Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C17 Zhao Family's Door
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C17 Zhao Family's Door
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C17 Zhao Family's Door

Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er were both fraught with anxiety, yet they managed to contain their urgency and inquired about the situation thoroughly.

Lee Qi's gaze darkened ominously, a chilling glint flickering in his eyes. "The Zhao family is digging its own grave! They've sealed their fate!"

"Our Lee family has completed the ancestral rites," Lee Longxiang announced. "We can dispatch our best to aid the Wang family."

"Uncle, there's no need for the Lee family to be involved when it's not yet stable. I alone am enough!" Lee Qi's eyes brimmed with an infectious, unwavering confidence.

Lee Longxiang gave a nod of approval. "Should you need assistance, signal us, and we'll be there."

"Thank you, Uncle!" Lee Qi's face softened with gratitude.

The Lee family had just weathered a significant event, and Lee Longxiang, the new family head, was still finding his footing, yet his thoughts were with aiding the Wang family.

Wang Ling'er's eyes shimmered with thankfulness. "Thank you, Uncle. We must be on our way!"

Her immense worry was palpable, the distress in her eyes unmistakable.

Grasping her delicate hand, Lee Qi led Wang Ling'er swiftly through the gates of the Lee estate.

He settled her into the carriage and mounted his horse, racing back to the Wang family with all haste.

Lee Longxiang's gaze lingered on the departing Lee Qi, a trace of concern etched into his features.

"Keep a watchful eye on the Wang family's situation, and report back immediately with any news," he commanded.

A member of the Lee family was promptly dispatched to shadow Lee Qi and his companion.

"Patriarch, there's no need for concern. Young Master Lee Qi is formidable; he's likely to handle the situation," reassured an elder.

Lee Longxiang felt a weight lift from his shoulders as he recalled the downfall of Lee Longfei. "I'd almost forgotten. If he could incapacitate Lee Longfei, his strength is indeed formidable."

The sky brooded overhead, heavy with the threat of rain, as dark clouds veiled the sun.

Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er were consumed by their frantic thoughts, with Wang Ling'er murmuring incessantly, "I pray my father is unharmed; if not, the Zhao family will pay dearly."


The Wang family was besieged, encased as securely as if within an iron fortress, with three concentric rings of adversaries. The outermost ring comprised the Zhao family's own servants, skilled fighters, and hired hands.

The second ring featured the highly paid mercenaries brought in by the Zhao family—twelve formidable individuals known collectively as the Twelve Blood Devils.

The Twelve Blood Devils were a formidable group, with the weakest among them having attained the Fifth Level of Qi Gathering and the strongest at the Ninth Level. Known for their ruthlessness, they never spared a single life.

Zhao Lingtian, the head of the Zhao family, had spared no expense to enlist their services. Yet, the Twelve Blood Devils were not his ultimate weapon; he was presently indulging in the company of his true ace.

Positioned at the innermost Level One defense, he awaited Lee Qi's arrival. Meanwhile, Wang Tianlong and the Wang family elders were detained in a room, guarded by a jade tea table bearing a pot of fresh tea.

Taking a leisurely sip, Zhao Lingtian asked with a grin, "Master Huang, do you think Lee Qi can overcome our first barrier?"

Huang Loong, also known as Master Huang, was a formidable practitioner from the Black Tortoise Sect at the Fourth Level of the Earth Essence Stage. The Zhao family had exhausted their resources, spending a thousand Low Grade Spirit Stones to secure his allegiance.

Unruffled, Huang Loong savored his tea before replying, "Based on your account, he managed to defeat my junior, Lin Ao, so the second layer shouldn't stop him. But even if he gets past the Twelve Blood Devils, he'll arrive here battered and bruised, making him an easy target."

Zhao Lingtian's smile broadened. "Excellent. We'll leave it to you, Master Huang, to handle him when the time comes."

The pair spoke dismissively of the Twelve Blood Devils and those outside, regarding them as mere expendables, devoid of any compassion.

"Taoist Huang, let's toast with tea to your impending victory," Zhao Lingtian proposed.

Zhao Xiangfei spoke with a malevolent tone, "I intend to see Lee Qi dead and have Wang Ling'er submit to marrying me."

Driven by vengeance, he had made a point of being present, his hand bandaged in white gauze, his complexion still notably pallid.

Zhao Lingtian boasted with satisfaction, "Once we've captured Lee Qi, you can deal with him however you please. And regarding Wang Ling'er, after your marriage, the two of you can pursue cultivation under the guidance of your master, Taoist Zhang."

Huang Loong's face twisted into a sneer, "Lee Qi dares to provoke the disciples of the Black Tortoise Sect? He's practically begging for death. I wouldn't have lifted a finger if it weren't for our sect's powerhouses being injured. Once this is over, come back with me. With my senior brother's level of cultivation, if you dedicate yourself to your training, a promising future is yours for the taking."

He shot Zhao Xiangfei a sidelong glance, barely concealing his disdain, yet he held a deep reverence for his master.

"Yes!" Zhao Xiangfei couldn't hide his smugness, bolstered by the fact that his master was a revered elder of the Black Tortoise Sect with profound cultivation, far beyond Huang Loong's reach.

He had it all planned out: after killing Lee Qi, he would take Wang Ling'er back to the Black Tortoise Sect. Maybe then, his master might even be able to reattach his fingers.

A crude smile crept across his face at the thought, and the image of Wang Ling'er's alluring figure sent a wave of heat coursing through him.

Huang Loong, noticing Zhao Xiangfei's lascivious thoughts, chided with a chuckle, "Young man, you ought to exercise some restraint."

Zhao Lingtian fixed a stern gaze on the self-satisfied Zhao Xiangfei and asked, "Did you take your Martial Uncle's advice to heart?"

"I will heed Master's teachings!" Zhao Xiangfei promptly bowed deeply, his demeanor the picture of respect.

"Master, Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er have returned!" a servant excitedly reported, clearly convinced that Lee Qi was walking into his doom.

A grin spread across Zhao Lingtian's face, "Perfect timing! Have our outermost guards ready to meet the enemy."

Zhao Xiangfei's eyes sparkled with anticipation, "I can't wait to see Lee Qi brought to his knees."

"Calm your excitement; you'll get your turn to discipline him soon enough," Zhao Lingtian said, exuding the authoritative presence of a family patriarch.


The sky grew heavy, with dark clouds pressing lower, signaling the onset of rain.

Dark clouds loomed ominously over Lee Qi's head, his expression more foreboding than the stormy sky above.

Dismounting his horse, he made his way toward Wang Ling'er's carriage with deliberate steps.

"Ling'er, will you join me inside, or wait out here?"

A flicker of lethal intent shone in Wang Ling'er's luminous eyes.

Her long, graceful legs carried her confidently toward the mansion.

"As I've said before, I will follow you wherever you lead—even into the depths of hell itself," she declared.

In her gaze, Lee Qi recognized a defiant and resilient spirit, a strength that required no protection from others.

"I need to find a cultivation technique suited for Ling'er, one that will allow her to defend herself," he thought, a spark igniting in his eyes as he quickly caught up to her.

They soon reached the first line of defense, where the most people were stationed, albeit the least powerful.

These were primarily the Zhao family's servants and bodyguards, supplemented by skilled mercenaries.

Over thirty in number, each was clad in armor, brandishing a variety of weapons that gleamed with a chilling light.

"Lee Qi, meet your end!"

The cry rang out as Lee Qi came into view.

Weapons brandished, their glare was blinding.

"Lee Qi, die! Lee Qi, die!"

The chant erupted from over thirty voices, the collective roar staggering.

Lee Qi felt an oppressive force bearing down on him, his brow furrowing in response.

Wang Ling'er sensed the strength of their adversaries, her complexion turning ashen.

"How did the Zhao family amass such a force?"

Many among the thirty had reached the Qi Gathering Stage, making them formidable opponents in places like Sun City or Cloud City.

Lee Qi sneered with contempt, "A bunch of strays, hardly worth the effort."

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