Apocalypse's Ordeal/C11 Mortal Tower
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C11 Mortal Tower
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C11 Mortal Tower

Chen Xiaozhi never imagined the Young Royal Uncle would intervene. Back at the Hidden Dragon Institute, when he was tormented by Dung Qing'an and others, they had always turned a blind eye.

Chen Hao glanced back at Chen Xiaozhi with an inscrutable smile, then strode away with effortless grace.

"Brother, are you okay?" Xiaocao asked, eyeing Chen Xiaozhi's bleeding right hand with concern.

"I'm fine." Chen Xiaozhi offered a comforting smile and helped Zhao Qi to his feet, who was still sprawled on the ground.

"Young Master Chen," Zhao Qi said, his face still etched with residual fear. He had rushed to warn Chen Xiaozhi the moment he heard Dung Qing'an had ordered Xu Bato to attack. What he hadn't anticipated was Chen Xiaozhi's explosive display of formidable strength, catching everyone off guard.

"I'm still not quite there." After clashing with Dung Qing'an, Chen Xiaozhi was certain his physical prowess surpassed his opponent's. Yet, he only mastered the Heaven Upheaval White Waves Fist to a basic level, and it paled in comparison to Dung Qing'an's Spring Autumn Sword Finger. More crucially, Dung Qing'an had unlocked two of the seven apertures, giving him a keener spiritual sense. In a direct confrontation, Chen Xiaozhi knew he would be the one defeated.

The Heaven Upheaval White Waves was a mere foundational fist technique, while the Spring Autumn Sword Finger was a Yellow Level cultivation technique, its depth and potency far surpassing the former.

Cultivation techniques were categorized into Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow grades. For an average martial artist, Yellow Level techniques were exceedingly rare. Given their modest realms, they could only practice Yellow Level techniques, with the prospect of advancing to Black and the more formidable Earth Levels as their power grew. Naturally, acquiring more powerful techniques was as challenging as reaching the heavens.


"Why has Chen Xiaozhi become so formidable all of a sudden? This isn't normal!"

"Do you need me to spell it out? Something must've happened to him these last few days..."

"It's odd, isn't it? Ever since Chen Xiaozhi's miraculous return from the dead, he's like a changed man—his temperament, his actions. If he didn't look the same, I'd swear he was someone else." On the ride back to the Hidden Dragon Institute, Zheng Bai Song and the other young masters huddled together, murmuring incessantly with somber faces.

"Have someone look into it," Zheng Songbai instructed one of his men. Then he turned to Dung Qing'an, who sat beside him, lost in thought. With a forced smile, he offered a plate of fruit, his voice tinged with appeasement, "Brother Dong, have some fruit to cool off..."

With a swift motion, an irate Dung Qing'an knocked the silver plate away, startling everyone into silence. They exchanged wary glances, none daring to speak.

He had seen Chen Xiaozhi as an ant he could crush at will, but unexpectedly, he had become a formidable opponent. Not only had he failed to exact his revenge, but he had also been bested, and his companions were left severely injured. The frustration gnawed at Dung Qing'an. The image of his injured, pitiful henchman in the vehicle ahead fueled his anger.

Why had this happened?

He had thought everything was under his control.

"I can't let him live, absolutely not!" Dong Qing'an muttered to himself, lost in thought, his fists clenched and the glint in his eyes growing sharper by the moment.

The memory of his recent clash with Chen Xiaozhi ignited a surge of murderous intent within him.

Meanwhile, after a quick stop at a clinic to dress his wounds, Chen Xiaozhi made his way to the Mortal Tower, a merchant house at the heart of the city. This cylindrical edifice rose majestically in a bustling district, its facade adorned with gold and silver, exuding an air of grandeur. Nine stories tall, it was the most striking structure in Crowfield, offering a wide array of items essential to martial artists, from pills and cultivation techniques to weapons. Rumor had it that the Mortal Tower's owner wielded considerable influence, with branches spanning the entire Vrening Dynasty and even beyond. The well-dressed, distinguished clientele streaming in and out were a testament to the establishment's thriving trade.

In theory, Chen Xiaozhi could request whatever he needed for his training from the Hidden Dragon Institute.

But that was no longer an option. His experiences had taught him that the Institute's stewards, Elder Fu included, had never taken him seriously, providing him with only subpar medicinal pills for his physical conditioning.

"What can I help you find today, sir? Step inside, have a look around. Our Mortal Tower has it all," the shop assistant greeted him warmly, ushering Chen Xiaozhi inside and showcasing an array of impressive items on display. Without any dawdling, Chen Xiaozhi inquired, "Do you sell any Yellow Level cultivation techniques?"

Armed with the potent calming effects of the wind meridian powder, Chen Xiaozhi knew that with diligent practice, he would soon master the essence of the White Waves Fist technique. Yet, his arsenal against adversaries was still too limited; he was determined not to face Dong Qing'an again without a surefire strategy.

"Yellow Level cultivation technique?" The assistant paused, quickly realizing the potential for a lucrative sale, and asked tentatively, "The young master is aware of the cost associated with Yellow Level techniques, yes?"

"Money is not an issue," Chen Xiaozhi stated firmly.

"Please, have a seat and enjoy some tea while you wait," the assistant said, his smile widening at the prospect of serving a well-off young master. He swiftly seated Chen Xiaozhi in a private VIP room, served him some fine tea, and then disappeared. Moments later, a portly middle-aged man wearing a brocade cap entered the room with a bow. His eyes brightened upon seeing Chen Xiaozhi; as one of Mortal Tower's managers, he had a knack for discerning a customer's wealth at a glance.

Clearly, the young man before him was a significant client.

"I'm Xu Kuan, one of the managers here at Mortal Tower. Are you interested in purchasing a Yellow Level cultivation technique?" The middle-aged man greeted Chen Xiaozhi with a nod and a smile, taking a seat across from him. He continued in a gentle tone, "May I inquire as to the specific type you're seeking? Are you looking for defensive techniques, movement skills, or perhaps something related to swords or weaponry? Given your demeanor, young master, you're clearly no ordinary individual. You must understand that Yellow Level techniques are exceedingly rare, especially for those new to the Martial Path. Rarity begets value, and even with Mortal Tower's resources, our collection is quite limited."

Clearly, the manager was a martial arts master himself, with a skill level that surpassed Chen Xiaozhi's by more than a notch. He had a good sense of Chen Xiaozhi's capabilities.

Chen Xiaozhi nodded in acknowledgment, aware that the other was telling the truth. He spoke calmly, "Let's do this—I'm only interested in acquiring a movement technique and a body protection method." His own fist technique was still a work in progress, with room for enhancement, so there was no need to rush.

"We have a couple of movement technique manuals left in the tower, and a slightly larger selection of body protection methods—though less than ten," Xu Kuan said with a smile. "But as I mentioned earlier, scarcity drives value. Yellow Level movement techniques suitable for someone with your abilities are exceedingly rare. I can't speak for other places, but here in Crowfield, if you want a Yellow Level movement technique, Mortal Tower is your only option."

"And the price?" Chen Xiaozhi, with the wisdom of two lifetimes, could sense the other's intent to inflate the cost.

"A body protection manual goes for about a hundred gold coins, give or take. The movement techniques, however, are priced at five hundred and ten gold coins and seven hundred gold coins respectively," Xu Kuan said, his smile reminiscent of a sly fox as he spread his hands.

The movement technique was priced at a staggering five times more than the body protection method.

Such prices were enough to deter most, with many unable to earn that sum in a lifetime. It was no wonder that practicing martial arts was such a formidable challenge, even for families of considerable means.

The adage 'the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer' held true.

Chen Xiaozhi's brow twitched at this realization. Though he was well-off, it wasn't feasible to deplete his resources in one go. He needed a substantial stock of medicinal herbs to advance his cultivation and had to keep a reserve for future needs. This reflection left Chen Xiaozhi momentarily silent. He hadn't anticipated the exorbitant market value of Yellow Level techniques, which explained why only a select few, like Dung Qing'an at the Hidden Dragon Institute, had access to them. And without a doubt, the Yellow Level techniques offered by Mortal Tower couldn't hold a candle to Dung Qing'an's Spring Autumn Sword Finger, which was of even greater worth.

"Young Master, there's no need to worry. If you haven't brought enough funds, feel free to retrieve what you need. I'll be right here waiting," Xu Kuan said, perceiving the change in Chen Xiaozhi's demeanor.

It appeared he hadn't brought enough money.

"If I'm not mistaken, Mortal Tower also takes valuable items in trade, correct?" Chen Xiaozhi inquired, looking up.

"Indeed," Xu Kuan responded. "But we deal in top-tier and rare commodities. If you're thinking of exchanging some ordinary gold, silver, or jade artifacts, you might as well not bother." His tone carried a mocking edge. It wasn't surprising—he saw Chen Xiaozhi as just another affluent young master, lacking significant connections, otherwise, he wouldn't be here seeking Yellow Level techniques. What could such a person possibly offer that would pique his interest?

"How much is this worth to you?" Chen Xiaozhi asked, flipping his palm to reveal a red pill placed on the table between them.

A pill?

Xu Kuan was momentarily at a loss for words, feeling an impulse to chuckle. What kind of quality medicine could this young man possibly produce? Likely nothing more than basic body-strengthening pills, which were abundant at Mortal Tower. He was about to politely decline Chen Xiaozhi's offer when suddenly, a scent wafted into his nostrils, invigorating his spirit and drawing his gaze intently to the lustrous red pill.

"This..." Xu Kuan abruptly rose to his feet, gingerly holding the pill between his fingertips. He sniffed it tentatively, his eyes suddenly widening.

A fine sheen of sweat had imperceptibly formed on his forehead.

"Young Master... please, just a moment!" Xu Kuan's words stumbled out as he set the pill down and bolted from the room as if his seat were on fire.

Chen Xiaozhi watched with an amused smile, silent. The pill, of course, was a large tonifying pill, a product of the system.

"Goodness, Xu, what's the rush? I'm on my way out, you know. Slow down, I'm too old for this kind of excitement."

"It's merely a pill; is there really a need to be so worked up?"

Shortly after, amidst a flurry of frustrated cries, Chen Xiaozhi watched as Xu Kuan returned, dragging along an elderly man with a youthful face and a bulbous nose. Xu Kuan was insistent, tugging at the old man's sleeve and leading the way, while the elder followed with a mix of impatience and annoyance on his face.

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