Ancient Sword/C2 Heavenly Joy
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Ancient Sword/C2 Heavenly Joy
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C2 Heavenly Joy

One foot in the air, but he couldn't get off the pillar no matter what.

"Why does he look so much like a child …" "If he really is a child, then I'm sure he will freeze to death in such a cold weather …"

He frowned and mumbled to himself. After hesitating for a while, Wang Dazhu finally put down the bucket and walked towards the object.

His legs were trembling as he walked slowly, feeling a little nervous. After all, this fact was too scary. If he was Wang Dazhu, he would have just run away out of fear.

Finally, he got closer and could see Wang Dazhu clearly. After a few steps, he walked over because he could already see that it was a baby.

He carefully carried the child. When he saw that the child's face was a bit blue, the pillar immediately became anxious. He quickly used his hands to check if he was still breathing. Fortunately, he was still breathing.

Turning around, he did not care about the two buckets of water and headed straight for the village.

"Bang, bang, bang …" Bang bang bang … "Uncle Zhang, open the door, Uncle Zhang …" Wang Dazhu anxiously knocked on the wooden door and shouted.

"It's here, it's here! "F * ck you, you want to tear down this old man's house, this early in the morning …" An old voice answered slowly from inside the room, as if it had just woken up and was still a little sleepy.

"Quickly, Uncle Zhang, save me!" "Hurry up …"

"Help? "It's here, it's here!" The moment the person inside heard the cry for help, their voices immediately changed. They were no longer slow, nor were they making fun of the pillar.

"What's wrong, Dazhu?" Very soon, the door opened and a white-haired old man walked out quickly with his back bent. He was wearing a grey jacket and had yet to put it on.

"Uncle Zhang, quickly take a look at this child." Big Pillar held the child carefully while he panted and said anxiously.

"Quickly bring him in!" When the old elder saw the color of the child's face, his expression changed. He didn't ask any more questions and directly ordered.

"… …"

This child is fine now because he was frightened and frozen again. He has some soup and medicine, and he needs to feed himself some warm porridge. In the room, the old village chief, whose face was full of wrinkles, looked at the little fellow who had drunk half a bowl of hot porridge despite not waking up, and said with a smile.

"Oh, that's great!" Hearing the Old Village Head say this, Wang Dazhu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Where did this kid come from?" the old village chief asked. He knew all the children in the village, and the little guy that had yet to wake up was not from their village.

"Err..." I picked it up by the spring in the morning when I went to fetch water. "

Dao Zhu originally wanted to tell the Village Chief about what happened this morning. However, after thinking about how strange the matter was, he decided not to tell the old Village Head about it.

"Sigh …" He didn't know whose child it was, to be so young … Dazhu, what are you going to do about this child? " Hearing this, the village chief did not ask any further. He only let out a deep sigh and asked.

"Uncle Zhang, I want to raise this child first. In the future, if anyone comes to look for him, I will return it to them. If no one comes to look for him, I will raise him!" "You know Yu Fen's body, I'm afraid that in this life …" Wang Dazhu thought for a moment and spoke.

"Un, that's fine too. You met this child and he is fated to be with you. Then, you should raise him. This way, Yufen's heart will feel better …" The village chief smiled and nodded.

"Here, this was found on that child's body. Keep it properly …" "I'm afraid that this child's background isn't simple …" The old elder sighed as he handed a delicate green jade pendant to the pillar.

The jade pendant was not big, but it was made with exquisite craftsmanship. It was unknown what kind of jade it was. There were two words on the front of the jade pendant, 'Ouyang'. On its back was an exquisite small sword that was full of charm. With just a single glance, the large pillar felt a sharp pain in its eyes. It quickly moved its eyes away and put away the jade pendant.

After thanking Dazhu, he picked up the child and quickly walked towards his home.

"Dazhu, this child, he forgot about one thing just like that. It truly is a blessing from the heavens …" The Village Chief stood at the door, his face full of smiles as he watched the back of the pillar.

Wang Dazhu walked out of the Village Head's house and headed straight home. His square face was filled with a silly smile of happiness. By this time, there were already many people in the village. A few children who had woken up early were running and playing on the road in the village.

"Feng Zhu …"

"Uncle Dazhu …"

"Dazhu, whose child are you carrying? Why do you look so unfamiliar?"

"What are you laughing about? Are you stupid?"

"Hey, Dazhu, talking to you?"

"… …"

Everyone in the village greeted him, but Dazhu was only laughing foolishly right now, his mouth almost reaching his ears. He didn't hear what the others were saying at all. He just smiled foolishly and nodded at them while walking. It could be considered as a greeting to the others, so he left the dumbstruck people behind.

"Liu'er, what do you think happened to Brother Dazhu?" Someone asked the person beside him in confusion.

"How would I know …" "It can't be that I've lost my mind …" The person beside him said half-jokingly with a smile on his face.

"Don't speak nonsense …"

"Is Uncle Dazhu stupid?" Uncle Dazhu was dumbfounded … " A few naughty children even shouted loudly, jumping and clapping their hands at the same time.

As for the pillar? He turned a deaf ear to all of this and smiled foolishly along the way. From time to time, he would glance at the child sleeping in his arms, his mind filled with happiness. As for the strange happenings in the morning, they had long since been thrown into a corner!

"Yufen, Yufen, quickly come out, quickly come take a look, hahaha …" How lovely! "Hahaha …" When he arrived at his house, Wang Dazhu shouted excitedly at the top of his lungs.

As a result, the sound of his voice woke up the originally sleeping little fellow. He was probably frightened by his loud voice and began to cry non-stop. Immediately, he was at a loss as to what to do and became flustered.

"Wuwuwu …" "Wa, wa, wa …"

Yufen quickly ran out from the house after hearing the crying of the child. When she saw the big pillar carrying a child, she didn't ask any further and immediately took the child from the big pillar's hands.

"Don't cry, be good …" "Little darling, don't cry …"

Strangely, the moment the little fellow entered Yufen's arms, it stopped crying very quickly. Dazhu's face was full of awkwardness, then he started to talk about the child excitedly. However, he didn't tell Yu Feng about that bizarre matter for the time being.

When they heard that this child could be raised by himself in the future, Yu Feng's eyes had already reddened, but she was still unable to hold back her tears in the end.

After another round of comforting, Yu fen burst into tears and smiled. Then she turned around and went back into the house. Laughter could be heard from time to time in the small room. There were silly pillars, jubilant Yufen, and even the babbling of children …

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