All Mankind Are Gods/C5 The Terrifying Galen
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All Mankind Are Gods/C5 The Terrifying Galen
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C5 The Terrifying Galen

Yi Rubing's brow furrowed.

During battle within the Divine Sense Connection Bracelet, even if their Divine Domain was shattered, their Divine Domain Origin would remain intact.

Yet Lin Fann showed no inclination to fight back, which Yi Rubing found repulsive.

"Is he concealing his true power?"

The dwarf army had reached the final grassland. If they crossed it, they could destroy the Blue Crystal. Yi Rubing watched, her confusion growing.

The dwarves, eyes alight with anticipation, were ecstatic at the sight of the nearby Blue Crystal.

"To conquer this world!"

"The Sovereign shall bestow upon us new iron mines!"

"For the iron mines!"

But as a Rude Dwarf set foot on the barren grassland, a voice echoed.


"Act swiftly!"

"Justice stands with me! Victory for justice!"

A bush quivered, and ten strapping men leaped out!

Their eyes gleamed with undaunted courage, their faces etched with triumphant grins. They hoisted their massive wooden clubs and knocked the Rude Dwarf unconscious!

By the time his companions realized what had happened, the ten men had vanished back into the bushes, disappearing from the grassland.

They dragged the stunned Rude Dwarf into the thick underbrush.

The rest of the Rude Dwarves halted in their tracks, eyeing the grassland with a newfound sense of dread.

They were baffled as to how the ten men had concealed themselves in the bushes.

Nor could they fathom why the ten men had dragged the unconscious Rude Dwarf into the underbrush.

Meanwhile, Yi Rubing was momentarily taken aback by the appearance of the ten robust men.


"But I was under the impression that Lin Fann's Belief Clan was the Frog Man Clan."

"Could the records be wrong? Is Lin Fann's true Belief Clan the Human Clan?"

Doubt flickered in Yi Rubing's gaze.

"His primary Belief Clan is the Human Clan, after all."

"How unfortunate."

"I had hoped Lin Fann would provide some element of surprise."

Yi Rubing exhaled a sigh.

The Human Clan is indeed a formidable race.

However, not every member of the Human Clan possesses great strength. Only once in a millennium, sometimes even longer, do a few exceptional humans emerge among them.

The most formidable humans were strong enough to slay dragons.

Yet, the majority of humans possessed limited combat abilities, often bordering on frailty.

The Human Clan was not well-suited to be considered a Belief Clan.

Despite their physical weaknesses, humans were incredibly intelligent.

Their strong sense of self made it difficult for them to hold steadfast beliefs. They wouldn't even engage in fanatical worship of a Low Level God who had ignited the Divine Flame.

Even when a god demonstrated their power, humans would rationalize it with what they believed to be scientific methods, rather than feeling awe.

However, humans were clever enough to create and utilize tools.

They could manufacture firearms, atomic bombs, and even theoretical weapons like laser and satellite cannons.

Yi Rubing once met a High Level God. In his Divine Domain, the Human Clan had evolved over tens of thousands of years. She saw firsthand how they used an atomic bomb to destroy an invader's Divine Domain.

But for the Human Clan to reach such a level, a significant amount of time and resources were required. A newly ascended Demigod who had just opened their Divine Domain couldn't achieve this.

The Human Clan was a Belief Clan with limitless potential but a very low starting point. Only High Level Gods would dare to attempt cultivating the Human Clan, which was considered the weakest among Belief Clans.

Yi Rubing felt a twinge of disappointment: "It seems Lin Fann won't be bringing any surprises."

"Without metal weapons, a hundred humans would struggle to contend with a hundred Rude Dwarves. It looks like Lin Fann is headed for a resounding defeat in the upcoming simulation test."

"I should probably advise him to just skip tomorrow's monthly exam."

However, before Yi Rubing's disappointment could fade, something astonishing occurred.

To her amazement, she noticed that of the hundred Rude Dwarves who had entered the grassland, over thirty had vanished.

"What just happened?" Yi Rubing hadn't expected that in the few minutes she was preoccupied, over thirty Rude Dwarves would disappear.

"Could there have been a battle?"

"No, that can't be right; there are no traces of combat here. The aftermath of a battle wouldn't be this pristine."

"The thirty-plus Rude Dwarves have completely vanished."

In Lin Fann's Divine Domain, each Rude Dwarf wore an expression of fear. Clutching their weapons tightly, they scanned their surroundings. The towering shrubs stood eerily silent until one began to quiver.

"Be careful!"

"Let's charge together!"

The Rank Two dwarf warrior commanded with no room for doubt. At his behest, the dwarves quickly formed ranks. Weapons at the ready, they approached the trembling underbrush with caution.

But before they could advance even two steps, a cry rang out.


"The righteous will always prevail!"

From behind, dozens of burly men leaped from the shrubbery.

Without a moment's hesitation, they knocked out the unsuspecting Rude Dwarves and disappeared back into the foliage, taking several captives with them.

When the remaining Rude Dwarves turned back, the bushes, now stirred by the wind, were silent once more.

"What is this place?"

"Great Sovereign, protect us!"

"I want to go home!"

"Silence! The Sovereigns command us to conquer this world; we must not be driven off by fear!"

"They aren't so frightening!"

"For the Sovereigns, for the faith of our people, we must fight!"

The Rude Dwarves bolstered each other's courage, though some were still visibly shaken by the eerie spectacle.

"This is a clever strategy," Yi Rubing remarked with a smile, pleasantly surprised by Lin Fann's ingenuity. The Human Clan had managed to use the underbrush to their advantage against the Rude Dwarves.

"Such a shame, though, that they are still the weaker Human Clan," she mused. "This tactic might work against the clumsy Rude Dwarves, but against the towering, strong, and quick Half-Orcs, it would be tantamount to suicide."

Her smile lingered, but then Lin Fann's voice echoed through the Divine Domain.

"There are only about forty or fifty Rude Dwarves left; you needn't be so wary."

"Demacia Power, attack!"

At his command, the grasses around them burst into life, shaking vigorously.

Galen and his comrades heard the summons of the Sovereign.


"We have to defend the tower!"

"Fear not, I stand with you!"

One by one, warriors leapt from the underbrush, encircling the remaining forty to fifty Rude Dwarves.

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