Apocalypse's Ordeal/C3 The Fragrance of Plum Blossoms Came from the Bitter Cold!
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C3 The Fragrance of Plum Blossoms Came from the Bitter Cold!
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C3 The Fragrance of Plum Blossoms Came from the Bitter Cold!

Chen Xiaozhi's demeanor today left everyone present feeling like they were seeing a stranger, a far cry from the person he once was!

Sage King Chen Zhuo seemed indifferent to Xiaozhi's behavior, yet a mocking glint betrayed his true feelings. Despite the prince's unrecognized status, Xiaozhi was still of noble blood. No matter his circumstances, he was expected to maintain a certain level of dignity.

Indeed, Xiaozhi now carried himself with the poise befitting a royal scion.

"Let's go," Xiaozhi said, taking Xiaocao's delicate hand. Sheltered by an umbrella held by a servant, he confidently led the way out of the mausoleum. "Don't worry. With your big brother here, no one will ever bully you again," he reassured her, gently stroking her hair and smiling. The image of the young girl shielding him with her frail body from the punches and kicks of other Hidden Dragon Institute disciples still vividly haunted his thoughts.

"Mhm," Xiaocao replied, her eyes welling up as she looked at her brother, now radiating vitality, and nodded vigorously.

Her brother was truly back.

As the spring rain drizzled down, the pair receded into the misty haze, Xiaozhi's spine ramrod straight like never before.

Sage King rose and followed suit. Soon after, a procession of young nobles quietly exited the cemetery, none daring to engage Dung Qing'an in conversation. His fury was palpable, and no one wished to provoke the firebrand.

The group climbed into their carriages and made their way into the city. Inside his carriage, Xiaozhi lifted the curtain to peer outside. The bustling array of shops lined the cobblestone streets, with passersby donned in traditional long robes and headwear. The architecture, reminiscent of ancient pavilions with intricately carved beams and painted rafters, exuded a timeless charm. The Hidden Dragon Institute's procession commanded the main thoroughfare, flanked by a retinue of servants in uniform dark green robes—a significant display of presence. The rain seemed to have subdued the city's usual vibrancy, casting a somber mood over the streets. Yet, the vast expanse of Crowfield was undeniable, the imposing city walls in the distance awe-inspiring. The caravan wound its way through the city, yet the heart of the prefectural city remained elusive, a testament to its grand scale.

The Hidden Dragon Institute's estate sat at the very heart of the prefectural city, a bastion above local governance and worldly influences, its royal backing a silent sentinel. The Institute's background was a mystery to outsiders; knowledge of its inhabitants—offspring of the ruling elite—would surely disturb the city's tranquility, perhaps even inviting malice from those with darker intentions.

Within the Hidden Dragon Institute, Xiaozhi and his peers would shed their privileged identities, adopting aliases and embracing the pretense of equality. But the truth was...

The individuals he encountered today represented just a fraction of the Institute's population. Many scions and daughters of noble houses remained unseen.

By rough count, the progeny of the Institute's influential families numbered over a hundred.

The very thought of the Hidden Dragon Institute sent Xiaozhi's heart racing with anxiety. As the destination drew nearer, an almost irresistible urge to leap from the carriage seized him, as if he were approaching a savage beast lying in wait.

It took a good long while for him to quell the turmoil within.

"Ah," Chen Xiaozhi heaved a sigh in the car. Dong Qing'an was a master of manipulation, and after being humiliated by Chen today, retaliation was inevitable. The presence of the Sage King prevented any immediate action, but Chen Zhuo could only offer temporary shelter, not a lifetime of protection. In his recollections, this continent revered martial prowess, with everyone striving to forge their path in martial arts to escape life's constraints.

To a martial artist, an ordinary citizen was as different as the clouds are from the dirt.

Yet, what truly disheartened Chen Xiaozhi was the importance of essence, energy, and spirit in martial training. A typical person was born with seventy-two vital points, while those with exceptional gifts had even more. Unlocking all these points was crucial for advancing in martial arts and reaching loftier heights. Some legendary figures boasted over a hundred points.

Chen, however, had a mere thirty-six—a deficit of half compared to the average person.

"Come on! Does it have to be this motivational? I was just an average gamer before. Now, I've been cast into such a perilous world, and I'm this much of a dud. How is that fair?" Chen Xiaozhi grumbled inwardly. Before his soul transmigrated, he was a gamer, and not just any gamer, but a top-tier one. He wasn't the type to leave a trail of bodies in his wake, but he dominated the server as the most formidable potion master, recognized by all as the premier lifestyle player. However, that prowess meant nothing now. Before, even someone skilled in embroidery had more to offer than a gamer—at least they could provide for their family...

Chen Xiaozhi had overheard Dong Qing'an's venomous words at the gravesite crystal clear. He couldn't let Xiaocao fall prey to such a fate. Gazing at the girl before him, a fierce protective instinct surged within him.

He needed to grow stronger, and fast.

As this resolve solidified, Chen Xiaozhi was startled by a crisp sound. A small, pale green holographic screen popped up before his eyes. He instinctively glanced at his sister, but she seemed oblivious, her attention fixed on the world outside the car window. His anxiety subsided, and he turned back to the screen, emitting a surprised murmur.

This device was a patch plug-in from his past life's gaming days—an assistant that had precisely calculated medicinal ratios, propelling him to the top of the gaming community.

Upon closer inspection, Chen Xiaozhi noticed the plug-in had evolved. Gone was its original function; now, it seemed to absorb ingredients directly, concocting a variety of pills with diverse effects. Crucially, any medicine it produced could be assimilated by him, its owner, without adverse effects.

In essence, this plug-in had become a miraculous tool for alchemy. Chen Xiaozhi didn't have to lift a finger; he just needed to gather ingredients and let the absorption happen.

Reborn as he was, Chen Xiaozhi didn't dwell on why this plug-in had accompanied him. It was here, and that was all that mattered.

Undoubtedly, this was a pivotal moment that could turn Chen Xiaozhi's life around!

At just sixteen years old, Chen Xiaozhi was no longer considered a child by local customs. Most of his peers had already reached the formidable level of Copper Skin and Iron Bones, with a few prodigies capable of lifting a thousand kilograms. Take Dung Qing'an, for instance. Despite his scholarly appearance, he possessed immense strength, having already opened two of the seven apertures. With only a limited understanding of martial arts gleaned from merged memories, Chen Xiaozhi was aware of the various realms: Copper Skin, Iron Bones, Seven Apertures, Smoke, Dragon Elephant, Thunder, Qi Gathering, and Business.

There were three significant thresholds: Copper Skin and Iron Bones, Seven Apertures Smoke, Dragon Elephant Thunder, and Harmony, each with two sub-levels.

A typical sixteen-year-old martial artist would have surpassed Copper Skin and Iron Bones, their flesh refined and ready to unlock the seven apertures. Yet, Chen Xiaozhi was still at the Copper Skin level, on par with a ten-year-old martial disciple—a clear indication of his shortcomings.

"The path is made by walking. What does it matter if I have fewer acupoints? I can still practice martial arts; I'll just progress more slowly," Chen Xiaozhi mused with narrowed eyes, determined not to disgrace his ancestors after his soul transmigration.

Eventually, the carriage came to a halt. Chen Xiaozhi leapt out, his eyes catching the imposing sight of a mansion flanked by two stone lions. The three gilded characters of the Hidden Dragon Institute hung above the entrance, exuding an air of gravity. The mansion sat along a main thoroughfare, yet passersby gave it a wide berth, sensing the need for reverence despite not knowing who resided within.

The mansion's eerie presence was palpable. Staring intently at the stone lions, the scenery appeared to warp and swirl, inducing nausea and splitting headaches. The once inanimate guardians seemed to spring to life, growing to immense heights, their eyes blazing red as they roared menacingly.

A bead of cold sweat trickled down Chen Xiaozhi's forehead as he faced the familiar edifice, too drained to take a step. A voice in his ear urgently whispered, "Run! You'll die here. Get away... Escape..."

No outsider had ever set foot in the Hidden Dragon Institute, according to Chen Xiaozhi's memories. Ordinary people couldn't even approach the courtyard, and his former self could only enter with assistance. The mansion's unseen power commanded a respectful distance.

Outside the gates stood an elderly man in gray robes, his forehead marked with age spots and his eyes drooping as though he hadn't slept. Yet, upon sighting him, all the youths, including Dung Qing'an, fell silent. This was Elder Fu, the master of the Hidden Dragon Institute and the overseer of Chen Xiaozhi's life.

Elder Fu stepped forward, first paying his respects to the Sage King with a courteous greeting, then turned his attention to Chen Xiaozhi, his voice as steady as still water. "Come inside," he said, seemingly uninterested in Chen Xiaozhi's miraculous return from the dead.

Chen Xiaozhi, upon hearing this, gulped, rooted to the spot with hesitation.

His memories warned him that the Hidden Dragon Institute was no benign place; it was a den of darkness and peril.

"Please, after you, Zhi," Dung Qing'an said, observing the shift in Chen Xiaozhi's demeanor. With a respectful and modest gesture, she invited him to proceed.

Dung Qing'an couldn't help the cold sneer that crept into her heart as she watched Chen Xiaozhi. To him, the Hidden Dragon Institute was tantamount to hell. Given Chen Xiaozhi's feeble resolve, he wouldn't be able to withstand the influence of the Yin Spirit Stone and was bound to make a fool of himself, possibly even wetting himself out of fear. The thought of Chen Xiaozhi's impending humiliation brought a wider smirk to her face, a sense of vindication swelling within her.

"It's all in the past... Starting today, I am reborn anew." Chen Xiaozhi was well aware of Dung Qing'an's sentiments. Taking a deep breath, he recognized that his inner resistance was largely due to the memories of his former self. Whispering to himself in a barely audible voice, he then set his face in a look of resolve and marched towards the mansion gate.

Dung Qing'an quickly followed, the two of them leading the way.

With each step Chen Xiaozhi took, the onlookers' eyes focused intently on him.

Unfazed, Chen Xiaozhi felt the pressure mounting as he neared the stone lions. He could almost see the left one's paw lifting, poised to strike, ready to leap and pounce. The mansion's front door seemed to warp and twist, his steps growing shaky.

"I've already died once; what's there to fear?" Chen Xiaozhi's gaze hardened as he faced the stone lion, mentally shouting, "Get out of my way!"

With his inner cry, the hallucinations before him shattered like broken glass, the oppressive sensation dissolving instantly, and his breathing eased. The stone lion remained motionless, the gate wide open before him.

Chen Xiaozhi let out a hearty laugh, so loud it caught the group behind him off guard.

He paid no mind to the expressions of those around him, sauntering up to the stone lion with a flamboyant swagger and coming to a halt. Dung Qing'an, who had been taken aback, now relaxed, convinced that Chen Xiaozhi was succumbing to the Yin Spirit Stone's effects and was about to make a spectacle of himself.

Many shared his expectation.

Yet, what unfolded next left everyone agape.

The maids blushed, bowing their heads, too embarrassed to watch.

Even Xiaocao spat out in disdain, "Brother has no shame," before turning her head away.

Chen Xiaozhi undid his waistband, lifted his robe, and with a stream of warm water, relieved himself on the stone lion. He groaned in relief, "Ah, that's better!" and even gave his hand a little shake before patting the lion, "Sorry about that."

A hush fell over the crowd.

Chen Xiaozhi, as nonchalant as anyone could be, tucked himself away and dressed at a leisurely pace. Turning to face the onlookers, he coughed and explained, "When nature calls, it's urgent. Please understand." He then glanced at Dung Qing'an, who was close by and in disbelief, wiped his face with his hand and casually remarked, "Urgent needs can be messy..."

With those words, he took a bold leap and strode confidently through the gates into the mansion.

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