Apocalypse's Ordeal/C6 The Treasure Land.
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C6 The Treasure Land.
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C6 The Treasure Land.

Since Chen Xiaozhi's miraculous return from the dead, Dung Qing'an had been bested by him time and again. Even in the capital, where the competition was fierce, no one had managed to make a fool of him. And now, to be outsmarted by someone he used to look down upon? The indignity of it was more than he could stomach!

"Let's go find him!" He had been wary of the Sage King Chen Zhuo before, but even a clay figure has its limits of tolerance, and Chen Xiaozhi had truly pushed Dung Qing'an to the edge!

With that, a group set out with great momentum towards the Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion, only to discover upon arrival that the Chen siblings had already vacated the premises.

"You there, come here!" Dung Qing'an, face contorted with rage, beckoned to a servant scurrying by and demanded coldly, "Where has Chen Xiaozhi gone?" The servant, intimidated by his stern demeanor, stammered, "I just saw him leave the estate. The steward mentioned that Elder Fu has granted the siblings permission to reside within the city."

Zheng Baisong and the others were taken aback. The Hidden Dragon Institute had strict protocols. Given their unique status, they were required to seek Elder Fu's approval for any excursions, let alone moving out. The Institute served, in part, as a safeguard for their well-being. Crowfield, though a border city, was a bustling hub where danger lurked in every corner. Should any misfortune befall them, who would bear the consequences?

"He's got some nerve. But this makes it easier for me to act..." Dung Qing'an's eyes narrowed. Inside the Institute, he was constrained, but outside, any mishap that befell Chen Xiaozhi would be out of his hands.

A smirk crept onto his face at the thought.

Chen Xiaozhi was digging his own grave!


"Brother, where are we going?" Having relieved Dung Qing'an and his cronies of a substantial sum, Chen Xiaozhi quickly left the estate with Xiaocao. He wasn't about to foolishly wait for them to track him down. Besides, if he didn't leave now, he risked losing his chance once Chen Zhuo departed and Elder Fu potentially revoked his permission.

"Xiaocao, from today on, we won't be going back. We'll live outside, indulge in the finest foods, and stay in a grand courtyard," Chen Xiaozhi said with a grin, clutching a large bundle that made him look rather disheveled, almost like a bandit. Yet his smile was radiant.

"All I need is to be with my brother!" Xiaocao affirmed, clinging tightly to Chen Xiaozhi's arm.


Their first stop was the Welcoming Guests pawnshop, where Chen Xiaozhi traded a collection of gold, silver, and jade for cash and promissory notes totaling over five hundred gold leaves. Combined with the gifts from Dung Qing'an and others, his net worth was nearing a thousand gold leaves, placing him among the city's elite. The transaction left the shopkeeper visibly shaken, eyeing Chen Xiaozhi with suspicion. The siblings' youthful appearance didn't fit the profile of wealthy heirs, and he feared the origins of their fortune might be dubious. Luckily, Chen Xiaozhi was prepared, producing an iron plaque engraved with a fish head and the distinct character "Yan."

This object is an official token of the Vrening Dynasty, symbolizing one's status.

Chen Xiaozhi had just obtained it from Chen Zhuo at the pavilion. The Royal Uncle seemed quite fond of him and handed it over without inquiring about its intended use.

With the token in hand, even the most suspicious shopkeeper wouldn't dare to question it further.

Subsequently, Chen Xiaozhi purchased a spacious courtyard in the eastern district at a premium. The house was beautifully decorated, and its owner, an inspector from the City Lord's Mansion, was a decent man in his forties. Having the token certainly made finding a residence smoother. As a newly minted adult, Chen Xiaozhi's generosity drew attention. He knew the dangers of flaunting wealth and the trouble it could bring. The inspector, however, simply assumed he was a young noble seeking pleasure in Crowfield—a city with no shortage of wealthy and influential figures.

"Sir, being new to Crowfield, I'm not well-acquainted with the local scene. Would you mind sharing some insights?" After receiving the deed, Chen Xiaozhi sent Xiaocao, now dressed in new clothes, off to play. He then sat down with Zhang Tong in the courtyard for a chat.

"You flatter me, young sir. I'm just a simple man—feel free to call me 'big brother,'" said the robust Zhang Tong, who had already pegged Chen Xiaozhi as a distinguished young master. "Crowfield lies on the frontier of the Vrening, a mere hundred kilometers from the border and adjacent to the Shrouded Domain. If you're here for business, check out the hillside market. There's an array of foreign traders selling local specialties like Seven Flowered Fruit and Crane Fairy at bargain prices. Thanks to our strategic location, Crowfield's medicinal herbs are renowned throughout the Vrening."

"As for prominent local forces, the Flowing Cloud Club and the Wu family stand out. The Sun family has revered martial arts for seven generations, and their disciples are a formidable presence throughout the city. Then there's the Wu family, bolstered by a military prodigy named Wu Qingfeng, who, despite his youth, commands the Iron Dragon Army—an elite unit guarding the Vrening border. The Wu family also supports numerous retainers, so if you plan to stay in town, it's wise to avoid conflicts with these families."

Chen Xiaozhi, a typically carefree scion, was heedless of caution. Zhang Tong, not knowing him well, offered his advice in good faith.

"Beyond the visible powers, the city's underworld is turbulent, with the Green Bamboo Gang and Fate Gathering being the most notorious. Frankly, the majority of prisoners in our jails are affiliated with these factions." Zhang Tong's candidness gave Chen Xiaozhi a comprehensive overview of the city's dynamics.

"Brother, take it easy. Let me walk you out." After a lengthy conversation with Zhang Tong, Chen Xiaozhi rose to accompany him.

"If you ever need anything, feel free to find me at the City Lord's Mansion. I might not be of much help with the big issues, but for the smaller ones, dropping my name, Zhang Tong, should do the trick." Zhang Tong, a seasoned player in the game of politics, was not as naive as he seemed. A flicker of insight crossed his eyes. The more he spoke with Chen Xiaozhi, the more he recognized that this gentleman was not like the usual frivolous young nobles he encountered.

"Many thanks," Chen Xiaozhi replied with a slight bow and a smile.

As he watched his guest depart, Chen Xiaozhi shut the courtyard door and pulled a book from his robe. It was a body-strengthening technique called Overturning White Waves, which was actually a boxing method he had acquired from the Hidden Dragon Institute. The technique focused on broad, sweeping movements, channeling the force of the arms to stimulate the body's muscles and bones, with the goal of fortifying the physique. Despite years of practice, he had seen no results, partly because his innate energy channels were half the size of a normal person's. The other reason was that his cultivation resources had been covertly drained by Dung Qing'an at the institute.

Sighing, Chen Xiaozhi stood and shed his upper garment, revealing a pale torso marred with scars—remnants of a childhood riddled with bullying. The abuse he had endured in the Imperial City was even more severe than what he had faced at the institute. With closed eyes, he exhaled a breath of stale air and began to execute the punches and kicks he remembered. The essence of Overturning White Waves was in its powerful, surging motions, like towering waves crashing upwards. Chen Xiaozhi's punches flowed one after another, but his fist wind was notably feeble. He lunged forward, striking the courtyard wall, and a jolt of pain shot through his knuckles.

Bearing the pain, he persisted, spending over half an hour to complete the full sequence of the boxing form.

"My physique is still too fragile. To truly harness the power of this technique, I need a much stronger body," Chen Xiaozhi realized. His current physical condition was merely at the Copper Skin level of the Copper Skin and Iron Bones—essentially just a hardened outer layer. But due to neglecting body conditioning, the calluses had significantly diminished.

Otherwise, that last punch would have easily cracked the wall's mud surface.

"Xiaocao, I'll be back shortly," he said, thinking of Dung Qing'an's dire straits. He quickly dressed and hurried out, heading straight for the herbal market.

Though he was a late starter, he possessed an alchemy tool, and with consistent practice, he was bound to make a name for himself.

Chen Zhuo was still in town for a couple more days, preventing Dung Qing'an from making any hasty moves.

Reaching the bustling market at the hill's base by twilight, Chen Xiaozhi took in the lively atmosphere for the first time. The city's east was affluent, while the west housed the common folk in modest brick homes clustered around a small hill, where smoke lazily rose. The hill was more of an oversized knoll. A stone path wound from its foot to its peak, flanked by freshly lit red lanterns. The throngs of people and the cacophony of vendors' cries created an indistinguishable din. The air was thick with the bitter scent of medicinal herbs.

The market, perched on the hillside, was aptly named Slope Market.

Chen Xiaozhi noticed numerous merchants in exotic attire, likely from lands beyond their own.

"Looking for medicine? Have a look here. We've got fresh Crane Fairy and Seven Flower Fruit, just harvested today..."

"White Tiger Bone—observe the hue on this one. It's the ideal color for brewing medicinal broth!"

"What do you need? I've got a full range of tonics and foreign herbs to strengthen the body."

As soon as Chen Xiaozhi entered the market, eager vendors fixed their hopeful gazes on him, vying with each other to call out their wares.

Crowfield truly lived up to its reputation as the renowned hub for medicinal herbs in the Vrening Dynasty.

Chen Xiaozhi couldn't help but smile.

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