Apocalypse's Ordeal/C10 Get away from Me!
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C10 Get away from Me!
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C10 Get away from Me!

Zhou Yishui barely gave Chen Xiaozhi a second glance, and the latter, knowing his place, discreetly stepped aside. Soon, with preparations complete, the convoy began its slow journey towards the city gate. Chen Xiaozhi and Chen Zhuo found themselves alone in a carriage compartment.

Chen Xiaozhi handed back the official badge he had borrowed. "Don't harbor too much bitterness," Chen Zhuo advised calmly. "Your father's decision to send you to Crowfield was not without reason. The Imperial Palace is a treacherous place; staying there would only put you in greater danger. Here, you might endure some hardships, but consider it a trial that will strengthen you." Chen Xiaozhi remained silent, then abruptly asked, "Royal Uncle, do you know who tried to kill me?"

"Elder Fu is already looking into it," Chen Zhuo replied, his expression turning stern, his voice icy. "The Hidden Dragon Institute owes the royal family an explanation. You have nothing to worry about."

Chen Xiaozhi let out a heavy sigh. The emperor was far, and the reality was that he was still in peril. If someone had attempted to kill him once, a second attempt was entirely possible. Chen Zhuo might value his nephew, but it was out of familial obligation. Being an illegitimate child, he couldn't expect the imperial family to prioritize his safety over all else.

The Plume Emperor had many children, and in recent years, several legitimate princes had met untimely deaths. What chance did an illegitimate one have? Uncle and nephew sat in silence, the fact that Chen Zhuo had traveled such a distance for this funeral was honor enough.

Eventually, they reached the city gates, where the crowd had been dispersed, leaving only Zhou Yishui and the Hidden Dragon Institute group to see them off.

Chen Xiaozhi stepped out of the carriage, watching the procession disappear into the distance. "Young Master Chen, you should leave quickly. I just heard..." A servant approached hurriedly, whispering a warning. Who else could it be but Zhao Qi? Chen Xiaozhi turned to see Elder Fu and the rest had already departed, leaving only Dung Qing'an and his group behind. Before Zhao Qi could finish speaking, Dung Qing'an's eyes gleamed with mischief. Xu Baotian, the hefty man at his side, strode forward and shoved Zhao Qi to the ground, his face looming threateningly close to Chen Xiaozhi's. "Chen Xiaozhi, how do you want to die?" he snarled.

The day of reckoning had come.

"I'm not in the mood for this. Back off," Chen Xiaozhi said, stepping back with composure.

"Damn it, I can't take this insolence!" Xu Baotao exclaimed, surprised by Chen Xiaozhi's defiance. He had expected him to kneel and beg for mercy.

Nearby, a crowd of about fifty to sixty people lingered, all children of high-ranking officials. Their presence at the Sage King's farewell spoke to their significant status. They had all lived together for so long that they knew Chen Xiaozhi quite well. His recent triumphs over Dung Qing'an had become the subject of much amusement, and many had anticipated the confrontation now unfolding before them.

"Sigh... He's still royalty, after all. Aren't they being a bit harsh on him?" A young girl looked on at Chen Xiaozhi, her heart aching with sympathy.

"Why are you so concerned? Chen Xiaozhi brought this on himself by crossing Dung Qing'an. Think about it, Dung Qing'an strutted around the capital like he owned the place," a freckled girl retorted with a sneer.

"Given Dung Qing'an's temperament, Chen Xiaozhi is lucky if he gets away with just a beating."

A boy smacked his lips, vividly picturing Chen Xiaozhi's forthcoming battered state.

Meanwhile, Xu Bitao rolled up his sleeves, ready to deliver a hefty slap to Chen Xiaozhi's face.

He had all the time in the world to teach Chen Xiaozhi a lesson.


But before his hand could make contact, a fist preemptively struck his chest with a terrifying force. The blow sent the fatty's eyes bulging, a scream escaping his lips as he tumbled back several meters. To the shock of onlookers, blood sprayed from his mouth in a horrific arc.

Chen Xiaozhi stood motionless, slowly lowering his arm.

The once raucous crowd fell eerily silent.

"What!" The youths who had felt sorry for Chen Xiaozhi were now agape in disbelief. Xu Bitao floored by Chen Xiaozhi's punch? Impossible! Chen Xiaozhi was notoriously weak at the Hidden Dragon Institute, with only thirty-six energy pores – half the average – and at sixteen, he was barely at the Copper Skin Realm, his physique far from fully tempered...

Where did such power come from?

Not far off, Dung Qing'an and his group were equally frozen in shock.

Clearly, the turn of events had caught everyone off guard.

Chen Hao, the Grand Ancestor's grandson and Chen Xiaozhi's Little Royal Uncle, was also visibly astonished. His gaze towards Chen Xiaozhi was laden with significance. If his memory served him right, his same-aged nephew had always been too feeble to even stand straight. What had brought on this sudden display of backbone? Beyond the unexpected surge of power, Chen Xiaozhi's icy demeanor was what truly astounded him.

"Ah! I'll kill you!" Xu Bitao, writhing in agony, scrambled up from the ground. Chen Xiaozhi's punch had been devastating, seemingly jostling his internal organs out of place. Yet, more than the physical pain, it was the humiliation before the crowd that stung. Eyes blood-red and breathing ragged, he roared and sprang up, swooping down like a hawk and aiming a vicious palm at Chen Xiaozhi's head.

"I said, get lost!" Chen Xiaozhi's eyes narrowed. Bracing himself in a horse stance, he coiled power into his elbow before unleashing a swift strike.

A wave of force billowed out!

The fatty's hand was still inches away when the punch's wind hit, and a sickening crack resounded as Xu Bitao's arm broke, a shard of bone jutting through the skin, sending shivers down spines. He crashed to the ground, wailing in torment.

"Revolving White Waves, Chen Xiaozhi has mastered the Hidden Strength of this technique, achieving a foundational level of proficiency. Does this mean he's already reached the Copper Skin and Iron Bones realm?" Another youth practicing the same technique couldn't contain his astonishment.

"Impossible, it's only been a few days?!"

"There's something off... his punch is terrifyingly powerful. Even if it's just at the Initial Stage, it shouldn't be this strong. Xu Bato's Floating Cloud Hand might not have reached the level of Familiarized Proficiency, but when it comes to strength, the difference shouldn't be this vast. Moreover, while one can use external aids to refine the body, the understanding of martial arts techniques can only come from within. No matter how basic the Revolving White Waves technique is, it would take years to reach the Initial Stage..."

The crowd buzzed with shock, gasping and starting to murmur among themselves.

"Didn't you hear me tell you to scram?" Amidst the murmurs, Chen Xiaozhi had already charged forward and was now on top of Fatty. With a menacing glare, he bellowed and his fists pummeled Fatty like a torrential downpour. Xu Bato was utterly defenseless. Chen Xiaozhi's fists, hard as steel, landed with a sound of bones shattering.

In just a few seconds, Fatty was drenched in blood, his screams halting abruptly as he passed out.

The ferocity of Chen Xiaozhi's assault left many onlookers stunned!

Blood splattered across Chen Xiaozhi's face, adding to his fearsome demeanor.

"Enough!" Suddenly, Dong Qing'an's voice thundered through the commotion. He moved like a shadow, swiftly approaching and aiming a finger-strike at Chen Xiaozhi's eyes.

He had reached his limit of tolerance!


A cry of alarm echoed as Dong Qing'an's move displayed extreme ruthlessness.

Chen Xiaozhi sensed the impending danger, his forehead veins bulging as he countered with a punch.

Dong Qing'an's fingertips, sharp as blades, sliced through Chen Xiaozhi's punch and pierced the back of his hand, drawing blood. Dong Qing'an smirked, but in the next instant, his expression froze as he felt a powerful rebound force travel up his finger from Chen Xiaozhi's fist.

His face paled, and he hastily retreated, but the residual force made him stagger.

Meanwhile, Chen Xiaozhi, though wounded, was also pushed back several steps.

"You!" Dong Qing'an's pupils constricted, sensing something amiss, and he glared at Chen Xiaozhi.

Chen Xiaozhi let out a light laugh, unfazed.

He had already felt it; both were at the Copper Skin and Iron Bones realm, but his body, refined by the system's medicinal strength, was significantly stronger. The potent medicine had fortified every muscle and bone.

"I told you before, whenever I'm around, you're to take a detour. Have you forgotten?" Chen Xiaozhi addressed Dong Qing'an.

At that, Dong Qing'an's eyelids twitched, sensing the threat emanating from Chen Xiaozhi. He was about to confront him once more when someone suddenly stepped between them.

"Isn't this enough?" The newcomer was Chen Hao.

Chen Hao appeared nonchalant, casually cleaning his ears as he waved dismissively at the spectators. "Break it up, folks. What's there to gawk at? Don't you have anything better to do?"

The crowd, still incredulous at Chen Xiaozhi's transformation, hesitated. But at Chen Hao's command, they began to disperse, glancing back repeatedly as they left. The memory of Chen Xiaozhi's metamorphosis would be etched in their minds. On the other side, Dong Qing'an clenched his jaw, his eyes reflecting a deep resentment. He inhaled sharply and turned to Chen Hao, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Do you actually think you can challenge me?" Chen Hao's lips twisted into a scornful smirk.

Dong Qing'an's eyes flickered as he swept his sleeve with a commanding gesture, snapping at the still-dazed Zheng Songbai and his group, "Take him away!"

With a look of towering rage, Dong Qing'an resembled a volcano on the brink of eruption.

Zheng Songbai and his underlings scrambled to lift Xu Bitao, who lay on the ground, his condition uncertain, teetering between life and death.

The group retreated in disarray, a picture of defeat.

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