Apocalypse Game/C6 Practice Skill
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Apocalypse Game/C6 Practice Skill
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C6 Practice Skill

Odin was bewildered as the man pulled him aside. He observed the man performing some movements that, while not looking overly complex, were challenging to maintain. Each movement seemed to require full-body effort, and any less strength made it quite uncomfortable.

Most people would avoid such a challenge.

Odin noticed several other guys twisting into similar positions, drenched in sweat, yet stubbornly refusing to quit. He couldn't fathom how they withstood it.

Shaking his head, Odin was ready to walk away when something caught his eye.

Someone is teaching you a ground combat skill, a practice skill. For every hundred repetitions, you gain 0.1 strength and 0.2 agility, with a maximum increase of 2.0 strength and 3.5 agility.

Odin's attention shifted back to the man who had led him here, surprised to realize that the muscular figure was actually specialized in agility.

The man's physique was misleading.

Yet, to the other boys engaged in the movements, Odin's reaction seemed typical, almost expected.

Odin's moment of realization had coincided with his view of several boys practicing near a striking woman in a red training outfit. She stood out like a flame, captivating everyone's gaze.

These boys were drawn in by her presence, enduring the grueling practice skill for the chance to see her smile.

They assumed Odin shared their motivation.

Oblivious to their thoughts, Odin looked up at the men practicing and inquired, "Is this the practice skill?"

The man continued his movements but responded, "Have you trained in combat skills before?"

"I've seen some. I understand there are three types: practice skill, display skill, and combat skill. Will we eventually learn the combat skill?"

"You must excel at the practice skill and master the display skill set first. Only then will you be taught the combat skill one-on-one," the man explained calmly, yet he was aware of the boys' true reason for staying. He gestured towards the woman, radiant as fire, and added, "That's why they're here."

"In the realm of combat skills, my younger sister surpasses me. She's likely to be the one offering one-on-one instruction in the future."

The boys' excitement surged upon hearing this. They raised their voices, seemingly eager to capture the fiery girl's attention.

Odin, however, remained unaffected by the commotion. He diligently practiced the demonstrated movements, noting that they seemed tailored to be just within an ordinary person's capability, without causing undue discomfort.

Yet, after maintaining a position for three to five seconds, they would start to feel a significant strain in their muscles, prompting a switch to the next movement.

The quicker the transition, the better, as it alleviated the discomfort. Consequently, the boys swiftly shifted from one movement to the next.

Odin sensed something amiss. He paused mid-motion, lost in thought.

At that moment, the instructor finished demonstrating all the movements. Seeing Odin's hesitation, he inquired, "What's the matter? Have you forgotten the subsequent movement?"

"No," Odin replied, "I'm wondering what the effect would be if I kept up with these movements, getting faster and faster. But what if I resisted? What then?"

The instructor gave Odin a curious look. "If you can withstand the strain, it will enhance the muscle engagement and increase your strength. But don't hold out for too long. You should transition after five seconds. Beyond that, your speed will be compromised, and the strength gains will be minimal."

He pondered for a moment before patting Odin on the shoulder, adding, "You've got potential. Keep practicing diligently, and I'm confident you'll master the ground combat skills."

Odin, however, was seeking a different answer. He directly asked, "Is that all there is to the practice skills?"

Caught off guard by the question, the instructor replied, "For now, that's all we have. The other practice skills are designed for more advanced moves. We don't share those unless you're formally apprenticed."

Odin nodded, internalizing the practice skills he had just learned, then readied himself to depart.

His departure left everyone else bewildered, unable to grasp what was going through Odin's mind.

Typically, after mastering a practice skill, wouldn't you expect the instructor to keep a watchful eye? That way, the students wouldn't alter their movements out of fear of pain.

Why did Odin just take a glance and then prepare to leave?

Not only was the man curious enough to ask, but even the woman coaching the boys cast a curious glance at Odin.

Suddenly, all the boys practicing realized what was happening. This was a strategic retreat, a tactic to draw the attention of their beloved Flame Queen.

No, that guy seems like a con artist. We have to protect the Flame Queen.

At that moment, the most robust boy paused his exercise and stepped forward.

"Why are you walking away just like that? You've only seen the practice skill. You're still unaware of the other aspects of the fighting club. We also have group display skill practices and combat skill sessions. I'm not bragging, but I can take on three at a time. Don't believe me? I'll demonstrate," he boasted.

With that, the boy dashed out and approached Odin.

The man who had initially drawn Odin's attention was now visibly anxious. Practicing practice skills here was one thing, but fighting was entirely another. Brawling at the university could lead to serious consequences, including expulsion.

Their club had just been officially recognized; they couldn't afford any trouble now.

But before he could intervene, the boy had already charged at Odin and aimed a punch at his abdomen.

It was clear the boy knew something about combat, understanding where to strike to cause discomfort without inflicting serious injury.

Yet, Odin was quicker. As the boy's fist came forward, Odin countered with a swift backhand to the boy's eyes, taking him down.

By defeating the student Ka Duo, Odin earned 20 experience points.

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