All Mankind Are Gods/C6 This Is the Human Clan
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All Mankind Are Gods/C6 This Is the Human Clan
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C6 This Is the Human Clan

Yi Rubing let out a sigh upon witnessing the scene.

"Lin Fann, as a newly risen Demigod, has been a bit too careless."

"If he had continued to exploit the dwarves' clumsiness and maintained the guerrilla tactics we saw earlier, he might have ended up losing at most a dozen Human Clan Believers."

"Instead, he forwent that approach, opting to have the Human Clan engage directly with the bumbling yet formidable dwarf army..."

"The frail Human Clan could very well be annihilated."

Yi Rubing jotted down this observation in her notebook, the flicker of hope that had just sparked within her quickly fading away.

But then, in the next instant.

Her hand, clutching the pen, began to tremble as she stared, dumbfounded, at the "frail" Human Clan.

In the quiet thicket stood a hundred strapping men, their bulging muscles stretching the fabric of their linen clothes, making them appear as imposing as hills, each brandishing a massive wooden club akin to a young tree.

They faced the dwarves undaunted.

Even more so.

Their gazes upon the Rank Two dwarf warrior were filled with an itching readiness for combat!

Yi Rubing swallowed hard: "The Human Clan... since when did they become like this?"


The dwarves, confronting these "frail" humans, all shared the same incredulous thought.

Is this humanity?

Are these humans?

Before me stand these towering, muscular figures, averaging over two meters tall, resembling bulls in their stature, and you're telling me these are humans?

The dwarves, merely about a meter in height, wielded their hefty iron hammers with robust arms.

Yet in this moment, facing these Herculean men, they felt as insignificant as chicks.

"Demacia Power, to the front!"

"The great Sovereign watches over us, Hephaestus lights our path!"


"Defend our land!"

"Annihilate these vile invaders right here!"

"For justice! For Demacia!"

The Galens roared their battle cries and charged at the dwarves.

Under the watchful eye of the Sovereign, they were fearless.

A zealous fervor for battle enveloped them.

As the dwarves confronted Galen's swinging staves, they instinctively met them with their massive hammers. But their unbreakable hammers were effortlessly knocked aside, followed by a crushing blow raining down upon them.

Some Galens, caught up in the thrill of battle, discarded their clubs and used their fists—each as large as a sandbag—to pummel a dwarf relentlessly. Towering over two meters tall, these muscular men faced the one-meter-high dwarves as if adults had stepped into a kindergarten. The battle quickly became a one-sided affair.

"How can these humans be so strong?" they wondered.

A Rank Two dwarf warrior was overwhelmed by three Galens, disarmed, and knocked to the ground. Yi Rubing watched in astonishment. Dwarves, while not as powerful and quick as Half-Orcs, were formidable Rank One warriors with considerable strength. Yet, the humans, once considered physically weak...

"Species mutation?" The thought suddenly crossed Yi Rubing's mind.

She observed a wounded Galen retreat from the fray, rest for a mere half-minute, and then, as his wounds visibly healed, rejoin the battle with renewed vigor. Yi Rubing's eyes widened in amazement.

"It's a racial mutation, indeed," she concluded. "And they've gained an impressive healing ability."

Yi Rubing realized that the dwarf she had sent as a test had been defeated. Against this bizarre Human Clan, the dwarves stood no chance at all.

The subsequent scene unfolded just as Yi Rubing had anticipated—a brutal slaughter. The ground was strewn with the shattered, disordered remains of dwarf corpses. A hundred dwarves, renowned for their strength, were no match for the Galens, who fought with the nobility of brothers. Even the fully armored Rank Two dwarf warrior was stripped of his armor and disarmed by the Galens. One Galen seized his sword, cried out "Long live Demacia!" and decapitated the dwarf warrior.


Prompt: Your blizzard has been neutralized by the invader.

Prompt: The invader is stricken with fear in the grass, their morale waning.

Prompt: A fierce battle has erupted between the invader and your Human Clan Believer.

Prompt: The conflict intensifies. Your believers feel your watchful eye and divine grace, emboldening them.

Prompt: The invaders have been vanquished; your Human Clan Believers are victorious.

Prompt: Battle casualties, 0. Enemies slain, 100.

System Notification: The faith of the invaders has crumbled. You have gained 2,000 Faith Points.

Lin Fann's interface continually updated, presenting the life-and-death struggle between the two races in a digitized display before him.

After the battle concluded, Lin Fann received his reward for defeating the invader.

Had the invader been successful, Lin Fann's followers' faith would have crumbled, granting the invader Faith Points.

However, successfully repelling the invader also came with its own rewards.

Galen, having ended the battle, rested for only a short while—mere minutes—before his wounds were completely healed.

"Such remarkable regenerative powers."

"This victory was nothing short of overwhelming."

Lin Fann nodded contentedly. Once Galen had recuperated, he arranged the dwarves' heads at the altar beneath the Divine Domain Origin. Amidst the night, a bonfire was kindled, and they roasted wild rabbits and pheasants in celebration.

"Thanks be to the divine for your protection!"

"It is by God's grace that we have triumphed!"

"Great Element God, Demacia God, Hephaestus, you guide our path forward!"

The voices of the Galens were filled with boundless zeal, their joy in victory deepening their reverence for Lin Fann.

Reminder: Following the battle's victory, your Galens have grown even more devout.

Tip: You have gained 2000 Faith Points.

Notification: The battle's trials have fortified your followers; thirty-six have ascended to Rank Two, enhancing their abilities and mastering Fatal Strike.

Notification: Your Divine Domain has advanced to Rank Two. You may now choose whether to use Divine Power to evolve your Rank One Galens to Rank Two, with each evolution costing one hundred Faith Points.

Without hesitation, Lin Fann commanded, "Evolve them all."

The azure crystal began to spin, casting beams of blue light that cascaded over each Galen.

In an instant, the Galens seemed to absorb a mysterious power, growing more formidable in stature and gaining a new skill.

"Fatal Strike (Level One),

Unyielding in battle, Galen can shed all slowing effects and gains a 30% increase in movement speed. With tremendous force, he delivers a powerful blow, inflicting greater damage and throwing the enemy Mage's magic into disarray for 1.5 seconds."

Lin Fann observed the transformation and quickly grasped the implications.


It was identical to Galen's Q ability in LoL, complete with the Mage's silencing effect.

Lin Fann wasn't too concerned about the 6,400 Faith Points he had spent. The recent victory had netted him 4,000 Faith Points, meaning he had only really expended 2,400. Considering he was able to advance all the Galens to Rank Two, it felt like a bargain.

"A Rank Two Divine Domain... seems like it can house four different races now."

"I should try to acquire a few Race Cards when I get the chance."

Just then, a prompt appeared.

Reminder: Yi Rubing (the homeroom teacher of 11th grade, Class 5) has requested to speak with you.

System Notification: Would you like to accept?

While Lin Fann was reveling in his triumph, two notifications popped up on his display.

This was a conversation request facilitated by the divine consciousness connector.


Lin Fann didn't hesitate; Yi Rubing was his homeroom teacher, after all.

The moment the connection was made, a voice tinged with amusement, almost shattering her stern teacher persona, came through: "Lin, you've really surprised me."

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