Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C11 The Explosive Yuan Pill
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C11 The Explosive Yuan Pill
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C11 The Explosive Yuan Pill

Wang Ling'er's tightly clenched red lips relaxed as she exhaled deeply.

Her features softened, giving way to a smile that emerged on her face.

That smile, seemingly inconsequential, mesmerized many onlookers, including Young Master Tian Peng. His eyes widened, fixated on her.

"Ha!" Lee Yafang bellowed, her feet gripping the ground as she was thrust backward, a glimmer of light manifesting in her hands. With a sudden burst of effort, she attempted to reclaim her treasured sword.

Her power surged, traveling to the sword's tip.

Lee Qi's fingers remained steadfast, like iron tongs, firmly grasping the blade.

A Treasure Light flowed between his digits, now shining even more intensely.

Despite Lee Yafang's efforts, the treasured sword wouldn't budge. Though it remained in her grasp, it was beyond her control.

With an icy expression and eyes that shot daggers, she faced the impasse.

"If you want it so badly, take the sword!" she declared.

A sword is a swordsman's life; without it, they face death.

But Lee Yafang disregarded the risk. Light danced in her other hand as she struck the sword's hilt with her palm, unleashing a fierce burst of sword qi.

She was ready to abandon the treasured sword, turning it into a deadly projectile with explosive force.

Lee Qi felt an immense power assail him. His fingers quivered, struggling to maintain their grip on the sword.

He stepped back sharply with his right foot, dispersing some of the force, and a deep pit formed in the ground.

Lee Yafang's face soured at the sight.

She spun around and leapt away, her movements elegant and captivating to the crowd.

Moreover, she was swift. Before Lee Qi could respond, she had seized the sword's hilt once again.

With a forceful exertion, Profound Qi burst forth.

The treasured sword, caught between their competing strengths, began to warp, distorting the very air around them.


A sudden explosion echoed as Lee Yafang's treasured sword snapped in two.

Gripping the sword hilt with excessive force, Lee Yafang stumbled backward over a dozen steps. To steady herself, she channeled Profound Qi into each step, leaving behind footprints etched into the limestone, from which cracks radiated outward.

Lee Qi, too, had overexerted himself, but he regained his balance after a mere three steps.

The spectators could clearly see the tide of battle had turned.

Lee Yafang had wielded her treasured sword and executed the formidable Wind Moon Sword Arts. Yet, Lee Qi, with only two fingers, had effortlessly caught the sword and snapped it in two.

"Lee Qi is incredibly strong. Wasn't he once the notorious weakling of Sun City? How did he suddenly become so powerful?"

"It seems Lee Qi has come back to reclaim his rightful place as the heir. The upcoming clash with Lee Longfei will be telling—who will emerge victorious?"


Lee Yafang's expression darkened, her face almost dripping with malice, her entire being seemingly ablaze with fury.

With a sidelong glance, Lee Qi's imposing, sword-like stature stood unwavering.

"Lee Yafang, you've been defeated! If you're wise, you won't challenge me again. As far as I can tell, you haven't done anything to harm me, so I'll let this slide," he declared.

Lee Yafang had left home when Lee Qi's father was still present; she certainly hadn't had the opportunity to torment Lee Qi.

Lee Qi's voice resonated with an authoritative timbre that seemed to pierce the air.

Just then, Lee Yang regained consciousness, weeping, "Sis! Kill that good-for-nothing Lee Qi! You must!"

As he thrashed in distress, he inadvertently aggravated his wound, eliciting a sharp cry of pain, "Ah!"

Lee Yafang found herself in a quandary. Even after deploying the Wind Moon Sword Arts, she hadn't made a dent in Lee Qi's defenses.

Seeking vengeance for her brother left her uncertain of success.

Yet, she had one last ace up her sleeve, unplayed. Perhaps it could be enough to wound Lee Qi.

Surveying the area, she noticed the crowd had dispersed, providing an expansive clearing around them.

Lee Yafang's gaze darkened as she gave Lee Qi a chilling look, seemingly having reached a critical decision.

"Lee Qi, of all the mistakes you could've made, crippling my brother was the worst. Even if I could forgive you, he never would. So..."

Despite his skill in seizing her sword and her recent setback, she had never considered Lee Qi her equal.

In her eyes, he would never be a worthy opponent.

Lee Qi shook his head, releasing a heavy sigh.

"Come on then! Show me your ace in the hole!"

He advanced a few steps, then stood firm.

Immovable as a mountain, he was an unbreakable presence.

His long hair danced as if stirred by an unseen wind, his lips curling into a mocking, icy smirk.

His figure, proud and erect, was like a gleaming sword, its brilliance piercing the heavens.

Watching him, Lee Yafang bit her thin lips and at last, came to a resolution.

She produced a pill and swallowed it in one swift motion.

Her aura exploded forth, the Profound Qi of the world swirling into her like a maelstrom.

Beneath her skin, a subtle glow began to pulse.

Her power surged, propelling her to the ninth level of the Qi Gathering Stage.

"Explosive Yuan Pill! It unleashes a tempest of Profound Qi! Who would have thought that after taking it, Junior Sister Yafang's cultivation would soar to the ninth level of the Qi Gathering Stage!"

Even Young Master Tian Peng was astounded, his mouth agape before he whispered in disbelief.

Wang Ling'er's face paled, her red lips parting in anxious anticipation as she watched Lee Qi intently.

At that moment, Lee Longfei and the other elders emerged, their astonishment palpable at the sight of Lee Yafang's burgeoning power.

"Isn't that Yafang? Who is she battling?"

"It's Lee Qi! The Lee family's castoff, the Wang family's discarded son-in-law!"

"Can it be? Lee Yafang is clashing with Lee Qi, and he's become this formidable?"

Upon seeing Lee Yang sprawled in a crimson pool, Lee Longfei cried out, "Who did this? Who has injured my son?"

Lee Longfei's piercing gaze swept over Lee Qi several times, yet he couldn't believe it was his doing.

But as his eyes roamed the scene, aside from Lee Qi, only Wang Ling'er remained.

"Wang family girl, on this day of our ancestral worship ceremony, you've injured my son. What do you have to say for yourself?"

His presence commanded respect without him having to exert any forceful aura—a mark of true authority. He was under the impression that Wang Ling'er was responsible for Lee Yang's injuries, hence his confrontation with her.

Lee Qi offered a dismissive smile. "Your so-called 'useless son' was taken down by me, the discarded and disabled heir. If you're looking to settle accounts, make sure you're knocking on the right door."

Lee Yang nodded in support, while Lee Longfei stared at Lee Qi, his disbelief palpable.

"How exactly did you harm my son?" he exclaimed, still struggling to accept the reality.

Lee Yafang interjected, "Father, this isn't the time to question how he injured my brother. What's important is avenging him. Step aside; I'll handle this."

Her gaze was icy, her presence chilling to the bone, as if plunging those around her into a frigid abyss.

Startled, Lee Longfei retreated several steps, widening the gap between himself and Lee Yafang.

"Yafang, when did you return? Your presence is so formidable! It seems your time with the Wind Moon Sect has served you well!" Lee Longfei said, his voice tinged with pride at his daughter's accomplishments.

Fuming with rage, Lee Yafang felt like she could spit blood. She had taken an Explosive Yuan Pill, and the surge in power it granted her was fleeting. She needed to act fast.

"Enough talk! Just watch as I rip Lee Qi to shreds!"

Her roar thundered through the air, leaving Lee Longfei's ears buzzing.

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