Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C2 Ten Thousand Kilograms of Strength
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C2 Ten Thousand Kilograms of Strength
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C2 Ten Thousand Kilograms of Strength

"I've heard that Uncle Wang's son-in-law is severely lacking in talent. Is he around the estate?" Zhao Xiangfei deliberately brought up Wang Tianlong's disappointing son-in-law.

He was well aware that Lee Qi was notoriously inept, utterly incapable of cultivating, not even reaching Body Tempering Level One.

Wang Tianlong let out a sigh and responded, "He's here. I'll have someone fetch him so he can learn a thing or two from you."

He glanced at Zhao Xiangfei, who, despite his youth, had already mastered Body Tempering to Level Nine and was on the verge of entering the Qi Gathering Stage. Then he thought of his own son-in-law, whose meridians were congenitally obstructed, not even close to Body Tempering Level One. His talent was beyond poor; 'crippled' would be a more fitting description.

His disdain for Lee Qi deepened. He was itching to kick this burdensome son-in-law out of the house, but the thought of his daughter's feelings held him back. He treasured Wang Ling'er dearly.

"No, this has to change! I must persuade my daughter to divorce Lee Qi and seek initiation into the Black Tortoise Sect," Wang Tianlong resolved.

He commanded a servant, "Bring Lee Qi and Ling'er here, and summon the family elders as well!"

The servant promptly acknowledged, "Yes, sir!"

Zhao Xiangfei couldn't help feeling smug, thinking, "My strategy is about to pay off!"

The thought of winning Wang Ling'er's hand set his heart ablaze.


"The blockage in my meridians is due to an excess of Profound Qi. It's not that my talent is deficient, but rather, it's exceptionally strong! It was only in the Immortal Realm that I found the solution."

"First, I'll clear my meridians and let the Profound Qi forge my body."

"Chaotic Body Refining Art!"

Lee Qi commenced his cultivation. Once he resolved the blockage in his meridians, his powers would skyrocket.

The Chaotic Body Refining Art requires viewing the body as a precious object to be honed, demanding a substantial amount of Profound Qi from the outset. Fortunately, he had an abundance of Profound Qi within him, enough to clog his meridians.

He channeled the Profound Qi, releasing the blockages within his body in a powerful surge. Beneath his skin, a radiant glow pulsed as the previously obstructed Profound Qi was fully activated, relentlessly hammering at his body and organs. With each strike, his organs, flesh, and meridians grew stronger.

The pounding was relentless, seemingly endless. His body began to emit a soft Treasure Light, growing in intensity and acquiring a divine, majestic quality.


Only he knew the true agony of transforming his meridians and organs.

Despite his mental preparation, the pain was so intense that he couldn't help but cry out.

"Boom!" Time lost meaning until finally, his meridians cleared, and his body took on a soft, luminous quality, glowing with the faint Treasure Light, resembling a priceless artifact. The sharpness of his aura was unstoppable, and his radiant appearance gave him an air of sanctity.

Anyone witnessing this transformation would be astounded beyond measure.

His body radiated with Treasure Light, pure and refined, shining like a beacon, dazzling to behold.

Simultaneously, he commenced Body Tempering, drawing in the surrounding Profound Qi. Under the guidance of his Divine Sense, the Profound Qi swarmed eagerly towards him.

The garden's flora wilted rapidly, their life force seemingly drained as the Profound Qi rushed into Lee Qi's body. A subtle glow coursed through him, spreading to every limb and infusing his entire being, accelerating with each moment.

"Body Tempering Level One!"

"Body Tempering Level Two!"


"Body Tempering Level Nine!"

As his meridians opened up, his cultivation soared to Body Tempering Level Nine.

Lee Qi expelled a breath of milky Corrupted Qi, then with a straightened spine and chest puffed out, he unleashed a punch. The power behind it was formidable, reducing a man-sized boulder in the garden to dust. The residual force didn't stop there; it shattered two more boulders of equal size, echoing like thunder.

Lee Qi marveled, "Pure Power of 10,000 Jin! My body is just about managing, but it needs continuous refinement!"

Typically, a cultivator at the ninth level of Body Tempering possesses a mere 1,000 Jin of Pure Power. Those with exceptional gifts might push that to 3,000 or 5,000 Jin, but that's generally the upper limit.

Yet here was Lee Qi, not content with a staggering 10,000 Jin. The exceptionally gifted would likely keel over in shock at such a feat.

Moreover, where the average person might spend three to five painstaking years reaching Body Tempering Level Nine, Lee Qi breezed through it in under a minute—a pace that defies the bounds of the ordinary.

In the Black Tortoise Kingdom, the path of cultivation is categorized into stages: Body Tempering, Qi Gathering, Earth Origin, Heaven Origin, Black Tortoise, True Martial, and Immortal Martial. These mark the progression of a typical cultivator.

Lee Qi was on the cusp of the Qi Gathering Stage, where one draws Profound Qi into the body and channels it into the newly opened Essence Pool. The more Qi gathered, the mightier the surge of Profound Qi within, potentially culminating in the formation of a Profound Qi Dragon—a rare achievement reserved for the truly gifted.

Stepping into the Qi Gathering Stage would mark the beginning of his true journey as a cultivator.

"Lee Qi, the Patriarch summons you to the living room! You have ten minutes to appear, or you'll face the consequences!"

The disdainful servant didn't bother with formalities, barking his name with a lack of respect.

Lee Qi mused to himself, "The inevitable has arrived, and so have the unexpected. It seems I've found my sparring partner for today."

"Please inform the Patriarch that I will be there shortly, after a quick wash."

His body, coated with a layer of black residue from clearing his meridians and undergoing Body Tempering, was sticky and uncomfortable.

The servant smirked inwardly, thinking, "I'll report to the Patriarch that you'll arrive shortly. If you're late, he'll have your hide."

He rushed back to the living room to announce, "Patriarch, Lee Qi will arrive within minutes."

Wang Tianlong's brow furrowed, a hint of displeasure in his heart, but he held his tongue. After all, Lee Qi was his son-in-law.

Zhao Xiangfei suggested, "Uncle Wang, our family owns a mine on the city's northern edge. Perhaps we should put Lee Qi to work there as a miner—it might just remedy his slothful ways."

He had little respect for Lee Qi, and the suggestion to make him a miner was meant to be a slight.

Wang Tianlong offered no response.

Ten minutes flew by, and the Wang family elders arrived one by one, yet Lee Qi was nowhere to be seen.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Zhao Xiangfei remarked, "Lee Qi really doesn't grasp his opportunities. He promised to arrive within minutes, and here we are, still waiting."

Wang Tianlong's face darkened considerably. While he could usually shrug off such annoyances, the presence of Zhao Xiangfei and Lin Zhenren today made it unbearable.

He rose, intent on investigating the delay himself.

Then, Lee Qi arrived, freshly groomed and radiating a potent energy. He strode in with confidence, his chest puffed out and his eyes occasionally flashing with an intimidating chill.

"Father-in-law!" greeted Lee Qi, his smile as refreshing as a light breeze.

Wang Tianlong was unmoved by the transformation, his expression icy. Unperturbed, Lee Qi headed for the chair beside Wang Tianlong, but a sharp bark from his father-in-law halted him in his tracks.

"Stay standing!"

Lee Qi's face registered a brief flicker of emotion, but he checked any outburst. Wang Tianlong was, after all, his father-in-law and the father of the woman he cherished.

Zhao Xiangfei appraised Lee Qi critically.

Lee Qi seemed devoid of any Qi, indistinguishable from an ordinary man. His good looks were his only asset.

"Just as I thought, a complete waste! How could he ever be a match for Wang Ling'er?" Zhao Xiangfei mused with a sneer creeping onto his face.

In that moment, a young girl entered, her eyes brimming with tender affection as she gazed at Lee Qi. She saw no one else in the room and made her way straight to him.

She was the goddess of Sun City, the dream lover of countless noble scions, the prodigy of the Wang family, Wang Ling'er.

Her dedication to cultivation had sculpted a figure of explosive allure, with long, shapely legs that hinted at her formidable power. Even draped in a long purple gown, her curves were undeniable. Her angelic face, when graced with a smile, could captivate any heart.

Upon laying eyes on Wang Ling'er, Zhao Xiangfei's excitement was palpable. His lips parted slightly, revealing a sly, lascivious grin.

"I must have you! I will have you..."

Yet, Wang Ling'er paid him no attention, instead approaching Lee Qi.

"Why are you here?"

The presence of her family's elders filled her with foreboding.

Lee Qi shook his head, signaling his ignorance of the situation.

It was then that Wang Ling'er noticed Zhao Xiangfei, her expression souring. "Why is Zhao Xiangfei here? He's pursued me before, but I've made my rejection clear. I can't stand his presumptuous demeanor."

Her gaze then fell upon the disciples of the Black Tortoise Sect, instantly recognizing the distinctive emblem on their garb.

Her brow furrowed in concern. "Why have the Black Tortoise Sect's masters come? Are they here for Lee Qi? Impossible! Lee Qi has no talent for cultivation, so what could they want with him?"

Her sharp intellect heightened her sense of unease.

Zhao Xiangfei rose to his feet, channeling his Profound Qi to create an oppressive force that bore down on Lee Qi.

Lee Qi faced his adversary with a stoic gaze, thinking to himself, "This petty man is the one who caused Ling'er's death!"

In a past life, Zhao Xiangfei's coerced marriage left him powerless to protect Wang Ling'er. But this life was different.

He had been the revered sovereign of the Immortal Realm, whose mere footfall commanded the obeisance of countless realms, whose wrath made the mightiest of warriors quiver and kneel.

Wang Tianlong, too, felt the crushing weight of this aura, like a barrage of heavy blows to the chest.

Lee Qi, however, stood unaffected by the onslaught, his clothing billowing as if caressed by a gentle breeze, his composure as serene as the clear sky above.

"Hmm?" Wang Tianlong expressed mild surprise.

Wang Ling'er gave a cold snort. "Rein in your aura!"

She positioned herself protectively in front of Lee Qi.

It dawned on Wang Tianlong and Zhao Xiangfei that it was Wang Ling'er who had shielded Lee Qi from the intimidating pressure.

Truth be told, even if Wang Ling'er hadn't stepped in, Lee Qi wouldn't have felt an ounce of fear. There was no one in this world capable of instilling fear in him.

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