Apocalypse's Ordeal/C5 He Had Made a Huge Profit.
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C5 He Had Made a Huge Profit.
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C5 He Had Made a Huge Profit.

Absolutely, it was a shakedown!

Chen Xiaozhi couldn't help but smirk as he caught the sour looks on Dong Qing'an and the others' faces, waving nonchalantly as he made his exit.

In the Vrening Dynasty, the currency of choice was precious metals, with gold being the most valuable, crafted into diamond-shaped leaves, followed by silver and copper leaves. The conversion rate was a steep one hundred to one. Even for a duke's son like Dong Qing'an, his monthly expenses barely amounted to a handful of gold leaves. Chen Xiaozhi knew him well enough to predict that, to avoid tarnishing the Dong family's reputation in front of the royal family, Dong Qing'an would cough up at least twenty to thirty gold leaves, especially with the presence of his Royal Uncle, Chen Zhuo.

The others weren't even worth mentioning.

"Greedy for petty gains, doomed to mediocrity!" Dong Qing'an muttered under his breath, eyes squinting with disdain as he watched Chen Xiaozhi strut away. His recently settled emotions were once again churning with unrest.

Leaving the Divine Immortal Pavilion behind, Chen Xiaozhi headed straight for the grand hall of the Hidden Dragon Institute. Elder Fu was there, leisurely sipping tea and chatting with Chen Zhuo. Straightening his attire, Chen Xiaozhi stood at the threshold and announced with clarity, "I seek an audience on an urgent matter." Chen Zhuo, seated in the place of honor with Elder Fu to his left, nodded, signaling him to enter.

Elder Fu's gaze was laced with an unreadable glint. Xiaozhi was known for his timidity within the institute, always skirting around Elder Fu. Yet today, he was the picture of composure—a change that didn't go unnoticed by the elder, who cast a sidelong glance at Chen Zhuo. The presence of the Sage King might have something to do with it.

"What's the matter?" inquired Chen Zhuo.

"I wish to take Xiaocao and temporarily reside outside the institute," Chen Xiaozhi stated plainly. To bolster his strength, he needed to leave the Hidden Dragon Institute—a nest of conflict—for a safer environment to thrive. Noticing Elder Fu's furrowed brow, he added, "I can handle myself; after all, I've faced death before. But I can't stand to see my sister suffer. If anything were to happen to Xiaocao, I'd never forgive myself." Chen Zhuo turned to Elder Fu, the institute's steward, already anticipating their plight.

Before Elder Fu could voice his objection, Chen Zhuo interjected with a decisive wave, "Enough, I'll handle it. I'll discuss it with the emperor upon my return."

"Thank you, Royal Uncle!" Chen Xiaozhi bowed deeply in gratitude.

Elder Fu sat with his eyes closed, lost in thought.

"Oh, and Elder Fu," Chen Xiaozhi added, pausing mid-step as he turned back with a grin, "about tomorrow's banquet—Dong Qing'an and the others want to make amends and cover the expenses. Just deduct it from their monthly allowances."

Elder Fu acknowledged with a nod.

With Chen Zhuo's involvement, the banquet's standards would undoubtedly be maintained. Besides, these young nobles had their allowances sent monthly, and spending a bit here and there was no issue. Dong Qing'an, in particular, was shrewd, performing these token gestures for the Sage King's eyes. He was, after all, a scion of the Dong family.

After receiving the go-ahead, Chen Xiaozhi hurried to the main dining hall with a spring in his step. He instructed the busy chefs to prepare an extravagant spread for the next day, sparing no expense on the most costly and complex dishes. His demeanor exuded a sense of wealth that was quite impressive.

Having exchanged pleasantries with the chefs, Chen Xiaozhi was about to head back to the Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion when he encountered a drowsy-looking youth. The youth yawned, his gold-threaded robe hanging loosely on his frame, and his hair a tousled mess. Recognizing the youth's high status, Chen Xiaozhi quickly stepped aside, bowing slightly with a smile, "Little Royal Uncle." He remembered that this young man, a grandson of the founding emperor, had been sent to the Hidden Dragon Institute at a tender age for reasons unknown. Despite their shared royal lineage, Chen Hao had never deigned to give Chen Xiaozhi a second glance, nor did he seem to regard anyone, including Elder Fu, the steward, as worthy of his attention. Indeed, Chen Hao epitomized the aura of royalty.

Chen Hao brushed past Chen Xiaozhi without a word and entered the dining hall, likely in search of something tasty. Unperturbed, Chen Xiaozhi quickly made his exit. It was common knowledge at the Hidden Dragon Institute that Chen Hao was an eccentric character.


The following day at noon, the usually serene Hidden Dragon Institute was abuzz with activity. The estate's numerous staff bustled about, infusing the place with a lively atmosphere.

At the heart of the courtyard lay a lotus pond nearly an acre in size, surrounded by a series of elegant pavilions known collectively as the Lotus Pavilion. Here, attendants bustled about, serving food and drink, while Chen Zhuo sat at the largest square table nearby, seemingly indifferent to the arriving guests as he took in the view. Chen Xiaozhi stood watch in the corridor, his gaze eager, with Xiaocao by his side in her new attire. She stretched her neck, pouting slightly, aware of who her brother was anticipating.

Right on cue, a group led by Dung Qing'an appeared in the distance.

"Zhi, quite the lavish setup you've got here. This spread must have cost a pretty penny, huh?" Zheng Songbai remarked sarcastically as he eyed the trays of food being carried by the servants.

They had never indulged in such extravagance, even for their own birthdays. Did Chen Xiaozhi think he was hosting a feast in the royal palace?

The wine was a premium floral brew, and the menu featured not only fish but also a selection of rare delicacies from the mountains. They suspected that the Sage King must have footed the bill because, in their eyes, Chen Xiaozhi was too impoverished to afford such luxury.

To add to the absurdity, it wasn't just the institute's students who were invited to dine; even some of the more influential servants were seated at the tables. Chen Xiaozhi had extended invitations to more than half the estate's population, a move that was nothing short of opulent.

"Enough with the chit-chat. Did you bring the money?" Chen Xiaozhi asked Dung Qing'an with a sly grin, as if he were a streetwise hustler.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Dung Qing'an's features. She had been irked by Chen Xiaozhi's bold request for money, but his flagrant display of wealth had somewhat improved her mood. She pulled a silk purse from her sleeve and handed it to him. "It's not much, just twenty gold leaves as a small token of my esteem."

The assembled young nobles wore smirks of derision, viewing Chen Xiaozhi as someone desperate for money, and they handed over their contributions as if bestowing alms.

After grabbing the cash, Chen Xiaozhi stepped aside and began to count it meticulously.

Dung Qing'an and his companions sneered coldly, ready to take their leave, when unexpectedly, Chen Xiaozhi called out, halting them in their tracks. He approached with Xiaocao in tow and announced, "I forgot to mention, not only is today my birthday, but it's also my sister's. You see..." He trailed off, suggestively wiggling his fingers at them.

"Chen Xiaozhi, you!" Zheng Songbai's eyebrows shot up. What was this? Another scam after the first wasn't enough for him?


"Brother Song Bai, lower your voice. The Royal Uncle is right over there," Chen Xiaozhi whispered, discreetly pointing to Chen Zhuo nearby.


"All the money I had is now yours!"

"Yeah, we're broke!"

The youths protested, their faces set in refusal.

"Hmm? That ice jade on Brother Bai Tao looks valuable. It would make a fine birthday gift!" Chen Xiaozhi was swift to act, snatching a jade piece from the fatty's waist and smacking his lips in appreciation.

"No, that belongs to my grandmother..." The fatty exploded in anger. It wasn't enough to take their money; now he was openly robbing them?

Was there any difference between him and a bandit?

"Let's not make a scene. Once the Sage King departs, we'll get it back from him. It's only a matter of a few days," a level-headed young master murmured into the fatty's ear.

Then, Chen Xiaozhi began rifling through everyone's clothes, practically frisking them. Anything of value was swiftly commandeered, including items from Dung Qing'an, who remained silent, his face twisted as if he'd swallowed a fly. To add insult to injury, Chen Xiaozhi had the gall to bring a cloth from his pocket and bundle up all the gold, silver, and jade items, utterly disregarding their feelings.

"Enjoy the feast, everyone! Today's on me!" Chen Xiaozhi declared, his face beaming as he hoisted the heavy bundle onto his shoulder.

"I won't forget this!"

Finally, one of them couldn't contain his fury, his words seething through clenched teeth.

But Chen Xiaozhi was already slipping away, pulling Xiaocao along, with no intention of playing host any longer.

"Are we still eating this meal?"

"Why not? We can't let that kid get the best of us!"

The group dug in voraciously, as if the feast before them was a direct recompense from Chen Xiaozhi's own pockets, tearing and gulping down the food with fervor.

"I've heard the Sage King will be returning to the capital the day after tomorrow," Dung Qing'an mentioned casually, once Chen Zhuo had departed.

At this news, a collective sense of schadenfreude spread around the table. Chen Xiaozhi's days of ease were numbered.

Buoyed by this thought, they indulged in the meal with even greater gusto.

"If any of you are short on cash, I've got a decent sum in the accounts. Feel free to borrow from me," Dung Qing'an offered generously after they had eaten their fill and were ready to leave.

Just then, a bookkeeper hurried over, catching them as they were about to depart.

He came to a respectful stop and informed them, "Your Highness, Elder Fu instructed me to tell you that you now owe the Hidden Dragon Institute two hundred and twenty gold leaves. Please arrange for your family to send the funds promptly."

Two hundred and twenty gold leaves?

Dung Qing'an's vision darkened. What in the world was happening?

Zheng Songbai and his companions were agape. After all, the sum in question was no trifle; it was tantamount to their annual expenditures as privileged scions.

"Impossible!" Dung Qing'an lost his composure, his figure staggering. Thankfully, he was steadied by someone behind him.

The waiter ducked his head, revealing the true nature of the banquet that masqueraded as a birthday celebration for Chen Xiaozhi, but was in reality a guise for their forced apology.


Overwhelmed by the revelation, Dung Qing'an felt his anger ready to burst.

"Chen Xiaozhi!"

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