All Mankind Are Gods/C8 The Guardian God
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All Mankind Are Gods/C8 The Guardian God
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C8 The Guardian God

As the two individuals confronted the Giant Kun, their gaze held not a trace of fear.

Their faces, obscured by silver masks, glinted with an icy sheen.

In the instant they appeared, Lin Fann's bracelet vibrated sharply, and the chat channels of Cold Jadite City lit up with activity!

The reason was unmistakable.

The silver masks!

The military's Guardian Gods!

In the Scorching Sun Empire, each city was protected by a single, absolute powerhouse. However, Cold Jadite City, for special reasons, had two.

Each Guardian God was the stuff of legends.

Nobody knew the names or faces hidden beneath those masks, but that did nothing to diminish the Guardian Gods' prestige among the deities.

These were the mightiest of Gods!

Lin Fann tuned into the Cold Jadite City chat channel to find the once tense communications now swamped with a barrage of messages.

"We're in the clear, this round is ours!"

"Of all the times for the Giant Kun to show up, it had to pick a fight with a Guardian God."

"Two Guardian Gods showing up at once... Hehe, talk about bad luck for the Kun."

"I've heard our Guardian Gods are two Rank Fifteen High Level Gods!"

"Quiet down, everyone. Let's watch the masters at work."

Lin Fann watched with excitement from his window. This was a Guardian God in action!

Every young man dreamed of embodying the military's ultimate strength, just like these Guardians.

This thought led Lin Fann to reflect on his own parents, civil servants like him, but the gap between their roles was immense.

After the arrival of the two Guardian Gods, one of them extended a hand towards the plummeting Giant Kun.

"Don't kill it, this is a rare species," cautioned the other Guardian God.

"Understood." The extending Guardian God nodded, adding with a smile, "Our child has just established his Divine Domain, and with his birthday approaching, I'll see if I can tame this Kun for him."

The hand was delicate and smooth as jade, belying the battle-hardened Guardian God it belonged to, resembling more the hand of a well-cared-for matron.

Yet, it was this very hand that brought the massive Giant Kun, nearly blotting out the sky, to a sudden and complete halt.

"Enter my Divine Domain, and you shall not die." The Guardian God spoke slowly, holding back the Giant Kun with a single hand.


Provoked into a frenzy, the Giant Kun struggled violently, desperate to escape the grip of the arm.

The Guardian God holding the Giant Kun let out a cold snort, tightening his grip even further, and said icily, "Do you really think I can't handle you?"

Another Guardian God sighed, "Let it go. The Giant Kun's ferocity is unchangeable. If we keep this up, we're bound to bring down a few buildings. Just put an end to it."

"What a shame. I had wanted to give it as a gift to a child. Guess I'll just head to the market later and pick up a fish for soup," lamented the Guardian God who had hoped to tame the Giant Kun.

In the next instant, a colossal Dark Dragon materialized beside her.

Spanning thousands of miles, it spiraled through the sky, obscuring the moonlight with its dark scales that seemed to absorb all light.

A Rank Fifteen beast, the Dark Dragon, a devourer of light.

As soon as the Dark Dragon appeared, the Giant Kun sensed an untouchable presence and abandoned its previous aggression, turning to flee.



At the sound of the dragon's roar, the Dark Dragon clamped its jaws around the Giant Kun, its venom flooding the creature's body in an instant.

The Rank Eleven Giant Kun stood no chance against the higher-ranked beast's dominance.

The Dark Dragon opened its gaping maw, coiled around the immobile giant, and swallowed it whole.

The grinding crunch echoed through Cold Jadite City, leaving it eerily quiet.

The two Guardian Gods glanced over the crowd, retracted the Dark Dragon, and vanished from sight.

From start to finish, their presence lasted less than three minutes.

Peace was restored as if the Giant Kun had never existed, now just a meal for the Rank Fifteen Dark Dragon.

The chat channels of Cold Jadite City buzzed anew.

"The Guardian God is incredible!"

"My God, is this what a High Level God is like?"

"A Rank Fifteen Dark Dragon as a disciple... I doubt I could even take on a disciple of the Guardian God."

"Cut it out, who could possibly defeat it? This Dark Dragon is a devout follower raised by the Guardian God! It might even be a chosen Guardian from the Dragon Clan."

Lin Fann, having witnessed everything, was profoundly shaken.

"Is this what battle looks like in the God Realm?"

"Guardian Gods..."

"This is what a true god is."

A deep sense of awe and longing for the two Guardian Gods welled up inside Lin Fann.

Just then, a notification popped up.

Tip: User Lin Weimao is requesting communication.

Tip: Accept the communication request?

It was his dad calling.

Lin Fann quickly answered.

"Hey, Dad, what's up?"

"Haha, nothing much. Didn't a Giant Kun just show up near our place? I'm just checking in to see if you're okay, not too shaken up, right?" A voice full of concern came through the line.

Lin Fann felt a warmth in his heart: "I'm fine. The Guardian God showed up just in time and drove the Giant Kun away. The Guardian God is truly formidable."

"Of course, I... uh, I mean, the Guardian God is certainly formidable." Lin Weimao, seated at the command center, was abruptly cut off mid-sentence by a pinch from the woman next to him, causing him to quickly correct himself with an awkward chuckle, "I've got an emergency meeting to attend, so I won't be home tonight. Tomorrow's your birthday, and your mom is going to buy a fish to make you soup for dinner. Make sure you come home early after school."

"Ah, the price of fish these days is outrageous. It used to be 50 Faith Points a pound, now it's shot up to over 80. We might as well just get some cheaper fish and make do..." Lin Weimao started to ramble on about household matters.

Lin Fann couldn't help but feel resigned.

He thought about the Guardian Gods, who could split mountains and shatter the earth with a mere gesture, extinguishing a Giant Kun with a snap of their fingers.

Then there was his own dad, fretting over the cost of a fish...

Both were civil servants, yet the gap between them was vast.

But after all, it was his dad. Lin Fann had long since understood that his father's meager civil servant salary led to his penny-pinching ways. He simply nodded in agreement: "Okay, I got it. Come home early and stay safe."

"Hehe, okay, okay, okay. Head back early and stay safe," Lin Weimao said with a chuckle, nodding enthusiastically as he repeated the words before disconnecting the call.

Removing the silver mask from his face, Lin Weimao turned to the woman beside him who had also removed her mask and changed out of her Guardian God uniform. He grinned and said, "Raising our son was worth it. Out of everyone here, he's the one reminding us to be careful."

"Did you hear how our son complimented us earlier? Said we were impressive, hehe..."

"You're always so easily amused," Loong Yitong said with a resigned look, glancing at Lin Weimao. She gestured with her hand, summoning a glowing orb of blood. "This is the blood essence from the Giant Kun's lineage. Add it to the Fish Soup tomorrow for our son to drink. And don't forget, tomorrow he's due to cultivate the second Belief Clan."

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