c52h

Divine Name: Hephaestus

Title: Element God

Divine Flame: Unlit (requires one million Divine Power points, must be ignited by a Guardian)

Godhead: Unconstructed

Rank: Demigod

Divine Power: 16,235

Divinity: Uncondensed

Divine Country: Unestablished

Belief Clan: Demacia Power

Divine Domain Origin Attribute: League of Legends

The Divine Domain Panel, Race Panel, and Godhood Panel are three comprehensive features provided by the Divine Sense Connection Bracelet to demigods, showcasing the attributes related to the Divine Domain, race, and godhood.

However, Lin Fann paused when he noticed the Divine Domain Origin attribute. A deity's Divine Domain Origin is typically a natural attribute aligned with their chosen godhood, such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, or lightning.

Yet, his Divine Domain Origin was from the League of Legends. Was this why the Belief Clan he had formed consisted of characters from the League of Legends?

What astonished Lin Fann the most was his title as the Element God. In the memories of the original owner, there was no recollection of an Element God. More familiar titles included the Cold Winter God, Storm God, and God of Agriculture, each associated with a single element.

But he was the Element God.

Lin Fann tapped into the Divine Domain Origin and unleashed his Divine Power.

"Low-Level Divine Arts: Hail!"

"Low-Level Divine Arts: Gale!"

"Low-Level Divine Arts: Heavy Rain!"

"Low-Level Divine Arts: Blizzard!"

With each spell cast, Lin Fann's Faith Points decreased by another 4,000.

He simultaneously unleashed the abilities of three distinct Godhoods.

As a Demigod, he was unable to manifest Divine Power in the Main World, but within his own Divine Domain, he could wield the power of his Godhood by expending Faith Points.

Outside the breached barrier of the Divine Domain, ominous clouds coalesced.

Hailstones the size of fists plummeted from the heavens. They gained speed as they descended, resembling tiny meteorites. Even branches as thick as arms were split apart by their force.

Rain cascaded down, transforming the terrain into a quagmire.

Snowflakes drifted from the sky's zenith, blanketing the earth and blending into the muddy expanse.

Gales screamed across the landscape, the whole world caught in their wild exhalation.

The rain, snowflakes, and hail were whipped into a frenzy by the piercing winds, hurtling toward the fractured barrier of the Divine Domain.

A closer look revealed that the roaring winds, together with the swirling snowflakes, rain, and hail, had merged into a formidable blizzard!

While the hailstones' impact was less than that of bullets, they were potent enough to severely injure a regular person.

Prompt: You have consumed 1,000 Faith Points to generate hailstones.

Prompt: You have consumed 1,000 Faith Points to summon a gale.

Prompt: You have consumed 1,000 Faith Points to unleash a heavy rain.

Prompt: You have consumed 1,000 Faith Points to conjure a blizzard.

Prompt: The cataclysms you've combined have intensified in power.

Prompt: A freezing chill envelops the breach, rendering the ground slick and treacherous. Invaders will find it impossible to advance.

"These are Divine Arts that only the Cold Winter God, Storm God, and Wind God can perform," Lin Fann mused as he scrutinized the distant blizzard. "Could this be the might of the Element God?"

"The power of this blizzard, a fusion of elements, seems to surpass that of individual Divine Arts released separately."

A smile graced Lin Fann's refined features.

Lin Fann gazed at the thoroughly shattered barrier of the Divine Domain in the distance, as another alert sprang up on his interface.

Warning: The barrier of your Divine Domain has been breached.

Warning: The invader approaches with destructive intent.

Warning: The invasion has commenced. Prepare promptly.

Lin Fann turned to the Galens, now restless with the threat of invasion, and grinned. "Demacia Power, does it frighten you?"

His voice echoed across the heavens.

The Galens lifted their heads with fearless resolve, their gazes filled with awe for the divine.


"Protect our homeland!"

"Justice will prevail!"

"As long as we stand, the tower shall not fall!"

"Battle for the God of Demacia!"

The Galens stood resolute and unafraid. Though they lacked their great metal swords, they brandished hefty branches they had hewn from trees.

Lin Fann nodded. "The battle has begun."


The Big Galens cried out. After a brief exchange of looks, they surprisingly didn't charge straight at the breach in the barrier. Instead, they dove into a thicket. Their massive forms were completely hidden. A hundred Galens vanished into the grassland.

Lin Fann paused, then quickly grasped the situation.

"Typical Galen," he muttered to himself, somewhat bemused.

These Galens were tall, strong, and bore a simple, honest appearance. They were formidable as they chanted their slogans. Lin Fann had expected them to confront the invaders with undaunted courage.

Yet their approach to combat remained rudimentary.

In that moment, the grasslands within a ten-kilometer radius fell eerily silent, devoid of any presence.

It was as if the Divine Domain offered no resistance to the invasion.

In stark contrast to the tranquility here, the cracks in the Divine Domain's barrier to the east widened like a spider's web.

A group of diminutive figures stood silently just outside the breach.

The leading Rank Two Dwarf warrior stood slightly taller among the hundred Rude Dwarfs, resembling a general. As he faced this new world, he brandished his hefty sword.

"To battle!"

The dwarf warrior bellowed, and his compatriots echoed the call, advancing in a disciplined formation.

"For the alliance!"

"To conquer this world!"

"The gods will grant us abundant iron mines!"

Yi Rubing stood serenely above the dwarf army, gazing at the small, pitiable Divine Domain on the other side of the barrier, a smile playing on her lips. "Lin Fann, the theoretical genius."

"With such an onslaught, I wonder what formation you will choose for the Frog Man Clan to counterattack?"

But what greeted her was not a battle-ready army, but a raging blizzard!

The hail carried by the fierce winds reminded Yi Rubing, a Low Level God, of a sling.

The rain turned the ground to mud, and the snow made it even more slippery. The already slow-moving Dwarf army found it nearly impossible to advance, each step creating a deep, muddy pit.

The biting wind, laden with snow, caused the Dwarfs to shiver uncontrollably. They felt ice-cold and drained of strength, their morale plummeting so swiftly that even their previous shouts of defiance were silenced.

This was the might of the heavens!

Massive hailstones pummeled the Dwarf soldiers, quickly bringing down the Rude Dwarfs, who were meant to be the main force, as they cried out in agony.

One particularly unlucky Dwarf, after having his arm broken, lay on the ground wailing, only to have two of his front teeth knocked out by the hail before he could cry out again.

In just a few minutes, a dozen unfortunate Dwarfs were rendered incapable of fighting.

Yi Rubing was momentarily stunned by the sudden blizzard, but then she discovered, to her delight, that its force was even more formidable than she had anticipated.

Examining a hailstone the size of her fist, Yi Rubing gave a slight nod of approval. "No wonder the blizzard can take down Dwarfs. Without any protection, they're indeed vulnerable to such danger."

"Lin Fann is quite adept at combining his divine roles," she mused.

"He has given me a pleasant surprise. In the future, I can impart to him more knowledge about the use of Godhood."

"However, if he relies solely on Divine Arts, the battle will boil down to a depletion of Faith Points. Other Gods could counter him with equivalent Divine Arts. Whether he can destroy the enemy's Divine Domain Origin still depends on the strength of his Belief Clan."

"I'm eager to see if the Frog Man Clan you've nurtured will bring me as much of a surprise as your combination of Divine Arts."

Yi Rubing harbored little doubt about the blizzard's appearance.

After all, Lin Fann had registered as the Cold Winter God, and his ability to summon such a blizzard likely stemmed from using a Gale Card from the Wind God and a Storm Card from the Storm God.

It was a combination that proved to be quite impressive.

A hint of a smile graced Yi Rubing's usually cold expression, for Lin Fann had indeed provided her with a delightful surprise.

With a mere flicker of thought, Yi Rubing conjured a card in her hand.

She tossed the card, transforming it into a shower of light that instantly scattered the fierce blizzard, now overwhelmed by a more ferocious Divine Power.

"Lin, your Divine Arts have been unraveled. What strategy will you employ now?" she asked with a smile playing on her lips. Bending over her notebook, she scribbled diligently, standing by the breach in the barrier within the Divine Domain, meticulously documenting the events.

As the snowstorm abated, the dwarves' morale soared, and they pressed on towards the heart of the Divine Domain Origin.

With the dwarven forces delving deeper, Lin Fann's Divine Domain came into sharper focus for Yi Rubing.

"Lin's Divine Domain Origin seems quite unique."

"But why is there no resistance?"

"Even his Frog Man Clan has vanished."

"Does he intend to simply let my dwarven army obliterate his Divine Domain Origin?"

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