All My Subordinates Are Beauties/C20 The duel above the nine dragons
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All My Subordinates Are Beauties/C20 The duel above the nine dragons
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C20 The duel above the nine dragons

The sapphire blue body of armor nimbly flipped in the air, dodging the two beams of laser light that were shooting straight at it! In the cockpit, Zhao Changlong clearly felt the medical treatment device that was fixed to his heart trembling under the immense pressure: "Humph, this little bit of pain can't hurt me!" Even though his mouth said it was very relaxed, Zhao Changlong's whole body was still spasming from the intense pain. He breathed heavily and took out a handful of capsules, then stuffed them back into his mouth.

"Zhao Changlong, Zhao Changlong, is that you? Answer me now! "Don't think that you'll be fine just because you're not talking. I know it's definitely yours. Turn on your communication device to the 263 frequency right now!"

Under the open helmet mask, Zhao Changlong's face was covered in sweat and he revealed a wry smile: "Your grandmother Li Yuanba, I'm not deaf! What the f * * k are you screaming for! " Zhao Changlong turned the communication device on the left side to the public frequency and cursed into his headphones in an even louder tone than Li Yuanba.

"Sh * t! As expected, it really is you!"

In RK-2000's cockpit, Li Yuanba clenched his teeth as he covered his buzzing ears. He wished he could immediately beat up the blue FL-77 on the screen, but at the same time, he also clearly understood in his heart: the title "Azure Dragon of the Sky", which had a total piloting time of over 10 thousand hours, wasn't obtained out of nowhere!

77 once again with the fluent posture of a real bird, threw the two laser beams of RK-2000 into the night sky, only to see that under the wide wings on both sides of 77's body, there were a series of sparks flying from the inverted decahedron rocket launcher: RK-2000's head combat device The Balkan cannon roared fiercely, and several rocket missiles that pulled the light tail created a chain explosion in mid-air! Long Jiao clenched her teeth and desperately stabilized her body's balance as the cockpit violently shook. Li Yuanba stuck out her tongue when she saw the red signal on the state screen that showed her right arm's strength was reduced …

"Obediently die — — Li Yuanba!"

Zhao Changlong's angry roar resounded in Li Yuanba's ears, but the screen in front of him had already disappeared? "Damn it, when did you get up there!" The sharp enemy plane rapidly approached the alarm. Li Yuanba raised his head and pulled on the handlebars — — RK-2000, raising his left hand as fast as he could, did not even have the time to open up the huge laser gun placed on his arm. A thin red line had already flashed out from the top of the shield: the long gun body that was flying at a high speed had gone astray, now it had turned into a human form, wielding the military knife in his left hand and using his right hand to undo the insurance of the physical bullets hanging at his waist, the armor machine gun once again charging up from below!

He decisively threw away the half-destroyed spear in his left hand, and the middle part of RK-2000's extended palm quickly formed into a blue blade-like particle beam. The moment it collided with the red-colored instantaneous slash blade, a fierce electrical spark flashed! RK-2000's right arm swung down brazenly with the laser rifle butt in its hands. Clutching on the huge spear, a strong pressure caused Zhao Changlong, who was in the cockpit, to feel a salty sensation in his mouth. After wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand while gasping for breath, he stepped heavily on the pedals – with the piercing sound of metal clashing, he aimed his side kick at RK-2000 like a taekwondo athlete and gave it his all: "Ah!" Amidst Long Jiao and Feng Jiao's panicked shouts, Li Yuanba, who was similarly pressed down by the sudden impact, desperately pressed down on the yellow button on the left side of the control stick! Roaring, RK-2000's left palm began to rapidly turn — along with the spinning palm, the right hand holding the blade was cut off!

"Your mother's stinking brat is really hard to deal with!"

The red eye on the cross shaped geometric face flashed furiously. The two large-caliber rotary cannons abruptly shot out from the shoulder plate that had been opened up! However, just when Zhao Changlong was preparing to press the fire button, suddenly, amidst the ear-piercing screeching of the thermal radar beside him, he reflexively opened the rear viewfinder screen — Under the cover of the night, a blue and white mobile armor equipped with a large amount of four base jet carrier was aimed at him with a strange "weapon" in hand!

"Humph, a sniper, right? It won't be that easy to sneak attack me!"

Zhao Changlong, who did not know anything about the special mobile armor for field interviews from his own knowledge, sneered and pressed the red button on the joystick. He saw 77 nimbly turning around in the air and using his left hand to grasp the gray handle of the armor on his right shoulder accurately.


The rapid expansion of the terrifying rebound darts on the screen and the clear and real siren ringing in his ears! Klara originally wanted to hide in the dark and secretly "sit on the back of the mountain and watch the battle", but she never expected that she would become Zhao Changlong's target! With the unendurable G force of the quadruple flight vehicle at full throttle, Clara turned her body with all her might and watched the darts arcing through the air gradually veering off their course of action. Just as she was about to feel relieved, she felt the cockpit shake violently from the sudden roar! Clara could see on the screen that one of the engines that was reminding her of a flying vehicle had exploded!

"What are you doing!?" I am not your target! "

The red warning light in Clara's angry cry flashed mercilessly again: the single blood-red eye in the center of the cruciform face that had suddenly filled the screen — Clara, who hated herself for driving a battle armor that was not designed for combat, let go of the joystick and shut her eyes.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Clara's body swayed as she opened her eyes: the arms in front of her were shaking as if she were a real human being! RK-2000, who was behind him, had already been holding back the two struggling arms with his own arms. "…?" Looking at this shocking scene, Clara's eyes were wide open. She had actually forgotten that she was in such a dangerous situation!

"Don't just stand there like a fool — Klara, what are you doing here, get out of here while you can still move!"

Through the headphones, she could hear Li Yuanba gritting his teeth in anger and shock her: "Ah, yes, yes!" With a frantic promise, Clara began to struggle with the heavy body, which was no longer at her command.

"Don't joke around — Letting the enemy retreat from under my watch is not my style!"

Clara felt another violent explosion behind her in the midst of the roar of the rotary cannon: two of the four basic vehicles had been destroyed — JS09 was one of those lightweight armor, but it was still too heavy for just two of them, and with the intermittent cough of the ejector, JS09 was gradually accelerating its descent!

The speedometer, which was gradually increasing its falling speed, actually stopped moving all of a sudden. "Captain Li, me!" Looking at the RK-2000 that was trying its best to climb up from the screen, Clara was left speechless for a moment.

"Zhao Changlong, you're f * cking crazy!" You are actually attacking even though you know it is a civil aircraft that has no way of resisting! "

"I don't care that much – for the sake of Little Fei's life, I've already tossed this life of mine to the back of my mind. Now, I don't care whether it's despicable or not: as long as I can defeat you, I can do anything!"


The originally heavy and cumbersome RK-2000 coupled with the fact that JS09 had no way of dodging at all due to the need of protection in her hands — under the powerful impact, Li Yuanba and Long Jiufeng, the two sisters, were once again knocked around! Outside, 77 tightly gripped RK-2000's thick arms and legs, which were much more fragile than a regular mobile armor, against the lower abdomen of the upper body of the RK-2000 (because of his knowledge of mobile armor, he thought that part should be the cockpit).

"Your mother's Zhao Changlong — you're too despicable!"

The continuous vibrations made Li Yuanba feel as if the seatbelt on his body was being tightened and his blood vessels were about to explode!

"Hmph, I said it before: for my younger sister, Little Fei, I've already forgotten all about life and dignity! As long as I can defeat you, I will give up on anything! "

At the same time, in the cockpit that was also shaking intensely, Zhao Changlong had already taken off the helmet on his head. He was already sweating and stuck his jet-black short hair close to his forehead, his bloodshot eyes staring straight at the RK-2000.

"What did you say? What happened to Little Fei?"

"None of your business. In the end, you have to take responsibility for what happened to Little Fei!"


Red blood mixed with tears trickled down his lips as he said, "It's all because of you. If one day you hadn't gone to that damn black market in weapons, if you hadn't been involved with me, if I hadn't hardened my heart and didn't bring you to my house, none of this would have happened! In the end, it's all because of you, the busybody! "

At this moment, Zhao Changlong's face had an unprecedented malevolence on it — 77 as he howled in pain and raised his angry iron fist high into the air!

"You nosy bastard, Li Yuanba, just give me your life!"

"F * cking – how could an Elementary Scholar meet a soldier and say such a thing?!"

A light Balkan cannon at such a close range was a trivial matter for a 77's armor. Regardless of which type of powerful weapon was used, it would be equivalent to suicide! Looking at the iron fist that was swung down brazenly on the screen, Li Yuanba, Long Jiao, and Feng Jiao who had no way of displaying their skills could not help but cling onto the control board, ready to endure this round of impact!


The medically-controlled iron plate tightly covering his heart seemed to tremble violently — as Zhao Changlong's expression suddenly froze, the iron fist that was about to touch RK-2000's lower abdomen miraculously came to a halt! "No, no — how can it be at such a crucial moment!" Clutching the chest that was about to explode, the empty bottle in Zhao Changlong's hand slowly fell down …

"Captain, this is a good chance!"

Opening his eyes, he saw the 77 that seemed to have suddenly stopped. Amidst Long Jiao's loud shouts, Li Yuanba had already turned on the maximum power unit in his hand!

"Patience - look at me now!"

RK-2000's eight giant jets of fire lit up the blue sky – Grabbing onto the 77 motionless in front of him, holding onto the JS09: three mobile armors, slashing across the blue night sky like falling meteors! Amidst the deafening roar, a black fog slowly rose from the depths of the tall mountain.

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