Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C12 I Am Back
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C12 I Am Back
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C12 I Am Back

Lee Yafang gripped the broken sword with an air of undeniable dominance.

Her garments stirred as if caught in an invisible breeze, while the sword's light burst forth, half a meter in length, tangible as steel.

The Wind Moon Sword Arts!

Still wielding the Wind Moon Sword Arts, Lee Yafang's execution amplified its power manifold.

With her sword drawn, the sun and moon dimmed, their brilliance overshadowed by the enveloping sword shadows, obscuring the sun from view.

Then, with a swift motion, her sword light sliced through the void, aiming straight for Lee Qi.

The speed of the sword light was blinding, its clarity obscured by innumerable shadowy duplicates.

A smirk crossed Lee Yafang's face as she envisioned Lee Qi's body sprawled lifelessly before her.

Unmoved, Lee Qi watched the approaching sword light, his clothes billowing around him.

A flicker of irritation crossed his brow, signaling his true fury.

With a twist of his wrist, the Treasure Light coalesced in his palm before he seized the broken sword.

In an instant, the sword's radiance faded, and the shadows shattered.

Lee Qi then hurled the broken sword with such force that it erupted in a cacophony of crackles, the energy detonating along its length—a testament to the explosive power of extreme strength.

Lee Yafang's sword-bearing hand bore the brunt of the blast.

Despite her grip on the treasured blade, she was sent flying.

The energy coursed through the sword's hilt, detonating upon her hand.


Catapulted through the air, Lee Yafang sustained grave injuries, her right hand reduced to a bloody pulp.

Struggling to regain her footing, she stumbled backward, each step leaving deep impressions in the earth.

In a swift movement, Young Master Tian Peng materialized behind her, his presence light and ethereal.

He steadied Lee Yafang, retreating three steps before regaining his composure.

His face paled as he whispered in awe, "Such immense power! What Body Tempering technique could possibly yield such ferocity?"

Staring at her ravaged right hand, Lee Yafang was consumed by a mix of rage and disbelief.

"How can this be? It's impossible!"

Young Master Tian Peng's voice was firm, "Stay calm, I'll handle him."

He clearly coveted Lee Qi's Body Tempering technique and saw a perfect chance to seize it for himself.

At that moment, Lee Longfei was seething with rage, bellowing, "Lee Qi, you've been cast out of the Lee family. What are you doing here? And you've crippled my son, hurt my daughter—I'll see you dead for this!"

Lee Qi let out a series of cold laughs, his voice amplifying so everyone could hear.

"Lee Longfei, have you no shame? When my father left and my mother and sister were taken by some unknown force, you, as the Great Elder, did nothing to find them. Instead, you let the Lee family disciples treat me worse than an animal. Without Wang Ling'er, I'd probably still be living in misery."

"Even after I joined the Wang family through marriage, you had the audacity to remove our names from the family stele. We're direct descendants of the Patriarch—what gives you the right? Is it simply because I lacked strength?"

Lee Qi's voice grew thunderous, "But now, I've returned! I've grown strong, I've gained the power! I'm here to reclaim everything that's mine, including my rightful place as the successor. Most importantly, I will restore my family's names on the ancestral tablets, so their life tablets can be revealed. Only then will I know if they are alive or dead!"

Lee Qi's heartfelt words touched even the onlookers.

"So Lee Qi returned for the ancestral rites just to find out if his parents and sister are still alive?"

"He's risking his life just for the chance to know his family's fate. It's incredibly foolish!"

"Why would Lee Longfei, now the Patriarch, erase Lee Qi's family from the records?"


The crowd outside buzzed with conversation.

Hearing the murmurs, Lee Longfei's face shifted through a spectrum of emotions, ultimately settling on a livid, liver-like hue.

It was clear to all that justice wasn't on Lee Longfei's side.

But in this world, power is the ultimate language. With power comes a voice. Without it, no one hears your words.

Lee Qi's return was a show of strength, and naturally, he drew the crowd's favor.

Had he remained a nobody, the onlookers would have reveled in his misfortune.

Wang Ling'er gripped Lee Qi's hand, her warmth seeping into his heart.

Lee Qi beamed at her, a smile as refreshing as a spring breeze.

"I'm fine. They're the ones with problems now. Don't worry!"

Wang Ling'er's heart, once lifted by anxiety, settled with Lee Qi's confident words.

She stepped back, watching Lee Qi take the stage, her belief in him unwavering—no one would dare bully him on her watch.

Lee Longfei's voice dripped with malice, "Lee Qi, spare us the talk. Strength will be our language."

"Good! I'm not one for idle chatter. Today, I'll fight until you acknowledge defeat." Lee Qi advanced, his presence erupting with an unstoppable force.

Lee Longfei's eyes widened in surprise, his cold gaze clashing with Lee Qi's, his own aura crashing forward like a relentless mountain.

Yet Lee Qi stood unshaken, as immovable as a peak, facing the onslaught with the calm of a gentle breeze.

In that moment, Lee Qi's gaze deepened, and Lee Longfei, along with Lin Ao, Zhao Xiangfei, and their entourage, saw something extraordinary.

Lee Qi transformed into a War God descended, treading over mountains of corpses and seas of blood, basking in the adoration of the heavens' mightiest.

Their figures merged, leaving Lee Longfei struggling to discern reality.

He stumbled back, his aura diminishing.

Blinking, he refocused on Lee Qi and saw only the ordinary man before him.

Shaking his head, clarity returned to his thoughts.

Lee Longfei's face split into a wild grin, "Haha!"

He then unleashed his full aura, a tempestuous fury, each wave more ferocious than the last.

Lee Qi, not wanting Lee Longfei to retreat, held back his own aura and feigned being pushed back.

Seeing this, Lee Longfei swelled with pride.

"Young Master Tian Peng, I've got Lee Qi!" he called out, acknowledging his ally.

Young Master Tian Peng was elated. He had never been able to decipher Lee Qi's true abilities, and now that someone else was eager to step up to the plate, he was more than ready to let them.

Moreover, Lee Qi was a formidable opponent, and Young Master Tian Peng wasn't entirely sure he could secure a victory. If Lee Longfei could wear him down, it would be an ideal outcome for Tian Peng.

"Uncle, you handle the family's internal issues first. I'll stay out of it for the time being," he said with a diplomatic grace.

Of course, Lee Longfei was oblivious to Young Master Tian Peng's ulterior motives. Had he known, he certainly wouldn't have volunteered to confront Lee Qi.

"Very well! In that case, I'll take care of this discarded scion of the Lee family myself. Let's not allow him to interfere with our ancestral rites."

Lee Longfei's smile was laced with scorn; Lee Qi was hardly worth his concern.

Lee Yafang's lips were pressed tightly together. She was reluctant to acknowledge the truth, yet she feared for her father's well-being.

"Father, please be cautious. Lee Qi has mastered the Body Tempering Technique, and his divine strength is formidable!"

"My dear, rest assured. I'm taking this on personally. He doesn't stand a chance," Lee Longfei assured her.

His own cultivation had soared to the pinnacle of the Qi Gathering Stage, and he was on the cusp of breaking through to the Earth Essence Stage.

Lee Qi was no match for him, and even in Sun City, challengers were few and far between.

Accustomed to a lack of worthy adversaries, Lee Longfei held a dismissive view of everyone, especially the cast-off of the Lee family.

With these words, Lee Longfei stepped forward, each stride resonating with power, as an overwhelming aura erupted around him.

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