Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C15 The Proud Lee Longxiang
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C15 The Proud Lee Longxiang
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C15 The Proud Lee Longxiang

"Lee Qi, what should be done with Lee Longfei and his son?" an elder of the Lee family inquired, his voice laced with trepidation.

Lee Qi cast a chilly glance at Lee Longfei and Lee Yang, his brow furrowing in thought. "Later, summon my uncle and let him decide their fate."

"Now, take me to the dungeon to fetch my uncle," he demanded, urgency evident in his tone. He couldn't bear to wait another minute.

His thoughts turned to his uncle, Lee Longxiang, languishing in the dungeon, and his impatience grew. Aside from his parents, Lee Longxiang was the only member of the Lee family who had shown him kindness, and he remembered it well.

His gaze softened as he looked at Wang Ling'er. "Ling'er, the dungeon is filthy. You should stay here."

"No! I'm coming with you. Wherever you go, I go," Wang Ling'er declared resolutely, her voice brooking no argument.

Her eyes shone with a defiant spark, unwavering like the stars above.

Lee Qi's face warmed with affection as he regarded Wang Ling'er. "Very well, but brace yourself. The dungeon's gloom is more than just the absence of sunlight."

"Young Master Lee Qi, after you," the Lee family elder said with utmost reverence.

In this world, power commanded respect, and Lee Qi's demonstrated strength had earned him just that.

Shortly thereafter, they reached the dungeon entrance. A massive iron door stood unguarded, secured by a hefty iron lock. Beyond it lay darkness, deep and consuming, like a black hole ready to swallow everything.

The elders scurried about, finally managing to unlock and open the door.

"Young Master Lee Qi, please proceed."

As Lee Qi approached the iron door, a putrid stench assaulted his senses, nearly inducing him to retch.

He fought back the urge to vomit and stepped forward into the dungeon.

Wang Ling'er, following behind, was immediately overwhelmed by the foul odor.

She retched, her complexion turning ghostly pale.

"I warned you not to come, but you wouldn't listen," Lee Qi said as he supported Wang Ling'er, gently patting her back.

"I'm okay, I can bear it," Wang Ling'er said, a spark of determination flickering in her bright eyes.

A stone staircase descended from the iron door, leading into an abyss of darkness where the light of day was lost to sight.

The stench grew more unbearable the deeper one ventured, threatening to induce nausea.

Wang Ling'er's graceful face had already turned pale, but she fought the urge to flee.

The Lee family elders were equally overwhelmed, their expressions grim.

Yet, they had no choice but to follow Lee Qi's lead down into the depths.

Moisture increased with every step, the ground slick and damp. Droplets of water rhythmically tapped the surface in various places.

Lee Qi's face contorted with discomfort.

"Where is my uncle?" Lee Qi asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Young Master Lee Qi, Lee Longxiang is at the very end. We'll be there shortly," an elder of the Lee family said, his voice laced with anxiety as he guided them forward.

Before long, they reached the deepest part of the dungeon. There, they found a man with unkempt hair and a wild beard, bound in chains.

His head was bowed, his face obscured by his hair, making it nearly impossible to recognize him. Lee Qi peered intently but failed to see his uncle in the disheveled figure.

"Uncle!" Lee Qi called out gently.

"Uncle!" he repeated, louder this time.

The man lifted his head, his eyes hidden behind the tangle of hair. He brushed aside the locks in front of his forehead, revealing a pair of dull, lifeless eyes that met Lee Qi's gaze.

"Uncle, it's me! I'm Lee Qi!" Lee Qi finally recognized Lee Longxiang, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Qi! Is that you, Qi?" Lee Longxiang cried out, quickly rising to his feet, the iron chains clanging loudly.

"Uncle, I'm Lee Qi. I'm sorry I'm late!" Tears streamed down Lee Qi's cheeks as he spoke.

"Open the dungeon, now! Release my uncle!" Lee Qi demanded, his voice breaking as he wept for his uncle.

At his command, the Lee family elders scrambled to unlock the dungeon door and unshackle the chains.

With difficulty, Lee Longxiang stepped out of the cell, his eyes brimming with tears.



The two embraced, paying no mind to Lee Longxiang's filthy, foul-smelling state.

It was a while before they finally let go of each other.

"Uncle, I've taken care of Lee Longfei. Let's get out of here," Lee Qi announced.

Lee Longxiang burst into laughter, "Haha..."

His laughter continued for a long time, tears eventually streaming down his face.

They say a man doesn't shed tears lightly, only when deep sorrow strikes.

Overcome with emotion, Lee Longxiang laughed until he cried.

"Uncle, we should leave," Lee Qi said, his heart heavy upon seeing his uncle's condition.

Lee Longfei had been merciless. Lee Longxiang had merely vied for the family's leadership and ended up imprisoned. In just a few years, he was barely recognizable as human.

Even the Lee family elders felt a pang of sorrow at the sight of him.

"Young Master Lee Qi, let's go. Lee Longxiang needs to clean up," one elder suggested.

At the time of Lee Longxiang's imprisonment, the elders had been unable to intervene, and now they bore the weight of guilt.

Lee Qi swept his gaze over them, his voice icy, "You'd better come clean to me. If you conspired with Lee Longfei against my uncle, admit your wrongdoing now and we'll leave it in the past. But if I uncover any deceit, expect no mercy."

The Lee family elders were visibly anxious, each of them on edge.

"There's no need to fear. Come forward and confess, and I won't delve deeper," Lee Qi said, his eyes softening.

With that, he helped Lee Longxiang to his feet and they made their way outside. Family unity trumped all else.

After years in the pitch-black dungeon, the sudden sunlight was overwhelming for Lee Longxiang.

Lee Qi quickly shaded his eyes with his hand, while the elders of the Lee family attended to him with utmost care.

"This way, please!"

"Mind the step!"

They arrived at a room where hot water had been prepared.

Lee Longxiang entered to freshen up.

The Lee family elders waited outside, too nervous to even steal a glance at Lee Qi.

Throughout, Lee Qi maintained a stern expression, particularly shaken by the sight of his uncle, unable to stay detached.

"Young Master Lee Qi, I once sided with Lee Longfei and oppressed Lee Longxiang. I admit my wrongdoing. Please spare my life!"

An elder promptly fell to his knees, repeatedly bowing his head in a plea for mercy.

A glint of frost shone in Lee Qi's eyes as he spoke with an icy tone, "I may forgive you, but you must also seek my uncle's pardon. He has always wished for unity within our family, and I trust he will be merciful."

"Thank you, Young Master Lee Qi! Thank you so much!"

The man continued to kowtow, expressing his deep gratitude.

"Stand up," Lee Qi commanded, his voice even.

"I won't stand. Please, let me remain kneeling. I will wait here for Lee Longxiang and ask for his forgiveness."

The elder remained earnestly on his knees.

Seeing his willingness to kneel, Lee Qi chose not to intervene further, allowing him to stay as he was.

Lee Longxiang had endured much hardship over the years and deserved a chance to release his pent-up fury.

Following the first elder's lead, two more individuals stepped forward, kneeling and confessing their actions.

Lee Qi refrained from delving into their past deeds, instead waiting for Lee Longxiang's arrival to determine their fate.

The future of the Lee family would rest in Lee Longxiang's hands. Both Lee Longfei and Lee Yang had been stripped of their power and were confined to the courtyard.

All awaited Lee Longxiang's judgment, his word would seal their fates.

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