Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C13 The Profound Qi Was like a Snake
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C13 The Profound Qi Was like a Snake
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C13 The Profound Qi Was like a Snake

Lee Longfei harnessed the Profound Qi, a subtle glow emerging beneath his skin as the ambient Profound Qi rushed into him.

A wave of fury ignited in his eyes, and with a cold sneer, he stamped his foot on the ground, propelling himself forward like a swift arrow. His fingers curled into a tight fist, hurtling toward Lee Qi with explosive force.

His punch, swift as a shooting star, bore down on Lee Qi with meteoric speed. The massive fist reached Lee Qi in an instant.

Lee Qi's expression shifted, alert and cautious. He summoned not only his full physical strength but also the Profound Qi.

The Profound Qi swiftly surfaced, coursing through him, and converged in his fist.

As he launched his punch, a thunderous blast echoed, signaling the pinnacle of his power.

Their fists met with a resounding 'boom,' akin to the clash of iron against iron.

Lee Longfei staggered back over ten steps, his face etched with astonishment.

Lee Qi, however, only took three steps back, his feet gripping the earth with unyielding steadiness.

Shaking his throbbing right hand, Lee Longfei exclaimed in disbelief, "How can this be? It's impossible. I didn't give it my all just now."

He stared at Lee Qi, incredulous, demanding, "How did you manage to cultivate Profound Qi?"

Lee Qi smirked dismissively, "Whether I can cultivate it or not is none of your concern."

Clearly scorned, Lee Longfei's rage flared even hotter.

"It doesn't matter if you can cultivate it. Today, I'll make sure you regret it!"

He channeled the Profound Qi once more, this time with no room for carelessness, driving it through his body with full intensity.

The Profound Qi slithered like a serpent beneath his skin, a roaring presence within him.

To have the Profound Qi manifest as a serpent was a mark of exceptional mastery, a level far beyond the reach of the average practitioner.

Pride swelled within Lee Longfei. He lifted his head high, a smug grin spreading across his face.

"Profound Qi as a serpent! Who would have thought Lee Longfei could achieve such a feat!"

"Remarkable! His body's Profound Qi, now coiled like a serpent, is truly unstoppable."

Young Master Tian Peng was taken aback, "Who would have thought that in a backwater like Sun City, a master with Profound Qi like a serpent would emerge!"

Lee Longfei's head rose even higher upon hearing these murmurs.

With a scornful smile, he addressed Lee Qi, "Surrender now, and I might just let you live."

"I came prepared to face death! Show me what you've got," Lee Qi replied, his eyebrows arching provocatively. Though he harbored a murderous intent, he had no desire to kill Lee Longfei.

He intended to repay the suffering he endured with interest for Lee Longfei and his father to endure.

"Surge Fist!"

Lee Longfei executed the Lee family's signature technique.

His punch burst forth with a sound that seemed to rip through the air.

A ferocious and domineering tidal wave burst from his fist, the Fist Strength roaring as it surged towards Lee Qi.

The Surge Fist was relentless, each successive wave more formidable than the last.

Lee Qi's father had once shared the secrets of the Surge Fist with him.

Lee Qi launched his fist, unleashing the Surge Fist as well.

With his punch, waves manifested.

The Fist Strength surged, chasing the waves with urgency!

His fist moved as if it were pursuing the waves, its speed so fast it was a blur.

"Boom! Boom!"

The colliding Fist Strength erupted in a thunderous blast.

Lee Qi advanced through the waves, his punches striking with precision, each one dissipating the waves into nothingness, leaving no trace.

Quickly closing the distance, Lee Qi confronted Lee Longfei, who flashed a momentary look of panic before regaining his composure.

"Bring it on!"

Lee Longfei's punch came fast and hard, his Profound Qi slithering out like a serpent.

The Profound Qi snake emerged from his fist, baring its venomous fangs at Lee Qi.

Lee Qi let out a cold laugh and countered with the Surge Fist.

The waves rolled tumultuously, as if chased by a formidable force, overwhelming in their intensity.

In a flash, Lee Longfei's Profound Qi serpent was engulfed by the waves, vanishing without a trace, accompanied by the sound of a sharp snap.

The sound of bones shattering was unmistakable, crisp and clear.

"Ah!" Lee Longfei screamed in agony, clutching his broken arm as he swiftly retreated.

"Don't even think about running!" Lee Qi bellowed, his voice booming like thunder.

He launched himself forward with the speed of lightning, giving Lee Longfei no chance to recover.

With another punch, fierce as a thunderclap, he struck Lee Longfei's dantian.

It was as if a thunderbolt had detonated right there in Lee Longfei's core.

The pain was so intense that Lee Longfei was bent double, unable to even scream.

He hit the ground hard, kicking up clouds of dust.

From the dirt, Lee Longfei glared at Lee Qi with eyes filled with hatred.

"You've destroyed my cultivation!"

Lee Qi regarded Lee Longfei with icy detachment. "Considering what you've done to me, crippling your cultivation is letting you off easy."

Lee Longfei's face went pale with shock. "I'm the Patriarch! How dare you destroy my cultivation! Attack him, all of you, and kill him!"

But the Lee family elders and seniors remained motionless.

Lee Qi's sneer was laced with contempt. "Lee Longfei, take a good look. Without your power, not a single clan member will heed your command. You're nothing but trash now, and I'm going to banish you."

"You wouldn't dare!" Lee Longfei retorted fiercely.

Yet, seeing the elders' lack of response, he deflated like a punctured balloon, bereft of any leverage.

"Lee Longfei is defeated. Who would have thought Lee Qi could be so formidable?"

"With Lee Qi in charge, the Lee family will once again be the strongest in Sun City."

"Lee Qi is simply too powerful. It's unlikely Sun City will find anyone who can match him."

The spectators outside buzzed with commentary.

Hearing the murmurs, Lee Longfei's face twisted with humiliation. He sighed deeply and hung his head.

Despite his reluctance to accept it, he couldn't deny that Lee Qi was far superior.

The Lee family elders began to murmur among themselves.

"We should have intervened when the Great Elder wanted to expel Lee Qi and his family."

"Yeah, now that Lee Qi has made a strong comeback, I fear he'll hold us accountable."

"Absolutely. We should've intervened when Lee Yang and his cronies were picking on Lee Qi. It's too late for regrets now."

"Wang Ling'er really has an eye for talent; she recognized Lee Qi's extraordinary gift!"

At that moment, Wang Ling'er gazed at Lee Qi with eyes brimming with tenderness.

She considered herself the luckiest woman alive. Her choice in him hadn't been based on his power.

But as his strength grew, her joy for him swelled, and she was overwhelmed with happiness.

Lee Qi gave a frosty look to Lee Yang, Lee Yafang, and Lee Longfei, then turned his attention to the Lee family elders and seniors.

He declared, "I trust there are no objections to reinstating our family's name on the ancestral tablet, correct?"


"The Lee family belongs with the Lee clan!"


The Lee family elders voiced their agreement.

For them, who held the title of patriarch was inconsequential, as long as someone could steer the clan towards strength.

Lee Longfei had seized the role of family head with his formidable power, yet failed to lead them to prosperity.

They harbored resentment towards Lee Longfei's household but had remained silent out of fear.

Now that Lee Qi had toppled Lee Longfei's dominance, they were more than willing to consent to the simple act of inscribing a family name on the clan tablet.

Lee Qi's gaze was piercing as he surveyed the assembly.

"Is my uncle still languishing in the dungeon?"

As Lee Qi's family fell from grace, his uncle had been eligible to lead.

Regrettably, he was no match for the Great Elder, Lee Longfei, and ended up confined within the family's dungeon.

The crowd hesitated, their words stuck in their throats, until finally, an elder stepped forward: "Lee Longxiang is indeed in the dungeon. I will escort you."

"Lee Qi. You're not going anywhere. Surrender the Body Tempering Technique and your wife to me. Show compliance, and I might just be lenient enough to spare your life!"

Just then, an abrupt and scornful voice cut through the air.

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