Apocalypse's Ordeal/C7 Breakthrough!
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Apocalypse's Ordeal/C7 Breakthrough!
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C7 Breakthrough!

Due to the abundance of medicinal herbs, the prices were incredibly low. Chen Xiaozhi spent just ten silver leaves and got a whole cartload of medicines, which he promptly had delivered to his home. The residents of Crowfield were known for their simple and honest ways, and it wasn't in their nature to cheat. Many vendors were beaming with joy, ready to pack up and head home. Ten silver leaves might not sound like much, but it was enough to cover several months' expenses for an average family of three.

Chen Xiaozhi had specifically chosen inexpensive herbs, including several heavier ones, as he was eager to test the efficacy of his alchemy equipment.

After wandering around a bit more and noticing the evening sky darken, he decided it was time to head home.

Along the way, he stopped by a bakery to buy a few meat-filled buns for Xiaocao and also picked up some takeout dishes from a nearby restaurant.

At night, Crowfield was a vision of light and color, with oil lamps and lanterns of all hues hanging outside the shops, casting a beautiful glow. The streets were alive with vendors selling candy figurines, rouge, jewelry, and other trinkets. Yet, as Chen Xiaozhi turned a corner, he found himself suddenly confronted by a group of men.

Three young men with surly looks blocked his path. The leader, a man with a sharp, simian face, gave Chen Xiaozhi a once-over and taunted, "Kid, you're not from around here, are you?"

"Just hand over your money, and nobody gets hurt. Otherwise, my little friend here might get careless," another, a burly man with a menacing face, warned as he brandished a gleaming dagger.

They had been watching Chen Xiaozhi for a while, noticing his large purchase of herbs and his unfamiliar face. To them, he was a prime target, a 'fat sheep' from out of town.

"I'm with the Green Bamboo Gang, so if you value your life, scram!" the sharp-faced man snarled, seeing Chen Xiaozhi's calm demeanor.

They were in a bustling part of town, surrounded by people. If they drew too much attention, things could get messy. Some passersby who witnessed Chen Xiaozhi's predicament quickly scattered, clearly recognizing the trio's affiliation. Even those who seemed capable of intervening chose to ignore the unfolding drama. Such incidents were all too common and none of their concern.

Beneath the facade of a thriving city lurked unsavory elements and rampant crime.

The gang members had expected Chen Xiaozhi to be petrified, but to their surprise, he just smirked and called out to the onlookers, "Who will help me take care of these three for a gold leaf?" He held up a diamond-shaped gold leaf between his fingers, shining conspicuously.

A gold leaf?

"Ha, count me in! There's my drink money for tonight!" No sooner had he spoken than a shadowy figure charged forward like a raging bull, closing in on the gang. Chen Xiaozhi watched as the figure threw a punch, landing squarely on the sharp-faced man's cheek. The man screamed in agony, his body flying through the air like a kite without strings, crashing down several meters away at the threshold of a shop, foaming at the mouth and unconscious.

The remaining two members of the Green Bamboo Gang stood agape, utterly unprepared for this turn of events. They had only intended to make a quick score, to rob a few silver leaves, never anticipating the young man before them to be so boldly affluent.

Without a second thought, the two turned on their heels and bolted.

But before they could get far, they were snagged by the collar and hoisted up like chicks. Out of nowhere, a burly figure burst into laughter, flung his arms, and sent them soaring through the air, crashing into a nearby ditch.

The whole incident unfolded in the blink of an eye. By the time Chen Xiaozhi came to his senses, the gold leaf at his fingertips had been stealthily snatched away.

"Thanks!" said the towering, disheveled man, nearly two meters tall and clad in a garment resembling animal hide. He turned to the dumbfounded Chen Xiaozhi with a muted chuckle. "You don't seem like you're from an ordinary family. Didn't you think to bring some protection?" Chen Xiaozhi licked his lips, his mind settling as he eyed the man's arms, as thick as his own thighs, and wondered if this was even a human being.

He seemed more like a humanoid monster!

"Senior, your lesson is well taken," Chen Xiaozhi nodded in acknowledgment.

"May I have the honor of knowing Senior's name? Your valor is truly inspiring. My admiration for you is like a never-ending river..." He had encountered a formidable figure indeed! They say the lesser hide in the mountains, the greater hide in plain sight, and Crowfield was certainly home to its share of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Chen Xiaozhi's mind raced as he lavished praise, sensing an opportunity in the other's extraordinary presence.

He was about to lay it on thick when he looked up to find the man had vanished.

Truly, he had left as swiftly as he had appeared.

The Green Bamboo Gang members carried their unconscious comrades away, shooting Chen Xiaozhi a venomous look before departing – a clear sign they'd committed his face to memory.

Chen Xiaozhi didn't linger. Having inadvertently flaunted his wealth, he could well attract more unwanted attention...

Money may make the world go round, but only if you have the power to keep it.

Back at home, Chen Xiaozhi bolted the courtyard door and found Xiaocao puzzling over a cartload of medicinal herbs. Upon his arrival, she asked in her crisp voice, "Brother, why buy all these worthless herbs?" Even she could tell that these were nothing special.

"These herbs are key to our future," Chen Xiaozhi replied, urging her to wash up for dinner.

Xiaocao, ever the food lover, lit up at the sight of something tasty. The sight of the vegetable buns in Chen Xiaozhi's hands had her stomach's inhabitants clamoring.

"Cough, cough, cough." At the dinner table, Xiaocao devoured her meal with gusto, only to erupt into a fit of coughing, her face turning ghostly white. Chen Xiaozhi's heart skipped a beat as he quickly offered her a sip of warm water. Born premature, Xiaocao had always been frail, her life one of hardship, especially at the Hidden Dragon Institute, where her health had suffered even more than Chen Xiaozhi's.

"Take it easy," he said, managing a smile as she began to regain some color.

With dinner over and Xiaocao tucked into bed, Chen Xiaozhi returned to the courtyard and surveyed the scattered herbs before calling up the system interface.

System: Medicinal herbs detected. Ready to blend. Proceed with absorption?


In an instant, the herbs vanished before his eyes, and Chen Xiaozhi turned his attention to the floating system screen, where a progress bar was steadily filling up.

System: Two prescriptions generated. (Large Tonifying Pill: Offers the profound benefit of cleansing the meridians and marrow. With long-term use, it can significantly enhance the host's physical strength, ideal for those at the Copper Skin and Iron Bones stage, with smoke billowing from all seven orifices. The medicine's quality is rated Perfect. Wind Meridian Powder: A proprietary system blend, to be soaked in wine for both internal and external use, it nourishes the spirit and replenishes blood, boasting an excellent taste, with a Perfect quality rating.)

A 'ding' signaled the arrival of the medicines in the system's package, revealing two distinct forms.

The Wind Meridian Powder was a series of white powder packets, while the Large Tonifying Pills were red granules, each the size of a fingernail.

Seventeen packets of Wind Meridian Powder and eighty-six Large Tonifying Pills.

"Success!" Chen Xiaozhi gasped in awe. Without lifting a finger, the system had refined the medicine to perfection upon collecting the herbs. The thrill was overwhelming; these medicines were exactly what he urgently needed, promising significant benefits to his martial arts progress.

Time to test their potency!

With a determined clench of his fists, a red pill materialized in his palm. Tossing his head back, he swallowed the Large Tonifying Pill.

The system's concoctions came without adverse effects.

A surge of energy coursed through him, his heart thundering like an overtaxed engine, a fiery sensation engulfing him as adrenaline spiked. His brain throbbed, limbs leaden as if filled with molten metal. Struggling, he shed his shirt to reveal peeling scabs and pores oozing a yellowish-black sweat. Laboriously, he lifted his arms, executing the Sky-Flipping White Waves Fist Technique, each movement painfully slow, yet Chen Xiaozhi persevered through gritted teeth.

Completing the sequence took two grueling hours, ending at midnight.

As the heat in his chest faded, a sweat-soaked Chen Xiaozhi inspected his arms, noting the thickened calluses and lighter skin.

Near collapse, yet his vigor remained unshaken.

Resting briefly on the ground, a fierce resolve crossed his face. He consumed another Large Tonifying Pill from the system, knowing full well that even if he took them all, he'd suffer no more than discomfort. With the system's protection, he wouldn't perish.

"The pain is fleeting. Once I rise to power, none can stand against me!" Chen Xiaozhi muttered, rising once more to practice his punches.

Perhaps it was his imagination, but the heat within seemed less intense after the pills.

As the night wore on, Chen Xiaozhi's silhouette danced under the moonlight, his movements fluid, fists slicing through the air with increasing proficiency, their whoosh growing more pronounced. Nearby, Chen Xiaocao sat contentedly on the doorstep, watching her brother lose himself in his training, careful not to interrupt his focus.

She had been awake for quite some time; it was just that Chen Xiaozhi hadn't noticed.

Time passed, and when Chen Xiaozhi finally stood still, he was surprised to see the first light of dawn breaking across the sky.

Glancing over, he saw Xiaocao leaning against the door frame, fast asleep with a contented smile on her lips.

"This girl," Chen Xiaozhi said with a soft chuckle. That night, he had consumed ten large tonifying pills, potent in their medicinal strength, yet he felt no ill effects. An average person would have suffered bleeding from every orifice by now. This thought led him to examine the stone wall a few meters away. Earlier, his punch hadn't even made a dent in the wall's mud layer, but now, the stones within had significantly cracked.

His strength had surged to more than tenfold!

Chen Xiaozhi flexed his arm, and as he did, his spine crackled like snapping beans.

His entire skeleton had been refined; he had transitioned from Copper Skin to Iron Bones.

He had achieved the formidable state of Copper Skin and Iron Bones in just one night.

As the sun crept above the horizon, a sliver of morning light spilled over the edge of the world, scattering the chill and casting a golden glow on Chen Xiaozhi's face.

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