Apocalypse's Ordeal/C21 Some People Were Jealous
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C21 Some People Were Jealous
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C21 Some People Were Jealous

A few days later, Killing Bull Lane had become the epicenter of the entire southern district, drawing not only the usual crowd but also the city's wealthy who would normally never set foot in such an out-of-the-way place.

The name of 'Immortal' had become renowned, attracting many shop owners from around the city to seek out Chen Xiaozhi in hopes of purchasing the sought-after wine. However, catching even a glimpse of Chen was a rarity. 'Immortal' was exclusive to Killing Bull Lane, its scarcity only adding to its value. Regardless, the lane was now teeming with life from dawn till dusk, its businesses thriving thanks to 'Immortal,' with revenues multiplying. Now, every shopkeeper, including Mrs. Xu, regarded Chen with a mix of flattery and genuine respect.

Indeed, the success of 'Immortal' had lined Chen's pockets handsomely, with his daily earnings soaring to two or three thousand silver leaves.

"Young Master, Zhang Chao has arrived!" Chen was in the midst of coaching his men in military boxing on the training ground when Zhao Qi approached, his expression uneasy.

Chen had devised this military boxing regimen by blending techniques from his past life with his current understanding of martial arts. With only ten moves, it was straightforward and effective—not only for bolstering health but, when mastered, for delivering considerable force. These thirty-odd men, previously untrained in any formal martial discipline, had seen significant improvements in their strength, largely thanks to the large tonifying pills. After Chen had publicly crippled the legs of several would-be deserters, not a soul dared to flee.

The thirty-nine men both feared and revered Chen, as they could feel their own growing strength.

And they had another reason to stay loyal: a share in the daily profits from Killing Bull Lane.

With such incentives, they were wholeheartedly committed to Chen's cause.

"So, they've finally shown up," Chen mused, his eyes narrowing. The Green Bamboo Gang was surely aware of the transformation Killing Bull Lane had undergone. Now a coveted spot, it was bound to attract envious eyes.

Chen rose and, accompanied by Zhao Qi, made his way to a small tavern on the street.

The tavern was modest in size, but its spacious hall, well over a hundred square meters, was packed with patrons joyously indulging in 'Immortal.' The din of the crowd filled the air. Upon noticing Chen, the tavern owner came from behind the counter to greet him with a warm smile. "Boss Chen, right this way." Who would have guessed that the young man responsible for such a dramatic turnaround in Killing Bull Lane was just a youth with newly styled hair?

They slipped through a side door into the backyard.

"Hahaha, Brother Chen, you've arrived! Please, take a seat!" The courtyard was set with a lavish spread of drinks, and Zhang Chao, already seated at the table, rose to greet Chen with infectious enthusiasm.

"Greetings, Officer," Chen greeted with a bow of his fists.

"Come now, no need for formalities between us," Zhang Chao dismissed with a wave of his hand, eagerly ushering Chen to sit. "My brother, you've made quite the name for yourself! I've even reaped some benefits. My godfather mentioned that even the Sect Master has taken notice!" With that, Zhang Chao filled a cup with 'Immortal' and offered it to Chen.

"Oh? What's the occasion?" Chen Xiaozhi feigned ignorance with a quizzical lift of his eyebrows.

"Brother, you really have a sense of humor," Zhang Chao guffawed, giving the can of wine in his hand a shake. "You've truly outdone yourself for the gang this time. 'The Immortal' has become a household name in Crowfield. Who doesn't know about the wine that's even better than the local brews in Killing Bull Lane? The gang is already lining up your reward."

Chen Xiaozhi just smiled faintly, unfazed, and took a leisurely sip from his cup.

"The folks at Fate Gathering are like ants on a hot pan right now. If things keep going this way, their liquor trade is doomed. Just imagine, once 'The Immortal' hits the shelves citywide, the profits will be staggering. It won't be long before our Green Bamboo Gang leaves Fate Gathering in the dust, and they'll be left eating our dust!" Zhang Chao's face was flushed with excitement as he spoke.

"Indeed," Chen Xiaozhi concurred, nodding along.

He couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the sight of Zhang Chao's nearly purple face. This guy was nothing more than a pampered young master with zero martial arts prowess, who had landed his military officer role purely through his godfather's influence.

"Brother, where did you come across that wine recipe? Mind letting me take a look?" Zhang Chao asked, unable to contain his curiosity after observing Chen Xiaozhi's serene demeanor and silence.

"Sorry, but that recipe is a closely guarded family secret. I can't share it with anyone," Chen Xiaozhi replied with a hint of regret.

Zhang Chao swallowed hard, his smile freezing momentarily before he quickly added, "Honestly, it's not just me who wants to see it. The gang has decreed that you must offer up the recipe. 'The Immortal' has already caused quite the stir in Crowfield. Do you think Fate Gathering will stand idly by? They haven't touched Killing Bull Lane because our higher-ups have been shielding you. But don't worry, the gang isn't asking for the recipe for nothing. They'll pay handsomely for it—a sum that'll keep you in silk and jade for life."

Chen Xiaozhi inwardly scoffed at Zhang Chao's distasteful approach. After a moment's pause, he shook his head and said, "I'm truly sorry, but I must honor my ancestors' teachings. I can't compromise my principles for money." He maintained a noble air as he spoke.

Zhang Chao's smile gradually vanished, and he gave Chen Xiaozhi a measured look. His voice cooled, "You're young, with your whole life ahead of you. Don't be foolish and throw away your future."

"Is that a threat?" Chen Xiaozhi chuckled.

"Just a friendly reminder," Zhang Chao responded. "Let's be clear: it's not only Fate Gathering after you. You recently crossed Hall Master Tian by beating his only son, and he's been on the hunt for you. If I hadn't kept that under wraps, do you think you'd still be sitting here chatting with me? Also, remember where you stand. Killing Bull Lane is Green Bamboo Gang territory, and you're one of us. Without the gang's backing, where would 'The Immortal' be? Don't let greed cloud your judgment. Besides, the gang deserves a cut of the tidy sum you've made from the wine sales these past few days. That's the rule!" With that, Zhang Chao dropped all pretense and let out a cold, mocking laugh.

"You're not wrong, but I just don't feel like giving it to anyone," Chen Xiaozhi said, his smile unwavering.

"Chen Xiaozhi, don't make me force you to drink a penalty shot!" With a crash, Zhang Chao slammed his wine glass onto the floor and rose to his feet, his voice thundering with anger.

"And what exactly can you do?" Chen Xiaozhi looked up, locking eyes with him.

Zhang Chao hesitated, the image of Shi Wei being killed by Chen Xiaozhi with a single punch flashing through his mind. He inhaled deeply and stepped back as the twenty or so members of the Green Bamboo Gang, who had been standing by listening, closed in. They drew gleaming blades from beneath their long robes, their expressions twisted into snarls.

Chen Xiaozhi remained cool and collected. Dressed in long robes in the light of day, he had anticipated that this banquet would be far from ordinary.

"You think you can handle me with just these guys?" Chen Xiaozhi rose slowly to his feet.

"I'm not that naive," Zhang Chao replied, a hint of coldness flickering in his eyes.

No sooner had he spoken than the door to the adjacent room burst open. A short, middle-aged man with unusually long arms emerged. His hands, covered in calluses, hung down past his knees, and the bulging veins at his temples indicated he was a master of a rare martial skill.

It was unclear how many orifices he had opened.

"Uncle Zhong," Zhang Chao greeted the man with a respectful bow.

"A dog that doesn't obey after being petted must be put down," the middle-aged man said coolly, his indifferent gaze fixed on Chen Xiaozhi.

Chen Xiaozhi fell silent for a moment before suddenly flipping the table and charging at Zhang Chao, the nearest to him.

"You dare?!" Uncle Zhong exclaimed in shock, realizing Chen Xiaozhi's intent and erupting with rage.

He leaped forward, attempting to shield Zhang Chao, his long arms whipping out in a blur toward Chen Xiaozhi.

Chen Xiaozhi responded with a punch of his own. The two collided mid-air, and Uncle Zhong was sent reeling back seven or eight meters, his feet scraping the ground as he struggled to regain his balance, his blood roiling within him.

Then, looking up, he saw Chen Xiaozhi holding Zhang Chao by the neck, hoisting him off the ground. Zhang Chao's legs dangled, his face turning a deep shade of purple as he gasped for air.

"You're seeking death!" Uncle Zhong was astounded by the young man's strength, glaring furiously at Chen Xiaozhi. "Defying your superiors, killing a fellow gang member—that's a capital offense. You're declaring war on the entire Green Bamboo Gang!"


Everyone expected Chen Xiaozhi to hesitate, but to their shock, he simply tightened his grip, snapping Zhang Chao's neck and tossing his limp body to the ground without a second thought.


Staring at the composed Chen Xiaozhi, a shiver ran through the middle-aged man. He had sorely underestimated this youth. To kill so decisively under these circumstances, his courage was extraordinary.

"I intend to kill not just him, but you as well. You came here to kill me, didn't you? Did you think I would just sit around waiting for death?" Chen Xiaozhi's eyes narrowed.

"Kill him!"

At the command of one of Zhang Chao's men, over twenty assailants lunged forward, swords at the ready.


Chen Xiaozhi moved with the swiftness of a shooting star, his seven-step stride blurring his figure as he advanced. To him, the group before him was no different than a set of targets. With a single punch, he unleashed a terrifying force that instantly ended lives. Some assailants were hit so hard their bellies burst open, spilling their white intestines and innards across the ground.

"What a powerful punch!" exclaimed Uncle Zhong, his eyelids twitching at the sight. He knew he couldn't let Chen Xiaozhi continue this massacre. Darting behind Chen Xiaozhi, Uncle Zhong struck like two black serpents, aiming for the exposed vulnerabilities.

His hands flicked forward, casting two dark silhouettes that resembled the striking heads of ravenous snakes.

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