Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C18 The First Line of Defense
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C18 The First Line of Defense
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C18 The First Line of Defense

Lee Qi strolled into the courtyard, his steps bathed in fragments of light. He was the picture of ease, seemingly not at all on his way to a rendezvous.

Over thirty formidable members of the Zhao family were arrayed against him, ready and waiting. Despite the overwhelming presence of these experts, Lee Qi continued to advance.

Wang Ling'er, too, exuded a formidable aura, her expression dark as if she were on the verge of tears. Concern etched deep in her eyes, she remained anxious for her father's safety, even with Lee Qi by her side. Resolved to confront the Zhao family, she was prepared to take action.

Lee Qi had hoped to keep Wang Ling'er from engaging in the fight, but recognizing the resolve in her gaze, he refrained from stopping her.

The Zhao family drew their weapons, their presence as imposing as mountains, the blades shimmering with a chilling gleam. "Kill!" they bellowed, unleashing an overwhelming aura of death.

Unmoved, Lee Qi's eyes sparked with a fierce glint. He surged forward and launched a punch at one of the assailants. His fist, explosive and relentless like a tidal wave, bore down on his foe, the force emitting a 'whoosh' as it sliced through the air.

The targeted enemy, a practitioner at the Qi Gathering Stage, underestimated Lee Qi's strike. Devoid of any visible Profound Qi, Lee Qi's swift punch seemed inconsequential. The enemy began to channel his Cultivation Method, his hands aglow as he summoned Profound Qi towards him.

But before he could fully harness it, Lee Qi's attack was upon him. Caught off guard, he could only muster a hasty defense with his fist. "Thud!" The dull impact echoed, followed by a sharp "crack" as bones shattered crisply.

The Zhao family's expert didn't have a chance to cry out before being sent flying, his arm rendered useless. His body crashed into two other combatants, toppling them into a tangled mess.

Yet, the remaining Zhao family fighters pressed on, some wielding swords, others knives, all aiming for Lee Qi.

Wang Ling'er faced only one opponent, a directive from Zhao Xiangfei to avoid harming her. Her adversary was a high-level Qi Gathering Stage expert.

The two combatants exchanged blows, neither gaining the upper hand in a fierce back-and-forth struggle.

Meanwhile, Lee Qi was encircled by over thirty formidable opponents, all brandishing their weapons with menacing intent.

Surrounded by foes, a thrill of excitement sparked in Lee Qi's eyes, not a trace of fear to be found.

Without hesitation, Lee Qi launched his punch.

His fist, as unyielding as iron, clashed against the blades of his adversaries, ringing out with the sound of metal on metal.

Each of his punches sent someone flying through the air, occasionally taking down one or two others in their wake.

"Don't be scared, everyone! Attack together! Lee Qi can't take us all on!" someone bellowed, more to embolden himself than his comrades. But his cries fell on deaf ears.

The rest of the group stood frozen, their legs and bodies quivering, too terrified to advance.

Lee Qi's might was overwhelming; the force of his punches sent the sword-wielding enemies soaring. Some suffered broken arms, others fractured ribs.

Those who fell could not rise again, their cries of agony echoing on the ground.

"Bang, bang..." Lee Qi's fists accelerated, his shadowy punches omnipresent. His opponents barely had time to raise their weapons before they were hurled into the air.

Soon, only two enemies remained, shaking with extreme fear.

Lee Qi stretched, his joints popping loudly.

"I'm not with the Zhao family. I don't want their money anymore. Please, let me go!" one of them pleaded.

"Scram! And spare me the trouble of dirtying my hands!" Lee Qi's eyes gleamed with a chilling light.

Terrified, the man stumbled away in a disgraceful retreat, even tripping over himself at the door.

The other, a servant of the Zhao family, couldn't afford to beg for mercy.

With a quick glance, he made his choice.

He punched himself with such ferocity that he was sent flying—a preferable fate, he thought, to being struck down by Lee Qi.

For those who had been launched by Lee Qi's fists were left either maimed or utterly incapacitated.

Considering their fate, he decided it was better to be harsh and deliver his own punishing blow.

Lee Qi pointed at the individual and resigned himself to walking away, muttering, "You're tough!"

At that moment, the man sparring with Wang Ling'er caught sight of Lee Qi approaching and a shiver of fear ran through him.

Caught off guard, he was launched into the air by Wang Ling'er's punch.


He feigned agony, collapsing and staying down.

Lee Qi gave him a quick look, immediately understanding his calculations.

But he couldn't be bothered to engage these foes.

With no adversaries left, it was time to move on.

"Let's go!" Lee Qi declared, his composure unshaken, as if dispatching over thirty men had barely taken any effort.

He glanced toward the rear of the courtyard, noticing someone observing the skirmish.

Sensing he'd been spotted, the servant hastily retreated.

Disdainful of making a move, Lee Qi certainly wasn't going to pursue him.

"Report to the Patriarch: Lee Qi has breached the first defense. It crumbled instantly, inflicting no damage on him. Our forces are essentially incapacitated."

The reporting servant was shaking with fear, particularly after catching Lee Qi's eye, his heart pounding as if it would leap from his chest.

"Descend and monitor the second defense," Zhao Lingtian instructed, waving dismissively, his demeanor undisturbed.

They had anticipated the first defense wouldn't hold Lee Qi.

"Huang Loong, shall we resume our tea?"

He beamed confidently, as though he held all the cards.

Huang Loong's smile was equally carefree, exuding ease.

"Tea, then!"

Only Zhao Xiangfei seemed tense, restlessly awaiting Lee Qi's fate.

"Xiangfei, remain composed. Even if Lee Qi overcomes the second defense, he's no match for your Martial Uncle Huang," Zhao Lingtian chided sternly.

As the future head of the Zhao family, Zhao Xiangfei needed to master his poise; otherwise, he wouldn't fit to lead.

Zhao Xiangfei's current demeanor left something to be desired.

Zhao Xiangfei bristled at the scolding, yet his displeasure was expertly concealed; no one could detect a hint of his discontent.

"I've got it!"

He outwardly agreed with a nod, but inwardly, his anxiety was palpable. He was desperate to find out how Lee Qi was faring at the second defensive line.

Despite having witnessed Lee Qi's formidable abilities, his faith in the Twelve Blood Devils was unshakable.

"The Twelve Blood Devils will surely give Lee Qi a warm welcome. They'll show him the true meaning of power."

Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er made their way to the main courtyard, where they encountered the Twelve Blood Devils. The aura of blood fiend qi they exuded was startlingly intense.

The blood fiend qi surged forward, bearing down on Lee Qi, making it hard for him to breathe. Only when he channeled his Profound Qi did he find some relief.

Wang Ling'er's complexion turned ashen, already feeling the effects of the blood fiend qi.

Lee Qi swiftly moved Wang Ling'er behind him, shielding her from the onslaught of the malevolent energy.

"Ling'er, be cautious. I'll handle them. Stay back to avoid getting caught in the crossfire."

A flicker of emotion passed through Wang Ling'er's eyes, yet she complied. Despite this, her gaze held a resolute glint, signaling a significant resolve.

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