Apocalypse's Ordeal/C23 To Persuade
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C23 To Persuade
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C23 To Persuade

"Mr. Jiang, what's your take on the young man?" Zheng Dehai inquired, turning to the man behind him once Chen Xiaozhi and his companion had departed.

"He's quite astute, knows how to leverage a situation," the man replied, furrowing his brow with a tinge of concern in his voice. "And he's got big ambitions."

"You're spot on," Zheng Dehai affirmed, rising to his feet and walking to the entrance of the hall. He gazed up at the sky, musing, "I never anticipated he'd manage to kill Zhan Zhong. The kid must have some real talent; he's not as straightforward as he looks. Still, at the end of the day, he's merely a novice at the Copper Skin and Iron Bones level. It'll take him a good ten years to reach my stature. As long as he keeps his head down and understands the ways of the world, I might just keep him around. The riverbank area needs someone in charge, and right now, he seems more capable than Zhang Chao." He finished with a soft sigh, "I'm getting old, and retirement is inevitable. If he can gain influence within the gang, I'd be glad to lend him a hand. After all, nobody turns their back on money."

He needed a nest egg to secure a worry-free retirement.

"But... in my view, Chen Xiaozhi doesn't seem like an easy mark," Mr. Jiang intoned gravely.

"With me overseeing things for the next few years, he won't stir up any trouble. And if he ever dares cross me, I'll take him out myself and find another godson. I'm sure there's no shortage of candidates eager to fill that role," Zheng Dehai said with a cold laugh.

"And what of the Fang Clan, with Zhang Chao gone?"

"She's just a woman; it's of no concern."


"Congratulations, Young Master, on your appointment as a military officer!" Zhao Qi exclaimed, his face alight with excitement as they left the hall.

Only upon stepping outside the mansion did Chen Xiaozhi, who had maintained a facade of composure, truly relax. He had been unable to gauge the depth of Zhang Chao's ties with Zheng Dehai. If Zheng saw Zhang Chao as his own, Chen's visit might have been perilous. Luckily, he had bet correctly! He was now the military officer in charge of the southern riverbank, stepping into Zhang Chao's shoes and, most importantly, securing a connection with Zheng Dehai.

He had finally established a foothold in the Green Bamboo Gang.

"Zheng, the old miser, his greed knows no bounds. It's only a matter of time before he's left unsatisfied," Chen Xiaozhi mused, devoid of elation. Before departing, Zheng Dehai had bluntly stated that until the wine recipe was delivered to the gang, he would take seventy percent of the profits, leaving Chen with a mere thirty. Under such circumstances, Chen had no choice but to agree.

"However, just give me time..." Chen Xiaozhi's eyes narrowed.

In plain terms, his relationship with Zheng Dehai was purely transactional; the moment profits ceased, Zheng would not hesitate to eliminate him.

Chen Xiaozhi loathed the feeling of his life being at someone else's mercy.

The pair made their way back to the slaughterhouse in Killing Bull Lane. As the newly appointed military officer, Chen Xiaozhi planned to relocate his thirty-odd underlings to the nearby riverbank. With over a dozen military posts in the southern city, the riverbank was just one sector, yet it governed six streets, including Killing Bull Lane—a sizable territory. The news of their leader's promotion brought smiles to the faces of the gang members who had recently joined Chen Xiaozhi. They were part of the original crew, and being stationed at the military post was far preferable to patrolling the streets. It was a matter of pride, even when mentioned to outsiders.

The abandoned factory was nearly empty when the group emerged, making a beeline for the street corner.

"This factory will soon be transformed into a wine warehouse," Chen Xiaozhi told Zhao Qi. "Local shopkeepers can simply come here for their supplies." It was inevitable that their Immortal wine would be sold beyond the confines of Killing Bull Lane. Now that he was a military officer, Xiaozhi planned to extend the wine trade throughout the Winding River region, aiming to turn the city's southern district into the bustling heart of Crowfield.

This wasn't mere speculation; the throngs of people crowding Killing Bull Lane were proof enough.

"Move aside!"


Leading the way, Chen Xiaozhi and his companions had barely left the alley when a disturbance erupted ahead. A hundred-strong crowd approached in formation, jostling the pedestrians who quickly showed fear at the sight of their uniforms and kept their distance in silence.

"Young Master, those are Fate Gathering members," Zhao Qi said, his face turning pale.

Chen Xiaozhi's expression grew stern.

"Boss Chen, I've been looking forward to meeting you," greeted a portly man, clearly the ringleader of the Fate Gathering crowd. He bowed from a distance, his smile courteous as he recognized Xiaozhi. Clearly, he had come specifically for him. "I am Old Xiao Jiu, also known as Quick Nine, a deacon of Fate Gathering." As he introduced himself, the Fate Gathering members closed in around Chen Xiaozhi and his group.

While both Fate Gathering and Green Bamboo Gang were influential in Crowfield's underworld, their internal rankings differed. Green Bamboo Gang was organized into groups, stacks, and halls, whereas Fate Gathering used titles like hall master, deacon, and elder. However, Fate Gathering's reach and power dwarfed that of Green Bamboo Gang. In terms of authority, a deacon's might not match a Green Bamboo Gang hall master's, but it far exceeded that of an ordinary military officer.

"What's this about?" Chen Xiaozhi inquired coolly.

"I've been sent by our president to extend an invitation for a conversation with you, Boss Chen," Old Xiao Jiu replied amiably.

"Immortal?" Xiaozhi's mouth quirked in a sardonic smile.

"Boss Chen is obviously astute. Our president is intrigued about how you've transformed simple grain wine into a potent tonic," Old Xiao Jiu continued.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi kept his composure, though inwardly he was alarmed. The Immortal's brewing process was straightforward: secure the base from a distillery and add wind meridian powder. He had confidentiality agreements with the distilleries, yet it seemed the secret was out.

"There's no need for surprise, Boss Chen. For Fate Gathering, uncovering information in Crowfield is a trivial matter," Old Xiao Jiu said, stepping aside to clear a path. He gestured for Xiaozhi to follow, "Moreover, you needn't worry. Our president means no harm. Despite your clash with the Shi brothers, particularly our esteemed Shi Wei, it was all a misunderstanding. Your talents at such a young age are remarkable. Our president is eager to witness your prowess and befriend you. The Green Bamboo Gang has its merits, but it lacks prominence. As they say, a fine bird chooses a tree to roost. Wouldn't you agree?"

Chen Xiaozhi could easily decipher the subtext in his words; they were attempting to coax him into defecting to the Fate Gathering.

"Your concern is noted, but I must ask you to leave," Chen Xiaozhi declined flatly.

"If that's how it is, then I've offended you, Boss Chen," Elder Xiao Jiu said with a slight smile.

Upon his words, a hundred members of Fate Gathering assumed a combative stance. Similarly, Chen Xiaozhi's thirty-odd companions surged forward, ready to face off against the Fate Gathering.

"Attack!" Elder Xiao Jiu commanded, and the two factions clashed in the street, sending bystanders scattering. Chen Xiaozhi remained still, watching as Zhao Qi led a charge into the fray, fists and feet flying. The melee was intense, with the Green Bamboo Gang clearly outnumbered and outmatched in morale. These were fresh recruits, untested in the crucible of real combat, unlike the seasoned brawlers of Fate Gathering, whose very presence was intimidating.

The battle was lopsided.

Except for Zhao Qi. Under Chen's tutelage, his prowess, both in raw strength and technique, was unmatched.

None from Fate Gathering could withstand Zhao Qi; he was a tiger among sheep, swiftly downing anyone who dared approach.

Chen Xiaozhi's gaze sharpened, spotting a square-faced youth, about his age, skillfully executing the military boxing techniques he had taught. Despite taking hits, the youth fought back fiercely, his face bruised but his eyes burning with resolve. Nearby, a chubby boy fought dirtily, aiming for the head and groin, his tactics as effective as they were underhanded. In the narrow alley crowded with combatants, the chaos rendered the boy practically invisible, allowing him to take down several opponents unnoticed.

"In such a short time, he's developed a resilience like copper skin... I believe his name is Niu Tiedan, and the chubby one is Zhao Dabao..." Chen Xiaozhi mused with a hint of pride, stroking his chin.

Their names, though, were rather unsophisticated.

"For each opponent you down, I'll reward you with five silver leaves. And for those who fall... well," Chen Xiaozhi chuckled. The Green Bamboo Gang members were steadfast in their defense, but the relentless assault from Fate Gathering was closing in around them. Chen knew that with the large tonifying pill's remarkable benefits and recent training, Niu Tiedan and the others were physically on par with, if not superior to, their adversaries. Their only disadvantage was fear. His cold laughter sent a shiver through the ranks, cementing the terror he had instilled in their hearts over the past days.

Motivated by the promise of substantial rewards, a surge of fervor ignited within them.

"Take them down, show no mercy!"

"Fight them to the very end!"

With the rallying cries of a few, the once faltering members of the Green Bamboo Gang suddenly surged with a frenzied vigor, as if they had been infused with a surge of adrenaline, launching a wild counterattack that seemed almost suicidal.

From a distance, Old Xiao Jiu's expression was sour. These hundred men were his loyal followers, and he had expected them to easily subdue Chen Xiaozhi. Yet, the task proved to be unexpectedly challenging! He had always thought the Green Bamboo Gang to be weak, save for the main sect members who could put up a fight. These street patrollers were hardly a threat in his eyes. Moreover, this was the southern part of Crowfield, the city's most impoverished district, where the lack of warm clothing and sufficient food only exacerbated their frailty.

"If it weren't for the uproar caused by that recent incident, the City Lord's Mansion would have prohibited any armed conflict..." Old Xiao Jiu grumbled resentfully.

Their gang, despite its strength, would never dare to confront the authorities outright.

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