Almighty Pretending System/C7 We Have to Play with a Few Old People Every Year
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Almighty Pretending System/C7 We Have to Play with a Few Old People Every Year
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C7 We Have to Play with a Few Old People Every Year

He knew that his son liked to go racing and there were many accidents, so the Mrs Wang was prepared to take the rain and had long since prepared to use his son's assessment.

She had lost her husband at an early age, and by relying on her strong means alone, she managed the entire Wang Family to a whole new level, no worse than the other two families.

But no matter how strong the woman was, she was still a woman. Her only son, Wang Feng, was her weak spot.

Wang Feng had been doted upon by her since young, and no matter what kind of disaster was created, he would take care of it, so much so that he developed Wang Feng's unruly personality.

With his mother as a shield, what was there to be afraid of, Wang Feng?

"It's that darn poor student!"

Wang Feng told everything to his mother. Mrs Wang did not have any intention to blame her son, but instead fiercely said: "Son, just you wait, mom will help you!"

Zhou Xiaofei didn't know that not only was he being targeted by Wang Feng, he was being targeted by the terrifying Mrs Wang as well.

After Hee Na returned home, all he could think about was what kind of present she would like to buy when she went to eat at her girlfriend's house.

His family's financial situation was ordinary, expensive things are hard to buy heart, cheap things to buy and then feel ashamed, buy what good?

Since he couldn't think of any good gifts, Zhou Xiaofei scratched his scalp: "What should he do? "What should we do?"

Just as Zhou Xiaofei was thinking about what to gift, he saw a group of people in front of him, surrounding him and talking about something.

When he got closer to take a look, he discovered that there was an old grandpa sitting on the ground. He was groaning and looked like he had fallen down.

"Aiyo, it hurts so much! Someone help my old man!"

The old man turned to the passersby for help. A few young men wanted to help, but they were stopped by someone beside him. "Young man, listen to my aunt's words of advice. There is no time to repay this kindness!"

"That's right. With the old man's support, the BMW will become a bicycle!"

The youngsters were frightened. Although they couldn't bear to do so, in the end, they didn't go to help. "Let's call the hospital and get an ambulance …"

"And no!" I heard that a young man called an ambulance, and the old man's son insisted that he had knocked him down. Not to mention the medical expenses, but also a large amount of spiritual loss. The judge said, Why did you call an ambulance if it wasn't you? It really makes people speechless! "

These youngsters were frightened by the surrounding onlookers. No one really dared to support them.

The old man was on the verge of tears. "Who's supporting me? I won't lie to you, wuu …

Zhou Xiaofei's parents were both teachers, and the education he received since he was young was to respect the elderly, to help others and make them happy.

He also knew what the passersby were talking about. Originally, he didn't dare to help, but seeing the old man crying so bitterly, his heart softened. He immediately walked over to the old man and helped him up.

He was afraid that he might be too slow, so when the people beside him advised him, he was like those young men and did not dare to help anymore.

Everyone gave Zhou Xiaofei a thumbs up, "Young man, you have guts! Aren't you afraid of losing everything? "

Zhou Xiaofei laughed dryly twice, and said with ridicule: "It's nothing, every year I have to help a few old people play around."

"Beep, beep. You succeeded in acting cool." This act rendered everyone speechless. There was nothing they could say. The appraisal level was the highest. The number of people being postured is fourteen, the reward is 700 act tough points, and the current number of act tough points is 716. "

To heaven and earth, Zhou Xiaofei only wanted to make fun of his, but did not expect the system to say that he had succeeded in acting cool.

However, when he heard that he had earned so many points in one go, Zhou Xiaofei did not care about science or science, and was overjoyed: "Didn't you say that you could exchange for a skill that would allow you to quickly earn big money with 500 points? Exchange it right now, I want to quickly make a fortune! "

"No problem, but you have to solve the problem first." The system's words were unfathomable, causing Zhou Xiaofeiyi to freeze in place. "What trouble …"

"Don't run, you think you can run after colliding with me?" The old man who was crying and begging just now suddenly became lively, grabbing onto Zhou Xiaofei's sleeves tightly as he widened his eyes and shouted loudly.

Zhou Xiaofei finally understood what the System meant by "trouble", and could not help but scold, "F * ck you!".

Seeing Zhou Xiaofei's quick change in expression, everyone secretly shook their heads: Young lad, previously, your luck was good, every year you could help a few old men play with you. Unfortunately, your luck isn't good this year. If you support this one, you might even lose the money to buy spicy gluten.

Zhou Xiaofei had once again entered the police station and was dragged inside by the old man and his son.

When Ding Chuan saw that Zhou Xiaofei had returned, he could not help but ask curiously, "Zhou Xiaofei, why are you here again?"

Zhou Xiaofei was very depressed: "Bureau Chief, stop talking, sigh …"

Zhou Xiaofei recounted what happened to him, but the old man and his son held onto him tightly, unwilling to let him go. They wanted to say that Zhou Xiaofei knocked the old man down, and wanted Zhou Xiaofei to compensate them with twenty thousand yuan.

The two parties had their own opinions, the police all knew this clearly in their hearts. However, this kind of thing was too difficult to prove, so they were all advising Zhou Xiaofei to buy a lesson for himself.

Zhou Xiaofei closed his eyes and did not say anything. To the others, he was just accepting his fate, in truth, he was just communicating with the Pretending System: "Didn't you say that you can connect to all over the world's computers? Can you call out the old man's video surveillance screen when he fell to the ground?"

The system replied, "No problem, but you will need skill points to get my help."

Zhou Xiaofei could not help but shout out: "Earlier, when you helped me upload the video, you did not even receive any skill points!"

The system replied, "Of course it is free of charge. "Isn't it normal to start charging fees now?"

Zhou Xiaofei, "..."

In the end, Zhou Xiaofei paid the price of 50 skill points with the help of the system, and downloaded the monitor video of the old man when he fell onto the ground onto Zhou Xiaofei's phone.

"Black, that's so f * cking black!" Zhou Xiaofei scolded, and the System scolded him however he liked. Without saying a word, it revealed a 'I'm Black Heart, what can you do with me?' attitude.

Zhou Xiaofei actually wanted to curse, but he had to do something important, he was in a rush to buy the presents, he did not have the time to waste on police station.

"Zhou Xiaofei, you should compensate me a little." Ding Chuan was also very helpless as he advised Zhou Xiaofei, "How much can I compensate? I'll help you with the rest."

Ding Chuan felt that this young man was not bad, he could not bear to see this young man suffer a great loss.

As long as Zhou Xiaofei was willing to pay one or two thousand, Ding Chuan would use his status to suppress this rogue pair and settle this matter.

However, Zhou Xiaofeiyi showed no fear as he said, "It's one thing for me to not be able to get anything good done, but if you want me to pay you, you don't even have the means! "I have video evidence to prove that this pair of father and son are scammers. I'm in a hurry, so it's fine that you scum father and son don't want to pester me anymore. If you pester me again, don't blame me for showing your evidence and letting you guys go to the detention center for a few days!"

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