All Mankind Are Gods/C7 The Giant Kun Attacked
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All Mankind Are Gods/C7 The Giant Kun Attacked
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C7 The Giant Kun Attacked

Yi Rubing sat in her office, simultaneously managing several battles, when she chuckled and said, "You little rascal, you even kept it from your teacher. Were you trying to conceal your true strength?"

"You previously claimed your first Belief Clan was the Frog Man Clan."

"Turns out, it's a mutated Human Clan... Huh? Did he just advance to Rank Two?"

Yi Rubing's voice, laced with both surprise and a hint of reproach, echoed through the phone call.

Indeed, a promising seedling had emerged in her class, and he had kept it a secret from her.

Yi Rubing was at a loss for words.

Overall, though, she was more delighted than anything else.

"I never imagined my hunch would actually pan out—I've truly found a seedling with incredible potential and unparalleled talent."

The transformation of the frail Human Clan into a group of towering men over two meters tall didn't strike Yi Rubing as odd.

As the Wisdom God, an expert in studying low-level races and unlocking racial secrets, she was aware that while racial mutations were uncommon, they were not unheard of.

In the God Realm, there was even a niche market where High Level Gods could alter the bloodlines of a Belief Clan through blessings or the use of Divine Power.

They would dilute the blood of formidable beings and infuse it into the champions of a race.

Over time, with the race's propagation, its bloodline would gradually shift and stabilize, becoming the dominant strain and thus successfully mutating.

This was the origin of superior races, such as the Draconians and the Grand Mages.

Some God Descent Clans also originated in this way.

"Yet, even so, for a Demigod who hasn't even kindled his Divine Flame and has just birthed a Belief Clan..."

"The occurrence of such a mutation is quite remarkable."

Yi Rubing then mused, "However, your Human Clan, though strong, seems to be few in number. Haven't they reproduced this past month...?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Fann's lips twitched slightly.

If Lin Fann's Frog Man Clan had continued to reproduce until now, their numbers would have reached at least two hundred.

Lin Fann only had a hundred Galens... Had Yi Rubing figured it out?

Before Lin Fann could offer any excuses, Yi Rubing's face lit up with realization. "Ha, you're not very lucky, starting off with a hundred strong men... Never mind, we'll wait until the arrival of the second Belief Clan before we tackle the issue of reproduction."

Had Yi Rubing not mentioned it, Lin Fann might not have noticed the trend.

His Demacia Power clan was, it seemed, entirely composed of brawny men...

There was no helping it; that was simply the way Big Galen was designed.

He needed to quickly introduce a female clan to address the reproduction dilemma.

"Okay, enough about that. For this month's test, I'm going to pit you against a formidable opponent, so prepare carefully. Keep up the good work," Yi Rubing said before ending the call.

Prompt: The communication connection has been severed.

Prompt: The Divine Domain barrier has been resealed.

After wrapping up, Lin Fann looked down at the Galens still reveling below, his smile unwavering.

Today had indeed brought unexpected joys.

Glancing at the time, his parents would soon be off work, and it was time for him to head back to the God Realm.

"Disconnect from the Divine Domain, return to the God Realm."


With a hum, the Divine Sense Connection Bracelet vibrated faintly, emitting a blue light, and Lin Fann's thoughts withdrew from the Divine Domain as he opened his eyes.

His bedroom was modest, barely ten square meters, furnished with just a single bed, a desk, and a wardrobe.

Lin Fann switched off the bracelet and rose from the bed, taking a deep breath.

He felt invigorated.

Connecting to the Divine Domain through the bracelet was akin to sleeping, with his consciousness dwelling within the Divine Domain, safeguarded by the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet. Even a newly initiated Demigod wouldn't get lost amidst the variances in time flow and the shift between planes.

Checking the time again, it was just past nine in the evening.

"My parents aren't back yet; they must be working late," Lin Fann mused, recalling that his predecessor's parents were civil servants, often staying late for meetings.

Though he was unclear on the specifics of their jobs, they were secure and safe roles, likely as civilian staff within the military.

Lin Fann expertly prepared a bowl of instant noodles in the living room. Once he finished his meal, he grabbed a pen and paper from the table to map out his next steps.

The monthly exam was tomorrow.

"The one who shattered the former owner's Divine Domain... was it Liu Chuan?"

"The Half-Orc race, particularly the wolf-men, seem to have formidable offensive attributes..."

"This will be an act of vengeance."

Lin Fann inhaled deeply.

Armed with a hundred Rank Two Big Galens, his confidence was unshakable.

He was determined to show Liu Chuan the true might of Demacia Power.

Relaxing his clenched fists, Lin Fann gazed out at the new world beyond the window.

Ribbons of light danced between towering buildings—some exuded a futuristic, technological aura, while others boasted a wilder aesthetic, complete with the roars of beasts echoing from within.

The 'vehicles' on the streets were a revelation to Lin Fann. Instead of cars, there were bizarre creatures and high-tech transports, including a T-Rex in full sprint, bearing a deity on its back.

"To ignite the Divine Flame is to ascend to true godhood, allowing one to externalize the races within their world and harness the technology developed by the inhabitants of the Divine Domain."

"One can even bring the Divine Domain itself to descend and serve their purposes."

"Some formidable beings can lead their followers to conquer other dimensions."

Lin Fann's understanding of the strength of this world's civilization deepened.

Suddenly, a jarring alarm pierced the air.

An urgent alert resonated throughout Cold Jadite City, sending pedestrians scurrying for cover inside nearby buildings, their faces etched with fear and urgency.

The earth quaked.

The heavens fractured!

A massive, breathtaking shadow loomed from the fissure above.

A whale of colossal proportions, its size rivaling half of Cold Jadite City, floated like an island adrift in the sky.

The whale drifted serenely, its vast tail fins swaying with deceptive slowness, yet it moved with astonishing velocity.

A deep, resonant roar echoed across the land.

"Attention, citizens, attention, citizens. Cold Jadite City is under attack by a Rank Eleven Giant Kun and has entered a state of combat readiness."

"The defense system is now active! I repeat, the defense system is now active! Please remain indoors!"

With the announcement's echo, a series of light barriers materialized above Cold Jadite City, enveloping it in a seemingly impenetrable shield.


The light barriers inadvertently caught the attention of a Rank Eleven Giant Kun in search of food. With a powerful flick of its massive tail fin, the colossal creature plummeted towards Cold Jadite City, its gaping maw threatening to engulf the city whole!

And the target of its descent was none other than Lin Fann!

As the Giant Kun made contact, the light barriers shattered layer by layer.

It was at this critical moment that two figures suddenly appeared beneath the Giant Kun.

In comparison to the behemoth, they were mere specks.

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