Archive No. 89/C22 Beautiful male killer
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Archive No. 89/C22 Beautiful male killer
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C22 Beautiful male killer

The TV show that Ma Xiaochun was in hadn't even been shown yet, and in the past, she had probably only played the show two or three times, so it was possible that no one would be able to recognize her.

Thinking about it, I took my phone and walked in front of Qiao Mi, and asked: "Take a look at this photo, could it be Ma Xiaochun?"

Qiao Mi lowered her head to look, and frowned: "The clothes are similar, and the body and hair style is similar too, there's no such coincidence right?"

"Ma Xiaochun isn't back yet." "No," I said.

Qiao Mi's face also changed, after informing the director for a bit, he was about to drive over to the scene to take a look.

Qian Dabao and I followed along. If the one who died was really Ma Xiaochun, then it could be considered to be related to Yue Ge. Ma Xiaochun liked Yue Ge and was on the same set as him. Chen Nuo was Yue Ge's personal assistant before, could it be that all of these were related?

Qiao Mi thought for a moment, then said that if it really was Ma Xiaochun, the police would contact them in a while, so she did not plan to go and watch, she could just stay there and wait.

I looked at her, and thought to myself, it seems like Qiao Mi doesn't really like Ma Xiaochun, since that's the case, I will still follow Qian Dabao to take a look. small waist opened the door and got into the driver's seat. Just as I was about to get in the back seat, I saw a girl standing in the corner taking photos.

The girl was about eighteen or nineteen years old and dressed like a student. She held a camera in her hand as she constantly pressed the button to take photos.

I had thought that she was filming Yue Ge. After all, Yue Ge's kind of idol celebrities were really liked by little girls. However, looking at the girl's serious face, she did not look like she was looking at her idol at all. It was as if she was looking at an enemy, and she was completely on guard.

Following her line of sight, I saw Bai Qing resting at the side, and Qiao Mi who was talking to her. Behind the two of them stood two people, a man and a woman. They were talking, but Yue Ge was not around them, but was sitting on the other side.

The girl's strange behavior caught my attention, and I gave her a few watchful glances. The girl seemed to sense my gaze and turned to run.

I thought for a moment, then caught up with him. However, the little girl flashed in the alley and disappeared somewhere else.

This little girl seemed to be very familiar with the terrain of the Fifth Avenue, and most likely, she was from Tianjin.

When I returned, I saw Qian Dabao standing outside the car looking at me: "Officer Tang, where did you go?"

"I saw a sneaky little girl just now. I wanted to chase after her, but I couldn't find her." "No," I said.

Qian Dabao laughed: This is a scenic area, and there are a few girls who have come to watch the show.

I replied, "Probably."

After saying that, Qian Dabao and I got into the car. The small waist drove the car and we ran towards the Eye of Tianjin.

The Eye of Tianjin was a famous Ferris wheel in Tianjin and it was built on the Yongle Bridge.

The Yongle Bridge itself was defined as a bridge, but it was actually a combination of a bridge and a Ferris wheel. In the past, he had heard of a legend regarding Ferris wheel. It was said that every box on the Ferris wheel was filled with happiness, so when people looked up at the Ferris wheel, they were looking up to happiness.

The reason why the Eye of Tianjin was famous was because it was the only Ferris wheel in the world that was built on a bridge. It also gave more desires and desires to those who looked forward to happiness. Unfortunately, what he could only look up at now was death.

Qian Dabao rolled down the window, took out a cigarette and gave it to me. I waved my hand: "I don't smoke."

"Don't smoke? "How rare." Qian Dabao laughed.

Seeing that I did not answer, Qian Dabao continued to speak: "It's really strange, Tianjin has been filled with strange things recently. My brother could actually be hypnotized to death, and there's even an actress on the Ferris wheel who died in the lily trap. What the heck is this? "

I sighed. "I'm afraid that these aren't coincidences, but rather some sort of beginning."

"Start?" Qian Dabao looked at me in confusion. "Start what?"

"Not sure, a feeling." I said with a frown. My heart felt like it was filled with lead.

Very quickly, they arrived in front of the Eye of Tianjin. At this time, the sun had set in the west, and the remaining sunlight was shining on the huge Ferris wheel.

There were several police cars parked on the bridge, and I immediately ran over. When he got closer, he saw that it was actually Zhao Youzhen.

"Why can I see you everywhere?" Zhao Youzhen said in shock when he saw me.

"Fortunately, it's you. If it was Guo Yun, I probably would have to report it to the Director Wang again." I said smilingly, "I came over as soon as I saw the news. It's possible that I know this deceased person, so I came to visit you guys."

"Know him?" I just heard from a ticket seller here that it was a little actor who died. " Zhao Youzhen replied: "But I really don't know, what kind of play have I not seen her put on?"

As he was speaking, the forensic experts had already carried the corpse out of the Ferris wheel's cabin. I saw that it was Sun Tang who was standing beside the stretcher, so I ran up and lifted the white cloth that was covering the body to take a look, and couldn't help but frown: It was indeed Ma Xiaochun who died!

Sun Tang walked forward and asked: "Why are you here?"

I let go of the white cloth and watched the stretcher pass me.

"I know who died, Ma Xiaochun. She was an actor on the production team. But in the afternoon, I clearly saw her on the production team. It was only around three hours. In three hours, after killing someone, he was left in the Ferris wheel and covered with lilies. I frowned.

"Yeah." Sun Tang said as he turned to look at the Ferris wheel behind him.

I also turned my head back to look, only to see that the Ferris wheel had stopped, and the cabin filled with lilies was pointing diagonally towards me and Sun Tang.

I stepped forward and looked. When I was half a meter away from the hatch, I could smell a strong scent of flowers. It was so fragrant that it seemed to have become stinky.

"How did Ma Xiaochun die?" I asked Sun Tang.

"I still don't know. It seems to be poisoned, but I still don't know what poison it is." Sun Tang said.

"If he was poisoned, then why was the cabin filled with lilies?" Puzzled, I asked, "Could it be to cover up the smell? For example, cyanide can have the taste of bitter almonds. "

Sun Tang said: "When we arrived, other than the dead person's bag, there was nothing else. For example, the bottle of water, the snacks and so on, they seem to have all been taken away by the murderer. "

"There should be surveillance cameras nearby, right?" I looked around.

"Yes, but not yet." Sun Tang said: "I believe that the culprit should have also thought of this point to monitor the situation. It's very likely that we won't be able to find out anything. "

I looked at the gigantic Eye of Tianjin before me, and from below, I could see that against the blue sky, it gave off a sense of majesty.

I imagined people climbing onto Ferris wheel and following the rotation of the giant wheel, enjoying the scenery along the sea and river. It was hard to imagine why someone would choose to attack in such a place. Unless the perverted killer had thought of finding such a landmark, to show it to the world.

I went to the place where I bought the tickets and found some information about the Eye of Tianjin. The information said that there were 64 360-degree transparent suspension cabins on the outside of the Ferris wheel. Each cabin had 6-8 passengers, which could be used for sightseeing for 512 people at the same time.

The gigantic Ferris wheel would need about 30 minutes to complete one week of rotation. When it reached the highest point, people could enjoy the panoramic view of the sea and the streets within 40 kilometers. When the sky was clear for 10,000 miles, they could even see Tianjin Port.

The Ferris wheel's suspension cabin would cut across the road twice when it rotated once. The cars on the upper part of the bridge were travelling at a high speed. At this time, if the passengers inside the cars were to accidentally look towards the cabin of the Eye of Tianjin, they might be able to see Ma Xiaochun's cabin. After all, the lilies in the cockpit were too eye-catching. However, this possibility wasn't very high either.

In addition, the difference between "Eye of Tianjin" and other Ferris wheel was that its palanquin box was much larger than normal, and tourists could not only sit inside the palanquin box to enjoy the scenery, they could even walk around freely.

I asked the ticket seller if anyone had come into the cabin with a big handful of lilies.

The ticket seller said that someone had brought a large bundle of lilies. It was a handsome man wearing sunglasses. But the bouquet was too large and too conspicuous to hide the man's face, so the conductor did not look at the man's face, instead focusing on the bouquet. Furthermore, he did not stop them at all, because some young people who liked romance had once proposed to the Ferris wheel. The conductor thought that it was just another date between a couple, so she didn't find it strange.

I was talking to the conductor when I saw Zhao Youzhen standing beside us.

"What color did the man holding the flower wear? What did he look like?" Zhao Youzhen asked: "Now that the woman died in the cabin, that man is sure that he got off the cabin door himself. Did you not notice when you unlocked the cabin door?"

The conductor said with a wry smile, "The one opening the cabin door isn't me, it's another staff member." As he said that, he beckoned a young girl in a uniform to come over.

I looked back at the girl and saw that she was in her early twenties. Her eyes were timid.

"When you drove this cabin, you saw a woman lying inside. Why didn't you ask?" I asked.

The girl said, "I didn't know she was dead. The handsome guy came down from the cockpit and told me that his girlfriend had quarreled with him, and he wanted to sit for a while before he left, so I told him not to disturb her and to remind her to come down later. That woman did lean her head against the window and didn't say anything. I also didn't notice that she died. "

"What's the man wearing?" Zhao Youzhen asked: "What are the characteristics of looks?"

"Wearing a red windbreaker and sunglasses, he looks very handsome. He was at least 1.8 meters tall, and I always thought he looked like a celebrity, but I couldn't remember. " The little girl said.

As soon as the girl finished speaking, the conductor immediately retorted, "That's not right, isn't he wearing a black windbreaker? I remember clearly that he was wearing black when he bought the tickets. "

The girl said, "It's red. It's clearly red."

"You're not a red-green blindness, are you?" Zhao Youzhen could not help but ask the conductor.

"How is this possible!?" I am very normal! " the conductor retorted.

"One talked about red gowns while the other talked about black gowns," Sun Tang said from the side. "What's going on?"

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