Almighty System/C18 Random Hidden Mission
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Almighty System/C18 Random Hidden Mission
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C18 Random Hidden Mission

After yesterday's experience, Du Dapeng quickly answered the questions on the paper. He did not need to look at any of the questions a second time. He was confident enough.

Seeing Du Dapeng answer the questions randomly, Du Bolin smiled happily. It was as if he saw millions of people waving at him, about to throw themselves into his arms.

Lin Qingmo looked at Du Dapeng answer the questions randomly. She was a little angry and happy.

She was angry because Du Dapeng knew that he did not have the confidence to win, but bet with Du Bolin. She was happy that Du Dapeng could win if he did not get three hundred points.

"You can't plagiarize. Don't look around."

The invigilator's voice sounded, interrupting Lin Qingmo's thoughts. She continued to answer the questions seriously.

After Du Dapeng finished filling in the papers, he handed in the papers. The other students looked at Du Dapeng, who had handed in the papers so early, and knew that he was definitely finished. If Du Dapeng had waited a little longer, some students would have answered the questions and said that the teacher obviously knew this famous idiot young master. He looked at Du Dapeng and shook his head. He sighed softly and said, It's a pity that the heavens are unfair.

After Du Dapeng handed in the papers, he came to a fork in the road. The shop on the right was a place that sold lottery tickets. This super good luck chewing gum only had an effect of three days. He could not waste it like this.

When he arrived at the ticket sales point, Du Dapeng directly bought 10 bets for each lottery ticket, and then randomly chose a number.

The boss was stunned. He had opened his shop for so long, but he had never encountered such a lottery seller before. It was really strange.

Du Dapeng did not care how others looked at him. He was enjoying it.

Walking on the sidewalk, Du Dapeng saw a small car running a red light. It was aimed at the mother and daughter in front of him.

Du Dapeng rushed forward and pushed the mother and daughter in front of him away. He was then knocked away by the car. He looked at the tragedy in horror on the sidewalk.

"Ah, quickly call 120. Help!"

A woman beside him finally reacted.

Du Dapeng, who was flying in the air, thought. It was not easy for him to be reborn, and now he was going to be washed clean again. He had not had the time to confess to the goddess yet, but he did not know if he would be reborn again this time.

"'Ding... Hidden Quest completed - Sacrificing oneself for others. Reward: 50 attribute points. One lucky draw. '"

When Du Dapeng heard this voice, he was overjoyed. In a daze, he had completed a mission, and the reward was astonishing.

"Is this child crazy? Could it be that he is pretending to be stupid? He still doesn't know if he has suffered any internal injuries."

A group of people surrounded Du Dapeng. They looked at him, who was smiling foolishly with his eyes closed. Some praised him for being a hero for his own good.

Some said that he was stupid. In order to save someone, he didn't even want to live.

"Big brother, are you alright?"

A little girl shook Du Dapeng's arm.

When Du Dapeng heard the voices around him, he opened his eyes and looked at the little girl who was shaking his arm. He felt that this little girl looked familiar, and the people around him were pointing at him.

After Du Dapeng was knocked away by the car, he fell down in a parabola and landed at the staircase that was a little below the lottery.

There was a Simmons mattress on the ground. It was the one that the people upstairs had just moved here and were waiting for a while to move into the car.

"I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy and wanted to get some water."

"Young man, you must have done a lot of good things. Otherwise, why are you so lucky?"

Around him, someone handed him a bottle of water. Du Dapeng opened it and saw that it was another bottle. The surrounding people laughed when they saw it. This luck was really ridiculously good.

"Big brother, thank you for saving Xue'er and mother's lives, but I don't have the money to repay you. When I grow up, I will marry you."

Du Dapeng had just drank the water in his mouth and spat it out. He looked awkwardly at the little girl who was only about ten years old. He looked at the approving gazes of the people around him and felt a little embarrassed. He lowered his head and continued drinking water.

"This little brother, my name is Xu Yun. This is my daughter, Li Xue'er. Thank you for what you did just now. Although we don't have much money, you should at least go to the hospital for a check-up."

This was a charming young woman. Although she wore plain clothes, it was still difficult to conceal her extraordinary temperament.

"It's nothing. If it were someone else, they would definitely do the same. After all, it's not a loss to exchange one life for two lives. Besides, I'm not injured, so I don't need to go to the hospital."

Du Dapeng checked his familiarity. Other than losing 10 health points, there was nothing serious.

He would just earn it back by then.

Xu Yun looked at Du Dapeng seriously. He felt that there was indeed nothing wrong with Du Dapeng, so he did not request to be sent to the hospital.

"If you need anything from me, I will definitely do my best to help you."

Du Dapeng left with the promise of this beautiful young woman. He knew that this was just a passerby in his life.

At night, Du family entered the Heavenly Cauldron System in the bedroom.

He had been looking forward to the big draw for a long time. He didn't know what kind of good things he would get today.

He had good luck today, and he hoped that it would be helpful for the lottery draw.

The lottery disk was full of dazzling lights. Du Dapeng saw the X-ray vision, beginner medical skills, beginner fist techniques, and duplication. These were all things he wanted to get now.

He opened the lottery and closed his eyes to pray. The lottery ended in a minute.

"Ding! Host has obtained beginner medical skills. Do you accept?"

"Of course I accept."

Du Dapeng felt his whole body warm up. He really wanted to sleep like this.

After receiving the message, Du Dapeng pulled out his information sheet.

"Host's name: Du Dapeng."

"Host's level: Substandard among ordinary people."

"HP: 90 Combat Strength: 80 Agility: 70 Intelligence: 80 Reproduction: 0"

"Free Attribute Points: 50"

"System Name: Divine Heavenly Cauldron System"

"Spirit Qi: 100,000."

"[Coin count: 175]"

"[Basic miscellaneous items: None]"

"[Magical items: None]"

"Pet: Little Snake King."

"[Furnace: Heaven Burning Blue Flame.] Furnace Level: Normal Fire. "

Since he had lost 10 HP after being hit by the car, he then added 50 points to his Health, Combat Power, Agility and Intelligence respectively.

"HP: 100. Combat Power: 100 Agility: 80 Intelligence: 90 Reproduction: 0"

For Du Dapeng who was at this stage, reproductive value was useless. In the future, as he completed the mission, he would definitely obtain free attribute points.

Du Dapeng's physical fitness had improved a lot. He asked Du Tianci for a cultivation method and prepared to practice it.

"Dapeng, this was given to me by your father back then. In the past, I didn't give it to you because you didn't like to cultivate. Now, I will give it to you. I hope that you can get better through cultivation and continue the family of Du family."

Du Tianci found a box and handed it to Du Dapeng. He had never seen what kind of cultivation technique Du Linfeng had, but he thought that this was given to his son to cultivate. It shouldn't be an ordinary cultivation technique.

When he returned to his bedroom, Du Dapeng took out the box. It was a very ordinary wooden box.

It was not like in novels where the main character obtained some heaven defying treasure and stored it in a tall and mighty treasure box. Moreover, it required some kind of bloodline power to open it.

As this box hadn't been opened for many years, it was covered with dust. He found a tissue and wiped it clean. He saw the words Dapeng's Enlightenment on it. This was the first time he had come into contact with this mysterious father, and it was his word.


When he opened the wooden chest, he discovered that there was an ancient book inside.

"'Ding... discovered Low-grade Mortal cultivation technique book. Do you wish to consume 50 gold coins and 500 spirit energy to refine it? '"

"'Refine for me.'"

This Heavenly Cauldron System was truly miraculous. It could even refine cultivation techniques. If one's cultivation technique was too high, then there was no need to cultivate it. If that was the case, then it would be wonderful.

However, this was too expensive. The gold coins that were accumulated with great difficulty were reduced by a third. It looked like he had to make the best use of his time to earn money.

"'Ding... refined successfully. High Class Mortal Cultivation Technique Pill. '"

Du Dapeng swallowed the skill pill in one gulp. His mind was instantly surrounded by the information of the skill. Feeling this powerful skill, his heart was filled with excitement. This was still the lowest class Mortal Skill.

This skill was called Qi Transformation Art, and it could increase the human body's ability to sense the surrounding Spiritual Qi.

There were a total of nine levels, corresponding to Houtian Realm Level Nine.

The system told him that he could cultivate inside the Heavenly Cauldron System. Opening the Heaven Cauldron Cultivation Room required 100 spirit energy per hour.

"Hu! Hu!"

At six o'clock in the morning, Du Dapeng was very satisfied with the results of his cultivation that night, because he had used 600 spirit qi to successfully cultivate to the middle stage of the first level.

"Host's name: Du Dapeng."

"Host's level: Excellence among ordinary people"

"HP: 120 Combat Power: 120 Agility: 100 Intelligence: 110 Reproduction: 2"

This training had increased all of Du Dapeng's attributes by 20 points. Only his reproduction rate had increased by 2 points. At this time, he felt that something in his crotch seemed to have a reaction, which made him very excited. This was good news. He believed that as long as he could recover his normal functions, goddess Lin Qingmo would definitely not reject him anymore.

"How was your training last night? Did you feel the existence of inner strength?"

Du Tianci had come to ask Du Dapeng about his training progress, but he knew that it was impossible for him to make any progress in one night. However, he was worried about the family competition three months later, although his life would not be in danger because of him. But you must be humiliated.

"Grandfather, I have already refined the first level. I can feel my inner strength now."

"Impossible, it has only been one night."

Du Tianci hoped that Du Dapeng was not lying. He pulled Du Dapeng's hand to check if there was any inner strength.

Du Dapeng felt a strong inner strength flowing around his body. It was many times stronger than the trace of inner strength he had cultivated.

"Genius, he really is a genius. If you had trained for a short period of time, you would definitely be able to surpass grandpa. "

Du Tianci looked at Du Dapeng in disbelief, causing Du Dapeng to feel a little awkward. Even if he was forced to cultivate at a young age, he wouldn't be able to cultivate at that time.

He didn't dare to tell Du Tianci all of this, or else he wouldn't have been able to guess what the consequences would be.

"Grandfather, this is just the cultivation of inner strength. I am preparing to amaze the world in the family competition three months later."

"Alright, grandfather will wait for you to surprise me."

Du Dapeng thought of the number of gold coins and decided to exchange them for the prize.

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