Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C1 The Utmost Respect to Life
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C1 The Utmost Respect to Life
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C1 The Utmost Respect to Life

In the Black Tortoise Kingdom's Cloud State, within Sun City, lay the humble abode of the Wang family. The room was stark in its simplicity, furnished with only a rickety, ancient table that seemed to teeter on the brink of collapse. Aside from the table, the space was occupied by a dilapidated bed, its surface etched with dragons and phoenixes that exuded an air of antiquity—a discarded relic that others had cast aside.

Seated cross-legged on the bed was a youth with piercing brows and bright, star-like eyes, his face set with an unwavering resolve. A commanding presence lingered between his brows, and behind him, a subtle yet potent aura of thunder brewed, as if a storm was on the cusp of breaking free.

With a roar, the deep and archaic cry of a dragon reverberated through the room. A green dragon's shadow slipped into the young man's forehead, weaving into his sea of consciousness where it coiled around the Speechless Celestial Stele, stretching contentedly.

Eventually, the dragon's shadow merged with a scepter, transforming it into gold. Adorned with the carvings of the Four Spirit Holy Beasts and inscribed with enigmatic runes, the scepter radiated a regal authority that could command the allegiance of all creatures.

"I never imagined that I, the once supreme being of the Immortal Realm, would be reborn!" Lee Qi's eyes snapped open, his gaze profound, as if he could peer into the very essence of the world, his eyes brimming with the weight of ages.

Such a gaze was uncharacteristic of a youth of sixteen or seventeen, yet it was unmistakably present in Lee Qi. Five thousand years prior, he had been the exalted sovereign of the Immortal Realm. But in his quest to find his kin and resurrect his wife, he was ensnared by the schemes of Immortal Emperor Ling Kong and perished within the celestial array of the Holy Domain.

Lee Qi's life had been marked by two pivotal moments. First, he was born with obstructed meridians, rendering him incapable of cultivating. To address this, his father departed the Ye family, never to return. Later, his sister, still a child, awakened the Ice Wind Martial Soul, drawing the attention of the Black Tortoise Kingdom. She and their mother were then spirited away by a mysterious figure, their whereabouts unknown. Henceforth, Lee Qi endured scorn within the Lee family until, ultimately, he married into the Wang family.

Secondly, Zhao Xiangfei, the young master of the Zhao family from Cloud City, accompanied by the formidable members of the Black Tortoise Sect, attempted to force a marriage upon Lee Qi's wife, Wang Ling'er. Defiant to the end, she refused to submit. Enraged and humiliated, Zhao Xiangfei sought to kill Lee Qi. In a critical moment, Wang Ling'er threw herself in front of the blade, and her blood was spilled before his eyes. Devastated by the tragic loss of his beloved wife, Lee Qi, heartbroken and disoriented, fled the Wang family, only to be caught in the rare and powerful Spacetime Storm. When he awoke, he found himself in the Immortal Realm.

"So it seems I've been reborn after the first major turning point of my life, but before the second," Lee Qi reflected, a glint of icy determination flickering in his eyes, sharp as a drawn sword.

"Father, mother, sister... in this life, we shall be reunited. And more than that, I will show you how beautiful and kind my wife truly is!"

For five thousand years, his family and his beloved had been his unwavering fixation, an attachment he could never sever.

"Ling'er, my dear girl..."

A wave of warmth and affection washed over Lee Qi's gaze.

Once, Wang Ling'er had ventured out, seeking adventure, only to be gravely wounded by a demonic beast. Near death, she was fortuitously saved by Lee Qi, earning the favor of a goddess.

In those days, he lived a life of degradation in the Lee family, treated worse than a servant, enduring humiliation and abuse, even competing with pigs and dogs for scraps of food.

Against her family's wishes, Wang Ling'er stood firm, insisting on marrying him, even if it meant facing death.

Her father, Wang Tianlong, forbade them from sharing a bed after their marriage, yet Wang Ling'er's tenderness never waned. She shielded him, preventing his expulsion from the Wang family.

By comparison, having his own room and a worn bed within the Wang family was a luxury he had never imagined.

Lee Qi would never forget Wang Ling'er's kindness and gentle nature, nor the radiance of her smile. It shone like a crescent moon piercing the darkness of night, bright and filled with warmth.

Yet, he struggled to accept her love, feeling unworthy of Wang Ling'er, believing her affections were born of pity and sympathy rather than true love.

Regret consumed him only after the accident. He berated himself as a bastard, trash, a fool, and utterly ridiculous in his stupidity.

Lee Qi was haunted by the memory of Wang Ling'er's tragic death, lying in a pool of blood, her thoughts lingering on him to the end. The coerced marriage had led to her untimely demise, while a rare encounter with a Spacetime Storm whisked Lee Qi away to the Immortal Realm. This event remained an unresolved ache in his heart, a memory he could never shake off.

Having ascended to the pinnacle of power in the Immortal Realm, he had spared no effort in trying to resurrect Wang Ling'er. Alas, his attempts were in vain, and he was outwitted by the cunning Immortal Emperor Ling Kong.

"Now that I've been given a second chance at life, Ling'er, I vow to alter your destiny!" Lee Qi's fists were clenched so tightly they turned white with the force of his resolve.

"One day, I'll rise above the Nine Heavens and have my reckoning with you, Ling Kong. But for now, I owe you my gratitude for this opportunity to start anew."

Meanwhile, Wang Tianlong, Lee Qi's father-in-law, greeted a dashing young gentleman with a warm smile.

"Young Master Zhao, you should have told me you were coming so I could have prepared a proper welcome!" Wang Tianlong led them into the living room, calling out, "Bring out the tea, and make sure it's the finest we have!"

Lee Qi would have been in agony had he been present.

Zhao Xiangfei, the man responsible for his wife's death in his past life, now sat comfortably in the living room, with Wang Tianlong attending to him with great eagerness.

Accompanying Zhao Xiangfei were several green-robed youths and a distinguished white-robed middle-aged man. Emblazoned on their chests was the emblem of the Black Tortoise, exuding an air of authority.

The Black Tortoise Sect!

A power so formidable within the Black Tortoise Kingdom that even its monarch would weigh his words carefully in their presence.

Recognizing their status, Wang Tianlong was inwardly startled but maintained his composure, careful not to show any disrespect.

"There's no need for such formalities, Uncle Wang. I apologize for the intrusion," Zhao Xiangfei said as he gracefully accepted the tea poured by a maid.

"This gentleman is my Martial Uncle, Lin Ao," Zhao Xiangfei introduced the white-robed man beside him.

"Greetings, Master Lin!" Wang Tianlong promptly offered a respectful bow.

Lin Ao sipped his tea and gave a slight nod, his demeanor radiating an air of supreme arrogance.

"Uncle Wang, I've come primarily because my master is keen on accepting Ling'er as his disciple," Zhao Xiangfei explained.

He left unsaid another motive—forcing a marriage dissolution. He aimed to persuade Wang Tianlong to annul the marriage between Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er. Zhao Xiangfei had already confirmed that the two were not truly husband and wife, as they had yet to consummate the marriage. For Zhao, who had long lusted after Wang Ling'er's beauty, the prospect thrilled him.

Had it not been for the worthless Lee Qi beating him to the punch, Zhao would have proposed to the Wang family and taken Wang Ling'er as his wife long ago.

Wang Tianlong's hands stilled, excitement flashing in his eyes. Joining the Black Tortoise Sect would ensure a boundless future, not just for him but for the entire Wang family as well.

Yet, the thought of his daughter, Wang Ling'er, brought on an immense headache. If only she had agreed to the marriage earlier. Two years ago, she had specifically chosen Lee Qi, even forsaking an invitation from the Black Tortoise Sect. It was uncertain whether she would now refuse the Sect again for the sake of her good-for-nothing husband.

The mere thought of his son-in-law, a layabout who did nothing but eat, drink, and sleep, filled him with rage. In comparison to Zhao Xiangfei, Lee Qi was utterly unworthy, not even fit to carry Zhao's shoes.

"Uncle Wang, during my visit, I've also brought you a gift," Zhao Xiangfei said, producing a box from his pocket.

Crafted from white jade, the box was clearly valuable. Wang Tianlong eagerly anticipated its contents.

Upon opening the box, a rich aroma of herbs filled the room, the scent quickly permeating the air.

"Qi Gathering Pill!" Wang Tianlong couldn't contain his excitement as he beheld the pill within the box.

The Qi Gathering Pill was designed for those at the Qi Gathering Stage to enhance their strength—perfect for someone like Wang Tianlong.

"Uncle Wang, please accept this modest token of my esteem," Zhao Xiangfei offered.

Wang Tianlong was tempted to accept the Pill, yet he found himself hesitating.

It wasn't that the Pill was subpar; rather, the gift was exceedingly precious, and not something that could easily be purchased, even with ample silver at hand.

Zhao Xiangfei appeared to understand Wang Tianlong's reservations. He gently closed the jade box and set it on the pearwood table next to Wang Tianlong.

"Uncle Wang, may I inquire if Ling'er is present in the mansion?"

With a smile, Wang Tianlong responded, "Ling'er is indeed here. I'll have a servant fetch her."

In that moment, he couldn't help but hope that Zhao Xiangfei would become his son-in-law, which would give him every right to accept the Qi Gathering Pill.

Furthermore, having Zhao Xiangfei as a son-in-law promised additional advantages.

After all, Ling'er's marriage into the Zhao family would surely be a step up from her current match with that good-for-nothing husband.

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