Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C10 Spiritual Finger
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C10 Spiritual Finger
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C10 Spiritual Finger

Lee Qi shielded Wang Ling'er behind him, his voice icy and on the verge of disgust, "Who are these two? I can't bear to watch this any longer!"

Rather than becoming enraged, Young Master Tian Peng's companion lifted her head. She softly brushed her disheveled hair, seemingly devoid of any strength.

Her eyes flashed with a cold brilliance, sharp and unstoppable like a sword drawn from its scabbard.

"Who is he? The Lee family is honoring their ancestors today; why is he here? Little brother, how were you disabled?"

With tears in his voice, Lee Yang replied, "Sister, he's the Lee family's discarded son, born with blocked meridians, unable to cultivate. Somehow, he's acquired immense strength, and he's the one who crippled me."

Fury radiated from the girl as she bit her lip, "Despicable! He dared to harm you! I'll see to it that he pays!"

She was unconcerned with Lee Qi's identity, ready to pounce like an enraged lioness, intent on tearing him apart.

This was Lee Yang's older sister, Lee Yafang, whose natural talent for cultivation had been recognized early on by an elder of the Wind Moon Sect during his travels. He had taken her to the sect to further her training. The Great Elder, Lee Longfei, had the audacity to covet the patriarch's seat, bolstered by having two children of exceptional gifts.

After a decade, this was Lee Yafang's first return.

Her cultivation had soared to the sixth level of the Qi Gathering Realm. Now, fueled by anger and channeling Profound Qi, a soft glow enveloped her. The ground beneath her feet cleared as the dust was swept away and the world's Profound Qi rushed into her body.

Her dress billowed, rustling in the wind.

Beneath her skin, a subtle luminescence was visible, and everyone could sense Lee Yafang's aura surging powerfully. The Lee family disciples around her stepped back in fear.

"Such an imposing presence!"

"Lee Qi is in for it now. Lee Yafang is fiercely protective of her brother."

"I recall when we were kids, someone took Lee Yang's toy, and she chased him down and broke his hand. With Lee Qi having crippled Lee Yang now, I fear..."

Lee Yafang's eyes narrowed, a glint of icy menace flashing through them, sending shivers down one's spine.

"Lee Qi, I don't care who you are or why you've harmed my brother. But today, I'm going to make you pay tenfold. I won't just cripple you; I'll sever every one of your limbs," she declared, drawing her sword from her waist.

With the sword unsheathed, a wave of energy surged forth, cutting through the air like a scythe through withered stalks. The once neatly arranged tables and chairs in the courtyard were now shattered, unable to withstand the ferocity of her blade.

Meanwhile, Young Master Tian Peng paid no mind to Lee Yafang, his gaze fixed on Wang Ling'er with a lascivious grin.

Feeling the tension, Wang Ling'er's palms began to sweat. "Husband!"

"Don't worry," Lee Qi reassured her, gently cradling her delicate hand, which calmed her considerably.

He then stepped forward, his presence as formidable as an unsheathed blade, radiating a subtle Treasure Light.

Young Master Tian Peng was taken aback, musing, "Could this be the Body Tempering Technique, turning his body into a veritable treasure? How potent this technique must be!"

A hint of avarice flickered in his eyes as he speculated, and he bellowed, "Keep him alive!"

Should it prove to be a formidable Body Tempering Technique, he was determined to seize it for himself. With it, he might improve his standing, perhaps reaching the third or even second rank within the Wind Moon Empire.

The thought of vying for the top spot, however, was beyond his wildest ambitions.

The mere thought of the empire's foremost young master triggered a visceral fear, causing his body to tremble involuntarily.

Lee Qi watched with a cold smirk. He had noticed Young Master Tian Peng's realization that he had mastered the Body Tempering Technique, his body now as impervious as a treasured artifact, bathed in Treasure Light, resistant to the strike of any blade.

And he could see the covetous glint in Tian Peng's eyes, the clear desire to possess his Body Tempering Technique.

With a contemptuous snort, Lee Qi's lips curled into a mocking half-smile as he cast a dismissive glance at Young Master Tian Peng.

Lee Yafang launched an attack with her sword, seizing the moment Lee Qi was distracted. Her blade moved with the speed of lightning and the force of thunder.

The long sword whirled, impenetrable to wind and rain, as it closed in on Lee Qi.

The dense web of swordplay threatened to engulf him.

Lee Qi took a sudden step forward, leaving a deep imprint in the earth. His fingers curled into a tight fist, with Treasure Light coursing beneath his skin, converging into his clenched hand.

His fist now seemed to be a reservoir of amassed power, which erupted violently.


His fist cut through the sword's shadow and struck its body, emitting a clang as if metal struck metal.

Lee Yafang felt an immense force transfer to her, nearly splitting her grip. The sword nearly dropped from her grasp as she was driven back over ten paces.

A lengthy trench carved into the ground bore witness to the overpowering force she endured.

Once she steadied herself, Lee Yafang stared at the trench with a mix of shock and disbelief.

Then, she burst into wild laughter. "Haha!"

Her laughter, infused with Profound Qi, caused the Lee family disciples to clutch their ears and cry out in agony.


Even the spectators outside the courtyard suffered, covering their ears and retreating hastily.

"He's insanely strong!"

"Where did this madwoman from the Lee family come from? She's lethal!"

Lee Yang fared the worst. His cultivation had just been destroyed, and now he was overwhelmed by the Profound Qi-laden laughter of his sister, causing him to pass out.

Upon seeing her brother unconscious, Lee Yafang remembered that he had been crippled by the man before her.

She ceased her laughter, her gaze darkening as she turned to Lee Qi.

"You've managed to enrage me. Prepare to face the wrath of my Wind Moon Sword Arts!"

Young Master Tian Peng cautioned her, "Be careful; this man has trained his body like a precious artifact. He possesses some skill."

To him, Lee Qi's abilities were minor, hardly worth his concern.

Lee Yafang offered a smile, her demeanor shifting to one of grace and poise, a stark contrast to the frenzied woman moments before.

"It doesn't matter what technique he has cultivated. Against my Wind Moon Sword Arts, he's no more than a clay chicken or pottery dog! I'll show him the true might of the Wind Moon Sword Arts!"

Her swordplay was a dazzling spectacle, with each movement drawing the surrounding Profound Qi into a swirling vortex.

Her technique was razor-sharp, the sword qi slicing through the air like shards of ice.

Lee Qi remained vigilant, stepping forward with a firmness that echoed the steadfast grip of an ancient tree rooting into the earth.

He too harnessed the Profound Qi between heaven and earth, his legs glowing as the energy surged towards his hands.

The sword qi ripped through the void, reaching him in the blink of an eye.

It raged around him like a tempest, dimming the sun's glow, leaving Lee Qi as vulnerable as a lone skiff amidst the fury of the storm.

"The Wind Moon Sword Arts may not rank among the highest in the Wind Moon Sect, but in the Black Tortoise Kingdom, it's undoubtedly a premier technique! Once unleashed, it eclipses the sun and moon. How could anyone possibly stand against it?"

Young Master Tian Peng watched Lee Qi with a malevolent grin, thoroughly entertained.

Lee Qi let out a cold laugh and launched a ferocious punch.

It was a wild, explosive strike, reminiscent of a tiger bounding down a mountain or a dragon bursting forth from the sea, his Fist Strength radiating outwards, reducing nearby furniture to dust.

His punch shattered the sword qi with ease, as if tearing through decay.

Lee Yafang was in disbelief. She brandished her sword once more, its blade shimmering as it accumulated vast amounts of Profound Qi from the cosmos.


Her sword thrust forward, and the air trembled with the force of wind and thunder.

In a flash, the sword's tip was mere inches from Lee Qi.

With a deft sidestep, Lee Qi dodged the blade and, seizing the moment as Lee Yafang faltered, he extended two fingers. Undeterred by the fierce sword qi, he clamped down on her treasured sword with lightning speed, as if time itself had come to a standstill.

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