Apocalypse's Ordeal/C19 Plan and Drill
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C19 Plan and Drill
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C19 Plan and Drill

On the second floor of a pawnshop in Killing Bull Lane, over a dozen shopkeepers huddled around two tables, including the seasoned madam of the Flower House, Maid Xu.

"Starting today, the protection fees for all establishments in Killing Bull Lane will double," Chen Xiaozhi declared, lounging on a bench with a casual air.

At his words, a collective unease spread across the shopkeepers' faces. Maid Xu, in particular, seemed poised to protest; Chen Xiaozhi had previously broached the subject of a price hike with her, but not to this magnitude.

They had all convened at the crack of dawn simply to pay homage to the new dock boss. If Chen Xiaozhi hadn't taken out Shi Wei, these senior shopkeepers wouldn't have shown him the light of day. Yet, here they were, facing a young man whose ambition seemed to know no bounds.

"Boss Chen, isn't this against the norm?" protested the old pancake vendor, clearly distressed. "Killing Bull Lane is out of the way, in the city's south end. Business is sparse as it is, and the funds we can spare are already stretched thin..."

"Indeed, this area doesn't see the traffic of other districts. It's usually so peaceful here," another shopkeeper added, his voice tinged with caution.

The pawnshop owner, resplendent in his finery and sporting an amber ring, chuckled dismissively. "Boss Chen, you're new here, and while ignorance of local customs is understandable, have you seen anywhere else in the southern city with such exorbitant fees for the Green Bamboo Gang? Crowfield isn't at the mercy of your gang alone. If you push us, we might just turn to Fate Gathering; their influence dwarfs yours. And, raising fees right off the bat? Did you even clear this with your military officer? I'm referring to Officer Zhang. Unless I'm mistaken, he's your superior, correct?"

Chen Xiaozhi responded to the challenge with a cold smile, rising to approach the pawnshop owner. Maid Xu, recognizing the danger, bowed her head, haunted by the memory of Chen Xiaozhi's ruthless demeanor.

With a sudden crash, Chen Xiaozhi upended a pot of tea over the pawnshop owner's head, scalding his face and eliciting a scream of agony as the man crumpled to the floor.

"Threaten me? You think knowing Zhang Chao puts you above me?" Chen Xiaozhi hissed, squatting down to seize the man's hand and snapping a finger without further ado.

The middle-aged man on the ground wailed, his eyes wide with terror as he stared at Chen Xiaozhi.

"Boss Chen, please, let's not be hasty. There's room for discussion," implored an elderly woman, a friend of the pawnshop owner, as she rose to intercede.

Ignoring the whimpering figure at his feet, Chen Xiaozhi surveyed the room, tapping the table rhythmically. "Don't mistake my actions for tyranny or greed. I'm raising the fees because I can help you make more money," he stated flatly. As puzzled glances were exchanged among the shopkeepers, he pressed on, "Why do you think Fate Gathering is so formidable and wealthy?"

"It's the liquor trade," the pancake vendor spoke up. "Fate Gathering has cornered the market in Crowfield. These days, everyone drinks their fill, and they're the only name in town."

He had previously clashed with Shi Qing at the Flower House, all over collecting drink money for the Fate Gathering.

In essence, the Fate Gathering was raking in profits from two sources: not only did they make a profit from selling the drinks, but they also took a cut from the restaurant owners. It was nearly impossible for them not to make money.

"Paying 20 copper leaves just to pour a pot of wine isn't cheap, and it's beyond what ordinary folks can afford. Yet, many people still buy it. First, the wine does taste exceptionally good and packs a punch. Second, as Uncle Ma mentioned, everyone's become accustomed to it and won't settle for any other kind. But what if there was a wine that tasted even better, was healthier, and even nourishing, all at a more affordable price?" Chen Xiaozhi said with a light smile.

How could that be possible?

The pot-poured wine was already of superior quality. It was the only one of its kind, not just in Crowfield, but from the borders to the valleys. Moreover, the medicinal wine concept Chen Xiaozhi proposed wasn't new; Crowfield was never short on medicinal herbs. But when herbs were added, the wine's flavor deteriorated and costs soared, making it no match for the original.

"Today, I've brought a fine bottle of wine for everyone to try!" Chen Xiaozhi said with a secretive smile, turning to lift a wine jar from a nearby table. He had several bowls filled in succession and gestured for all present to sample it.

Uncle Ma, the old pancake vendor, lit up at the scent alone, his lips twitching in anticipation—he was quite the connoisseur.

Downing it in one gulp, he felt a fiery trail blaze down his throat, but the aftertaste was unexpectedly sweet, without any harshness. To his amazement, he felt an immediate lift in spirits, the morning chill he'd braved to get here vanishing in an instant, leaving him comfortably warm.

One by one, the others followed suit.

"Excellent wine!" Uncle Ma exclaimed, downing his bowl and wiping his mouth, unable to contain his enthusiasm as he gave a thumbs-up.

"The flavor is irresistible!"

Another shopkeeper was equally astonished.

"It doesn't hit you all at once. The buzz builds gradually, so you're not overwhelmed," added Ma Wan from the Dusty Corner.

"Boss Chen, where did you find this wine? It must have cost a pretty penny," Uncle Ma inquired.

"Starting today, every shop in Killing Bull Lane will stock this wine. For the first three days, it's on the house for anyone visiting our lane, one jar per customer. After that, it'll be ten copper leaves a jar. The profits will be split: eighty percent for me, twenty for you. It's easy money. What do you say?" Chen Xiaozhi said, eyes narrowing.

At his words, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd.

In other words, they'd make a clean two copper leaves on every jar sold—a substantial profit for small business owners.

If that were the case, they'd happily pay even double or triple their usual protection fee.


"Boss, what's our move? Tian Wuya is the Hall Master of the Battle Hall. He's not someone we can afford to cross."

Inside a hall, Zhang Chao's face was as dark as a charred pan. His usually calm and collected strategist was now pacing anxiously before him.

"Chen Xiaozhi must have the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard to actually dare strike Tian Wuya's son! They're demanding an explanation from us, pronto. Knowing Tian Wuya's temperament, if we botch this, the fallout..." The mere mention of Chen Xiaozhi made the man's teeth itch with rage. The kid was nothing but a constant headache.

"The Fate Gathering is after his head, and even the Green Bamboo Gang can't protect him now. Maybe we should just lend a hand and earn some goodwill?"

"No way!"

Zhang Chao dismissed the suggestion outright!

Chen Xiaozhi was a ruthless man, having even killed Shi Wei. Despite his lowly status, he was not someone Zhang Chao could afford to provoke.

"My godfather has already submitted my military achievements. I'll be joining the hall ranks soon enough, and someone else will fill my shoes. Let the next person handle this hot potato. Find some excuse to buy us time. With my godfather's support, Tian Wuya won't dare touch me for now." Zhang Chao let out a heavy sigh. He had been living in fear every day, dreading an attack from the Fate Gathering. He was nothing more than a freeloader, coasting on his godfather's coattails, with no ambition for greater things. All he wanted now was to get out of this mess. "But with Tian Wuya's resourcefulness, he'll find Chen Xiaozhi's hideout soon enough. Whatever happens then, it's out of my hands."

In plain terms, both Chen Xiaozhi and Tian Wuya were untouchable—one you didn't want to cross, and the other you simply couldn't afford to.

"We have no other choice..."

After wrapping up the meeting with the shopkeepers, it was already afternoon. Chen Xiaozhi strolled back to the deserted slaughterhouse.

The place was enormous, resembling a small training ground. The wooden shacks that once stood there had been toppled, leaving a spacious, weed-ridden lot enclosed by high walls. From the street, none of the interior activities were visible.

"Young Master..."

Upon reaching the edge of the field, Chen Xiaozhi found Zhao Qi drilling the new recruits—dozens of men, bare-chested, each shouldering a heavy sack as they jogged. These men, scrawny and skeletal, shouldn't have had the strength for such a task. But they had ingested a diluted concoction of the large tonifying pill, and as they worked out, their physiques were slowly improving.

"What part of the training are they on?" Chen Xiaozhi inquired, his brow furrowed.

"Just started the third exercise," Zhao Qi responded.

The night before, Chen Xiaozhi had devised ten rigorous training exercises, including frog jumps, deep squats, and sprints, all aimed at conditioning these men's bodies.

He was in need of warriors, not weaklings.

"And the results?"

"Seven have already passed out," Zhao Qi reported, nodding toward the motionless figures lying in the wall's shadow, looking for all the world like corpses.

Still too frail.

Suffering from malnutrition, these men were in worse shape than the average person. Chen Xiaozhi had already reduced the potency of the large tonifying pill as much as he could.

"Pick up the pace, everyone, run!" Chen Xiaozhi brandished a long whip he had snatched up on a whim. Noticing a few stragglers lagging behind like the tail end of a crane, he lashed out with the whip, leaving a bloody streak across one man's back. The man yelped in pain, but it spurred him to move faster, and he surged ahead.

Seeing this, the rest steeled themselves and sprinted with all their might.

With Chen Xiaozhi on their heels, the group was terrified, not daring to slow down in the slightest.

In their minds, Chen Xiaozhi had become akin to a fearsome specter.

"He's working us to death!"

"I actually think it's great. That stuff Zhao Qi fed us made me feel full of energy. Before, I could hardly take two steps carrying something this heavy. But look at us now..."


"No 'buts' about it. Only through suffering can we become superior. We're naturally frail; if we keep up this training, we might actually get stronger."

A notably pale and pudgy boy in the group vented his grievances.

A simple, honest-looking youth with thick eyebrows and a square face offered words of comfort beside him.

"I think the Boss is doing a fine job. He's got the makings of someone destined for great things!"


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