Apocalypse's Ordeal/C18 Classmates
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C18 Classmates
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C18 Classmates

The unblocking of his acupoints not only fortified Chen Xiaozhi's physique but also brought about changes in the corresponding parts of his body. He began by concentrating on the acupoints in his right hand, opening them up. Two of these acupoints had the effect of promoting hair growth, rendering Xiaozhi's long hair exceptionally resilient. When he tried to pluck a single strand, it took a herculean effort of 300 to 400 kilograms to snap it.

"Typically, to advance to the 'Seven Apertures Smoke' level, one must employ a specific technique to enhance the sensitivity of the seven apertures, which demands an immense supply of blood qi. Without a solid physical foundation, such a breakthrough would be challenging. But for me, it's not an issue. I have numerous acupoints that can stimulate the seven apertures. Once I open them, everything else will naturally fall into place," Xiaozhi reassured himself.

A martial artist has seventy-two essential acupoints, with ten on the face alone. To unlock the spiritual acupoints, one must repeatedly purify these ten until the seven apertures' sensitivity significantly heightens. The prowess of a 'Seven Apertures Smoke' martial artist lies in their extraordinary spiritual perception, allowing them to react or evade an opponent's moves preemptively. It's akin to a blindfolded person dueling someone sighted; equal in strength, yet the former struggles to land a blow.

"Young Master," Zhao Qi whispered as he cautiously nudged the courtyard door open, careful not to disturb the slumbering Xiaocao and his mother.

Thanks to Xiaozhi, Zhao Qi's mother had nearly recovered after drinking the diluted broth of the large tonifying pill. While Xiaozhi could consume the system's medicinal concoctions without side effects, ordinary people could not handle the potent effects of a large tonifying pill—it was like poison to them.

"Did you take care of everything?" Xiaozhi asked, his body slick with sweat from his recent training. His physique had grown robust, the muscle definition clear and pronounced.

"Yes, when I mentioned the guaranteed monthly silver, everyone was eager to join the Green Bamboo Gang," Zhao Qi replied, his excitement tinged with concern. "But Young Master, our territory in Killing Bull Lane is limited. We used to have groups of ten, and now we've recruited so many more. If Zhang Chao gets wind of this, he might take issue."

"Don't worry about it. After killing Shi Wei, do you think Fate Gathering would just let it slide? Zhang Chao is well aware of my capabilities; he wouldn't dare cross me. Besides, they're just a ragtag bunch with no real threat. He won't give it a second thought," Xiaozhi said dismissively, waving off the concern.

He had tasked Zhao Qi with recruiting not just a handful, but dozens of men. Intent on building his own faction, Xiaozhi knew he needed a solid foundation and had already devised a plan.

"We've got sixty-seven in total, all young, strong men accustomed to idling their days away, just as you requested," Zhao Qi reported.

Xiaozhi nodded, aware that managing such a large group would be challenging.

"Follow me," he said, leading Zhao Qi to a stone stove where a massive wooden basin sat steaming. "Strip down and get in." At Xiaozhi's command, Zhao Qi's eyes sparkled with realization. Xiaozhi had promised to teach him martial arts, but until now, injuries had delayed their start.

Zhao Qi sat stark naked, cross-legged in the basin, his face beet-red and soon dripping with sweat. The scalding water was almost unbearable, making him feel as if his skin would peel away. But catching sight of Chen Xiaozhi's bright-eyed gaze, Zhao Qi bit back the pain and persevered.

Chen Xiaozhi offered a slight smile, knowing the basin contained just a touch of wind meridian powder—enough to push Zhao Qi to his limits. Later, he handed Zhao Qi a bowl of water with a pinch of large tonifying pill powder mixed in. Almost immediately, Zhao Qi's body purged a copious amount of impurities.

"Now, I'm going to practice this boxing technique. Pay close attention to the key points," Chen Xiaozhi instructed before commencing his routine in the courtyard.

Zhao Qi watched intently, determined not to miss a single nuance.

As Chen Xiaozhi's fists cut through the air, he explained, "This technique may not be top-tier, but mastered fully, its power is formidable. It demands robust physical vitality because the true spirit of these moves can only be unleashed through the force of your punch! The flow of the technique is relentless, ideal for prolonged combat, focusing on sustained power!" Intent on building his own faction, Chen Xiaozhi knew he needed a reliable lieutenant, and Zhao Qi was the only viable option.

Thanks to the wind meridian powder, Zhao Qi felt unusually alert that evening, absorbing every word and memorizing each movement Chen Xiaozhi demonstrated.


By dawn, Chen Xiaozhi and Zhao Qi had arrived at Killing Bull Lane.

Their destination was the Green Bamboo Gang's discreet stronghold, tucked away behind the Flower House—the street's bustling epicenter, which occasionally attracted its share of ruffians.

Now, with the Flower House temporarily shuttered, the usual cacophony had subsided.

Stepping into the courtyard, Chen Xiaozhi's gaze fell upon a motley crew whispering in huddles, while others sprawled across stone chairs, boasting loudly with no hint of decorum—a veritable den of chaos.

Chen Xiaozhi's brow furrowed.

"Everyone, over here!" Zhao Qi called out, prompting the group to turn and quickly converge. Spotting Chen Xiaozhi, their eyes gleamed with a mix of awe and trepidation among the younger ones.

"Xiao Zhao, I heard there was money to be made, and that's why I'm here. Don't you dare play us for fools!" Before Chen Xiaozhi could speak, a disheveled young man with a nose caked in filth bellowed. Barely in his twenties, he looked haggard, as if he'd just rolled out of bed.

"That's the boss? So young?"

"You haven't heard? They say he's the one who took down that brute, Shi Wei. Plenty of folks on the street witnessed it!"


Under Chen Xiaozhi's watchful eye, the crowd murmured among themselves.

Then, with a flourish, Chen Xiaozhi produced a cloth bag from his sleeve and spilled its contents. Silver coins cascaded onto the ground like a shower of snowflakes, ringing sweetly upon impact. The unruly throng fell silent, eyes riveted to the silver strewn before them. Coming from humble beginnings, such a sight was a rare spectacle indeed.

"Looking for some cash? Come take it!" Chen Xiaozhi chuckled as he eyed the disheveled youth.


The youth's breathing quickened, incredulous.

Chen Xiaozhi gave a nod.

The youth gulped, wrestling with his thoughts. The southern city wasn't too large or too small, and word of yesterday's incident in Killing Bull Lane had spread. He had assumed that whoever killed Shi Wei must be a ruthless character. Yet, standing before Chen Xiaozhi, he saw only a mild-mannered young man, and he couldn't help but feel a tinge of contempt.

Eventually, he stepped forward, scooping up a few silver leaves from the ground, careful not to take too many.

"Everyone, help yourselves!" Chen Xiaozhi encouraged with a grin.

Seeing the first youth's success, the rest surged forward eagerly, quickly snatching up all the silver leaves scattered on the ground.

"Taking my money means you work for me from now on. Got it?" Chen Xiaozhi addressed his jubilant new hires, his smile warm.

But the crowd paid him no mind, lost in the thrill of easy money.

"Did you not hear me?" Chen Xiaozhi's voice suddenly boomed, resonant as a great bell, echoing through the courtyard.

Everyone froze, their attention snapping to him.

"You've taken my money, so your lives belong to me now. Cross me, and you'll regret it," Chen Xiaozhi warned as he strolled to the stone table, his demeanor darkening. With a powerful slap, he shattered the meter-high table, making everyone's heart skip a beat.


No one had expected such ferocity from the youthful Chen Xiaozhi.

"However, I'm generally quite reasonable, as long as you follow my lead," Chen Xiaozhi's face softened, his smile returning as he noticed the alarm in their eyes. "From now on, be at the factory at the east end of the street by dawn, and you're not to head home until after dusk."

Dawn was five in the morning, dusk, nine at night.

"Boss... we're just supposed to patrol the streets for you, right? No need to stick around here all day," the first youth to take the money protested, his tone edged with resentment.

They knew the Green Bamboo Gang well, having mingled with its members often. They knew the rank-and-file had it easy, stepping up only when trouble brewed.

"The stipend I pay you each month should keep your families well-fed and content. What more could you want? You think money grows on trees?" Chen Xiaozhi's smile turned icy. In a flash, he lunged, planting a kick squarely in the young man's chest. The youth screamed, tumbling through the air before crashing to the ground, blood spilling from his mouth.

"When I speak, it's law!"

Not content with just the kick, Chen Xiaozhi advanced, unleashing a barrage of kicks on the prone youth. A sickening snap followed, and with one final stomp, he broke the young man's hand bone.


The young man's wail was desolate, reminiscent of a pig being butchered, his body quaking uncontrollably.

Those who witnessed the scene felt a shiver that crept from the soles of their feet to the crowns of their heads, sending a collective shudder through the crowd.

"I'll ask one more time, did you hear me?" Chen Xiaozhi's voice was dark and foreboding.

"I heard you, I heard you!"

The young man on the ground was petrified, a rank odor betraying his fear as he nodded and sobbed in affirmation.

"Very good."

A smile broke across Chen Xiaozhi's face as he clapped his hands and turned to Zhao Qi, "These men are now your responsibility. Take them to the factory." With those final words, he strode out of the courtyard.

Killing Bull Lane once had a bustling slaughterhouse, now long abandoned. Chen Xiaozhi had acquired the place for a song, its expansive space being the main draw. As they watched him depart, the tension among the onlookers eased. It was in this moment they truly understood the kind of man their boss was—a man of uncompromising severity.

Indeed, he was more than just a little fierce.

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