Apocalypse's Ordeal/C12 The Problem of the Useless Body
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C12 The Problem of the Useless Body
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C12 The Problem of the Useless Body

"Young Master, thank you for your patience. This is Elder Geh from the Mortal Tower, a seasoned appraiser and a Two-star Alchemist." Upon entering the room, Xu Kuan greeted Chen Xiaozhi with a smile and a fist-and-palm salute, then stepped aside to allow the elder to examine the large tonifying pill on the table.

"It's merely a pill for nourishing Qi and blood, such medicines are quite common... However..." Elder Geh's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Chen Xiaozhi, taken aback by the youth's tender age. He scrutinized the large tonifying pill, smacking his lips before pinching it between his fingers. His demeanor shifted abruptly from casual to intensely focused as he sniffed the pill and even tasted it with a flick of his tongue.

Chen Xiaozhi watched on without intervention.

"Exquisite! For someone at the Foundation Establishment level, this is the ideal cultivation aid!" Elder Geh's breath grew heavy with excitement. Setting the pill down, he stepped closer to Chen Xiaozhi, eyeing him with a mixture of curiosity and eagerness. "Where did you acquire this pill?"

"I purchased it a few months back at a steep price," Chen Xiaozhi replied, having prepared his response in advance.

Elder Geh's expression dimmed. He had entertained the notion that Chen Xiaozhi had been taught by a Deva. If so, the master who crafted this pill would have to be at least a five-star pharmacist, if not on the cusp of six stars. In the Vrening Dynasty, where martial prowess was revered, there were also esteemed professions like pharmacists and refiners, whose skills were ranked by a star system, one through seven. Presently, the Vrening Dynasty boasted only one seven-star pharmacist, the Great Sage Hua Sheng of the Ji Shi Academy. Though not martial artists themselves, their refined skills commanded respect from the mightiest of warriors.

There was no need for further elaboration; even the Plume Emperor held the Imperial Advisor Hua Sheng in high regard.

The large tonifying pill, though tailored for Foundation Establishment warriors, was of exceptional quality, far beyond the capabilities of an average pharmacist.

"Thirty gold coins," Elder Geh offered after a contemplative pause, a fair valuation by any standard.

The market was flooded with supplementary medicines, yet few delivered satisfactory results. While pills were more common than scarce cultivation techniques, top-tier supplements remained a rarity.

Thirty gold coins was a princely sum for a medicine of this caliber.

"I have twenty of these pills on hand. Let's round it up to six hundred gold coins in total. Please, Manager Xu, bring those cultivation techniques for my perusal," Chen Xiaozhi requested with a smile.

"Just a moment," Xu Kuan exchanged a glance with Elder Geh before hastily departing.

Left alone with Chen Xiaozhi, Elder Geh engaged in conversation, his respect for the young man evident. He harbored doubts about Chen Xiaozhi's claim that the pill was acquired from afar, suspecting it might be a fabrication. Such a valuable medicine wouldn't easily find its way to the market. Unless, by some extraordinary stroke of luck, Chen Xiaozhi had encountered a desperate, cash-strapped master pharmacist. But that seemed far too improbable.

Throughout their exchange, Elder Geh subtly probed for details about Chen Xiaozhi's background, only to have his inquiries deftly deflected.

The old man found himself even more puzzled by him.

After some time, Xu Kuan returned, cradling a dark sandalwood box. Upon opening it, ten neatly arranged books were revealed—eight protective cultivation techniques and two body techniques. Chen Xiaozhi browsed through each one, while Xu Kuan and Elder Geh stood by in silence, not uttering a sound. Chen's eyes meticulously scanned each protective technique—Furious Bear Violent Body, Metal Lock Spell, Aerification Technique, Armor and Body Blade... The cost of these was significant, and he was determined to select the one most suited to him.

As the minutes ticked by, and Chen set aside the last book, Xu Kuan finally spoke up. "Each of these techniques has its unique advantages. Take the Furious Bear Violent Body, for instance—it can boost one's physical strength in a short time, catching an opponent off-guard in combat. The Armor and Body Blade can alter the cultivator's physique to enhance both defense and attack power, offering a well-rounded approach. However, its downside is that after the body undergoes transformation, agility is reduced, making one quite cumbersome. This technique demands a robust supply of Qi and blood... In fact, I would recommend the Metal Lock Spell to the Young Master. It's a Qi-nurturing move. Though its protective capability is somewhat weaker, it can significantly aid in breaking through the seven apertures later on..." Xu Kuan appeared eager to befriend Chen Xiaozhi, proactively offering his recommendations.

For Xu Kuan, who dealt with countless transactions daily, a few hundred gold coins was a trivial sum, hardly warranting his personal warmth and attention.

But today was different, especially since the medicine Chen Xiaozhi presented had left even Elder Geh astounded.

With his higher level of cultivation, Xu Kuan's recommendations were naturally trustworthy.

"And this Aerification Technique?" Chen Xiaozhi inquired, picking up the only book that looked relatively new.

"Well, to be honest, the Aerification Technique is also a Qi cultivation method, yet it's significantly more challenging than the Metal Lock Spell. It's the least expensive of the techniques because so few can master it. The key reason is its immense Qi requirement—it's a method that fills the body with Hidden Strength to negate incoming damage. At advanced levels, one can even project an invisible Qi Barrier outside the body, creating a formidable defense without any vulnerabilities. However, the generation of Hidden Strength depends on the robustness of one's physique—the stronger the body and the more abundant the essence blood and Qi, the greater the Hidden Strength. But the Qi this technique demands far exceeds what a Foundation Establishment martial artist can muster. Only those naturally gifted with over a hundred apertures who have completed the Copper Skin and Iron Bones tempering might manage to generate such an immense Hidden Strength. Otherwise..." Xu Kuan trailed off, shaking his head with a smile, "While body tempering methods vary, martial artists who have achieved the Copper Skin and Iron Bones realm generally possess comparable strength. Others have tried and failed to cultivate this technique. If they could produce even half the Hidden Strength mentioned in the manual, that would be impressive, but it would only protect a small portion of the body."

"Alright, I'll take it." Xu Kuan hadn't expected that after his offer, the young man would still be determined to purchase the aerification technique.

He was about to speak when he caught Elder Geh's subtle headshake out of the corner of his eye.

Next, Chen Xiaozhi claimed the movement technique valued at over seven hundred gold coins, the Seven Steps Star Slide.

In total, he parted with more than eight hundred gold coins, exchanging twenty large tonifying pills and several hundred gold leaves before departing with ease.

"Young Master Chen, this is the VIP jade card of Mortal Tower. Should you need anything in the future, please don't hesitate to seek me out." Xu Kuan escorted Chen Xiaozhi to the storefront, presenting him with a red-stringed white jade, his face beaming with enthusiasm. Chen Xiaozhi, no fool, recognized the significance and value of the jade card, sensing the other's keen interest in forming a connection.

"Thank you." Flashing a toothy smile, Chen Xiaozhi strode away.

"After a discreet investigation, I found that the boy has a congenital condition, with only half the number of essence pores compared to the average person." Watching Chen Xiaozhi's retreating figure, Xu Kuan turned to Elder Geh, filled with confusion. He couldn't fathom why Elder Geh had recommended the aerification technique to Chen Xiaozhi. But upon hearing the elder's next words, Xu Kuan's eyes widened in shock. Thirty-six pores?

The aerification technique was challenging even for a genius with a hundred pores, much less someone with a compromised constitution.

"I've been at a standstill as a Twin Stars Apothecary for thirty years. The creator of that pill might have a connection to this young man. If I could meet this master, perhaps they could offer me some guidance," Elder Geh mused softly. "As for the aerification technique, he'll realize its difficulty after a few days of practice and will likely return. After all, in Crowfield, there's no place better than Mortal Tower for top-notch resources."

Elder Geh's words were laced with unwavering certainty, prompting a smile from Xu Kuan.


Elsewhere, Chen Xiaozhi headed home, carrying the two techniques.

He understood Xu Kuan's point, but he had his reasons for selecting the aerification technique. Mastering this Qi refining method could indirectly amplify the power of his Sky Whirlpool Fist Technique, which also relied on potent Hidden Strength. Plus, with the aid of wind meridian powder, he could swiftly grasp the crux of the aerification technique. His main hurdle was his limited number of essence pores—a significant obstacle. Essentially, these pores are what activate the blood energy within a warrior's body. Once opened, they fortify the body, allowing the essence blood to flow unimpeded. Born with only thirty-six pores, even at the Copper Skin and Iron Bones level, his physical strength was half that of an average person.

His superior strength compared to peers at the same level was due to the large tonifying pill refining his body to a purer state, its efficacy far surpassing standard medicines. This allowed him, with merely half the typical number of pores, to surpass even those with seventy-two.

Additionally, his ability to thrash the hefty Xu Batoo and push back Dung Qing'an was not only due to his burgeoning fist technique but also the lingering power of the medicine within him.

Certainly, their underestimation of him played a part in the situation.

The large tonifying pill was an exception, after all. Currently at the Foundation Establishment stage, it was uncertain whether he'd find such potent medicinal support in the higher echelons of martial arts.

"I must find a way to overcome the curse of my useless body," he mused. As a scion of the royal bloodline, he recalled numerous experts his father had consulted in the capital. Even Elder Geh, the Imperial Advisor, had examined him, ultimately delivering a grim prognosis.

A useless body seemed an irreversible twist of fate.

Upon returning to his family's courtyard after some time, Chen Xiaozhi stopped short, his expression darkening at the sight before him.

Zhao Qi lay on a rattan chair, battered and bruised, one eye swollen shut.

Xiaocao was at his side, gently tending to his wounds.

"What happened?" Chen Xiaozhi asked, though he had an inkling already.

"Young Master Chen," Zhao Qi started, visibly shaken by his sudden appearance, attempting to hide his bloodstained body. Xiaocao spoke up indignantly, "Brother, Dung Qing'an and his cronies did this to Zhao Qi!" Following Chen Zhuo's departure, Zhao Qi had intended to use the fifty gold leaves Chen Xiaozhi gave him to buy his freedom, but instead, he was ambushed by Zheng Songbai and his gang.

Keeping Zhao Qi as a spy in the courtyard was no longer viable; they were sure to be watching him closely now. Staying put would only put him in greater danger.

Unlike his father, Zhao Qi wasn't bound by a lifelong servitude contract; he could be redeemed, albeit for a hefty sum.

Chen Xiaozhi had even considered moving Zhao Qi's mother in with them, away from the city's squalid southern district.

In theory, Zhao Qi's life or death should be inconsequential, but his return, battered yet alive, was clearly a message from Dung Qing'an's group.

Chen Xiaozhi observed in silence as Zhao Qi's arm, slashed deeply enough to expose bone, was treated.

"Young Master Chen, they were unaware I had returned to redeem myself. I've retrieved the servitude contract," Zhao Qi said, pulling out a bloodstained, crumpled paper, his smile a stark contrast to his grave injuries.

"Focus on healing. I'll bring your mother here soon," Chen Xiaozhi assured him, taking a deep breath.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this," he promised, his tone resolute.

After all, Zhao Qi was now under his protection.

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