Apocalypse's Ordeal/C22 To Solve the Problem
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C22 To Solve the Problem
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C22 To Solve the Problem

Uncle Zhong's palm struck Chen Xiaozhi's back, only for his triumphant smile to seize up as his blow felt like it had landed on a steel plate, unyielding and solid. His palms throbbed with pain.

He heard the whistle of the wind and leapt back just in time, as Chen Xiaozhi's fist narrowly missed his face in a heart-stopping moment.

The middle-aged man quickly took cover behind a member of the Green Bamboo Gang, seizing the chance to launch a sneak attack while Chen Xiaozhi was encircled. Uncle Zhong had concluded that Chen Xiaozhi's physique was extraordinary, reasoning that only a freak with nearly a hundred refined channels could possess such strength. To defeat Chen Xiaozhi, he would have to target the body's most vulnerable spots.

Time ticked by, and as one adversary after another crumpled under Chen Xiaozhi's fists, Uncle Zhong persistently probed for a weak point, hitting the sides, chest, and even the lower body. Yet, none of these strikes made an impact on Chen Xiaozhi.

With a smack, the last Green Bamboo Gang member was sent flying, blood spurting from his mouth. Chen Xiaozhi stood panting slightly, his gaze fixed on the last middle-aged man standing, who was visibly sweating and frantic.

"You've managed to open six of the seven orifices—nose, eyes, mouth, ears. It's quite an achievement. You're just missing the last spiritual orifice, aren't you?" Chen Xiaozhi approached slowly.

"Who exactly are you?!" Uncle Zhong's scalp tingled with alarm. He recognized that Chen Xiaozhi was merely a practitioner of the Copper Skin and Iron Bones realm, yet his bodily resilience was freakishly strong. Despite taking several hits, Chen Xiaozhi didn't have a scratch on him. And to have mastered a fist technique to such a degree at a young age, it seemed only a genius backed by immense resources and terrifying power could achieve such a feat.

With a thunderous bang, Chen Xiaozhi lunged forward, aiming a punch straight at the middle-aged man's face.

The man reacted with lightning speed, his eyelids twitching as he countered with a swift clap of his hands.

Following a resounding explosion, Uncle Zhong's arms shook violently, and he was thrown to the ground, skidding several meters across the surface.

"Yellow Level Movement Technique," Uncle Zhong realized, his heart pounding. Such speed indicated an exceptional technique. His hands were numb, and he had temporarily lost sensation. He knew he was outmatched by Chen Xiaozhi in both strength and martial skill. Martial artists who had opened their Mind were formidable because their reflexes far surpassed those of practitioners with Copper Skin and Iron Bones.

"Die!" Chen Xiaozhi bellowed, lunging at the middle-aged man before he could regain his footing.

Uncle Zhong inhaled sharply and scrambled to his feet, engaging in a fierce tussle with Chen Xiaozhi.

Off to the side, Zhao Qi's eyes were wide with astonishment. Chen Xiaozhi had warned him of a potential conflict and instructed him to look after himself and not to intervene. Although the opponent was a martial artist who had opened his Mind, Zhao Qi couldn't help but worry. Nevertheless, he had faith in his young master, having witnessed Chen Xiaozhi's formidable prowess firsthand during their nightly practice sessions over the past few days.

Upon closer inspection, one could see that Chen Xiaozhi's fists rarely made contact with Uncle Zhong. The latter's eyes and ears seemed to preemptively sense the trajectory of Chen Xiaozhi's attacks, yet his palm strikes were equally ineffective against Chen Xiaozhi.

Time marched on, and Uncle Zhong's presence dwindled with each passing moment, while Chen Xiaozhi seemed to grow stronger, his vitality astonishing. The disparity in stamina between the two was stark.

With a resounding crash, Chen Xiaozhi capitalized on a gap in his opponent's defense, snapping the man's palm before spinning around to deliver a kick that sent him flying. "You're too weak..." he said, as his clothing hung in tatters, ripped by the middle-aged man. His muscular, masculine bronze skin glistened in the light. He approached the middle-aged man who lay on the ground, spitting blood, unable to rise due to his shattered arm.

"Die." With a casual tone, Chen Xiaozhi lifted his foot and brought it down on the man's head.

Just then, Uncle Zhong's eyes sparked with an unexpected gleam of intensity. In a sudden burst of energy, he reached for Chen Xiaozhi's temple. "You little brat, don't get cocky! I've killed more men than you can count. You're still green when it comes to combat," he snarled, his face twisting into a grimace of triumph. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

He refused to believe that Chen Xiaozhi's temple was an impenetrable fortress.

In a swift motion, "I was going to make it quick for you," Chen Xiaozhi remarked.

But the middle-aged man was left dumbfounded as his finger, mere centimeters from Chen Xiaozhi's face, came to an abrupt halt. Chen Xiaozhi's hair had suddenly grown longer, twisting into a black cord that ensnared the man's wrist. No matter how hard he pulled, the hair wouldn't budge, its strength unyielding.

"How is this possible?!" Uncle Zhong's pupils dilated in shock. Chen Xiaozhi offered a slight smile, then bared his teeth, which transformed into sharp barbs.

"You're not human..." the middle-aged man whispered in disbelief.

With a thunderous impact, he was hurled against the courtyard wall by a powerful punch. Chen Xiaozhi closed the distance in an instant, unleashing a barrage of punches upon Uncle Zhong. The sound of the blows echoed as Zhao Qi watched the wall shatter, then crumble, with dirt scattering in all directions.

A haze of dust enveloped the scene, obscuring the view as Chen Xiaozhi relentlessly pounded the ground with his fists. When the dust settled, he emerged, bloodied but composed.

Behind him lay the middle-aged man, reduced to an unrecognizable mass of flesh.

"Let's go," Chen Xiaozhi said nonchalantly.

Zhao Qi, his face rigid, nodded and followed his young master away, having witnessed the ferocity that lay beneath Chen Xiaozhi's calm exterior.

Leaving Killing Bull Lane behind, Chen Xiaozhi returned home for a fresh set of clothes before taking Zhao Qi with him, heading straight for the southern part of the city. The Green Bamboo Gang maintained three strongholds there, each a fortified residence belonging to a Hall Master.

Arriving at a towering walled compound, Chen Xiaozhi respectfully cupped his fists and called out to the guards, "Chen Xiaozhi of Killing Bull Lane seeks an audience with Hall Master Zheng. Please announce my arrival."

One of the men nodded, turned on his heel, and went to notify someone, clearly recognizing Chen Xiaozhi.

Shortly thereafter, he returned and escorted Chen Xiaozhi into the compound.

The compound was essentially a mansion, complete with a training ground, an armory, and all the necessary facilities. Upon entering, Chen Xiaozhi and his companion were greeted by the sight of nearly a hundred individuals practicing with their weapons, unmistakably members of the Green Bamboo Gang. These were no ordinary gang members; their expressions were fierce, their training evident, and their combat prowess, formidable.

The majority had honed their bodies to develop a layer of copper skin.

After a tour of the premises, they arrived at the entrance to a grand hall.


The voice that emerged from within, low and resonant, seemed to detect Chen Xiaozhi's presence.

"Greetings, Hall Master." Inside, an elder sat with dignity on the main seat, a scholarly-looking man standing behind him, his keen eyes scrutinizing Chen Xiaozhi from the moment he knelt on one knee upon entry.

This elder was none other than Zhang Chao's godfather, whom Chen Xiaozhi had previously encountered.

The pressure emanating from this man was palpable, dwarfing that of Uncle Zhong. Chen Xiaozhi surmised that the elder must have reached an advanced level of mastery, his senses and spiritual perception incredibly sharp.

"The scent of blood." The elder's nostrils flared, picking up on a scent, and his countenance swiftly turned icy, his chilling gaze locking onto Chen Xiaozhi with an oppressive aura. "What have you done?" Chen Xiaozhi inhaled deeply, internally cursing the elder's extraordinary senses, and replied with composure, "I eliminated Zhang Chao, who attempted to seize my wine recipe, and the expert who sought my life."

Unveiling the contents of the cloth bag he carried, two severed heads rolled out before them—Zhang Chao's and Uncle Zhong's, their visages stained with blood.

The scholarly man behind the Hall Master gasped at the sight, shocked by Chen Xiaozhi's audacity. Was he courting death?

The hall's temperature seemed to plummet in an instant.

"My hunch was correct; this affair has your interest, doesn't it, Hall Master?" Chen Xiaozhi looked up at Zheng Dehai, unflinching.

As Zheng Dehai rose, poised to act, Chen Xiaozhi hastened to add, "Please, Hall Master, stay your hand. I meant no disrespect. Faced with death, I had no choice but to defend myself. Actually, I came today to offer my congratulations!"

Zheng Dehai paused, waiting for Chen Xiaozhi to continue, though his expression remained lethal.

Chen Xiaozhi produced several silver notes from his sleeve and presented them.

Upon seeing the sum, Zheng Dehai's features relaxed marginally as he accepted the offering.

"Henceforth, you shall receive half of all earnings from the Immortal Lord," Chen Xiaozhi declared with a smile. "Regarding Zhang Chao, you know as well as I do that he was nothing more than a lackluster idler. His status was solely due to your support. His ineptitude has been the subject of much talk within the gang, and it reflects poorly on you. If his loss pains you, perhaps I could step in as your godson. Should my contributions prove fruitful, it would bring you honor. Besides, I can help you earn significant wealth. In every respect, I am more than a hundred times the man Zhang Chao ever was!"

Upon hearing Chen Xiaozhi's argument, Zheng Dehai fell into a brief contemplation before responding coolly, "If I kill you, the wine recipe will naturally fall into my hands."

"And what if I refuse to hand it over? Knowing I'm a dead man either way, why should I make things easy for someone else? If I die, not only will the Green Bamboo Gang's future prospects be compromised, but you, my godfather, will also miss out on a substantial profit. It's in both our interests to cooperate, isn't it?" Chen Xiaozhi maintained his smile throughout.

Zheng Dehai exchanged a glance with the man behind him, both remaining silent for a moment.

The stakes were high; the Immortal Lord's wine was too crucial to gamble with. If Chen Xiaozhi stubbornly kept his lips sealed, the recipe could be lost forever—a consequence no one desired.

"In the end, the wine recipe must be passed on to the gang," Zheng Dehai finally conceded, his voice losing its earlier assertiveness. "Even in my role as Hall Master, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Then let's delay the inevitable. Setting other matters aside, the dividends we'll share during this time alone will be astronomical. Besides, starting today, you're my godfather. With that bond, the gang's leadership will be even more invested in the wine recipe, and your standing within the gang will surely soar," Chen Xiaozhi confidently presented his well-rehearsed argument.

"Ha! Excellent! You're truly worthy of being my son, Zheng Dehai!" Zheng Dehai's eyes twinkled before he burst into hearty laughter, clapping Chen Xiaozhi on the shoulder with a look of immense satisfaction.

The tension that had filled the hall evaporated in an instant.

Chen Xiaozhi joined in the laughter, though inwardly, he was sneering.

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