Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C3 The Forced Marriage
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C3 The Forced Marriage
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C3 The Forced Marriage

"Ling'er, my visit today is driven by two main intentions," Zhao Xiangfei began, his aura subsiding as he spoke with a hint of pride. "Firstly, my master, Taoist Zhang from the Black Tortoise Sect, wishes to accept you as his apprentice."

Wang Ling'er remained unimpressed and responded coolly, "Please convey my gratitude to your master for his kind offer, but I prefer to pursue self-study and will not be seeking a mentor."

Zhao Xiangfei had yet to reveal his second point when Wang Ling'er cut him off. Her stance was unwavering, her tone left no room for doubt—it was clear she had no interest in joining the Black Tortoise Sect.

Noticing the shift in Zhao Xiangfei's expression, which quickly returned to normal, he approached Wang Tianlong with a different proposal. "Uncle Wang, my other reason for coming here is to express my hope that Ling'er will annul her marriage with Lee Qi. I am prepared to offer a generous dowry and take her as my wife."

Coming from the influential Zhao family—one of the most powerful in Cloud City—Zhao Xiangfei's proposal was significant. Wang Ling'er was already married, yet he sought her hand. Wang Tianlong's mind raced with thoughts of how to separate Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er.

Then Lin Ao rose to his feet, his voice carrying a note of arrogance. "In truth, this is the wish of my senior brother, Taoist Zhang. He hopes Wang Ling'er will marry Zhao Xiangfei and join him in cultivation. Should the Wang family consent, the Black Tortoise Sect is prepared to bestow upon you a set of Profound Level Low Grade cultivation techniques and two sets of Profound Level Low Grade martial arts skills."

Wang Tianlong's breath quickened at the offer. He also sensed the underlying threat in Lin Ao's words; disagreeing could provoke the wrath of the Black Tortoise Sect.

For the Wang family, who didn't possess even a single Profound Level Low Grade cultivation technique, the acquisition of three such techniques and martial skills from the Black Tortoise Sect would be invaluable. It could catapult their family's strength and position them as the preeminent clan in Sun City.

Conversely, should they decline, the Wang family would have to contend with the wrath of the Black Tortoise Sect.

The Wang family elders were visibly swayed, their eyes fixed on Wang Ling'er with barely concealed desire for her to consent.

With a frosty expression, Wang Ling'er glared at Zhao Xiangfei, her eyes ablaze with anger. "Just as I suspected," she thought, "Zhao Xiangfei isn't above using the Black Tortoise Sect to coerce me into marriage."

Arm in arm with Lee Qi, her demeanor affectionate, she declared, "Zhao Xiangfei, you're living in a fantasy! I will never leave Lee Qi in this lifetime. The only way you'll separate us is over my dead body."

Wang Tianlong was frantic. "Foolish girl, can't you consider the family for once? The family's growth depends on the Black Tortoise Sect's support. And sticking with this nobody will only hinder your training. Besides, what else can he possibly offer you?"

"Exactly! Our family's expansion hinges on the Black Tortoise Sect's backing. With their help, we're bound to reach new heights. You can't be so self-centered, completely disregarding the family's interests."

"Ling'er, you defied the family to marry this good-for-nothing, and you've nearly paid your dues. Leave Lee Qi and wed Zhao Xiangfei, and we will all hold you in high esteem."

The Wang family elders chimed in one by one.

Lee Qi observed the scene with a steely gaze, his eyes growing ever colder, causing the temperature around him to plummet.

Wang Ling'er's face turned pale, her fists clenched tight as she reiterated in a stern tone, "I'll say it once more: the only way I'll leave Lee Qi is in death!"

Zhao Xiangfei's face twisted at her resolve, his desire for Wang Ling'er intensifying. To him, the unattainable was always the most alluring.

With a slight smirk, as if assured of his victory, he addressed her uncle, "Uncle Wang, we can't let the younger generation run amok with such matters. This affects the entire clan's future. Please, give it thorough consideration."

Throughout the entire ordeal, Lee Qi remained utterly indifferent.

Zhao Xiangfei eyed Lee Qi and remarked, "Lee Qi, you don't deserve Ling'er. If I were in your shoes, I'd gracefully bow out to avoid holding back Ling'er's bright future."

He paused, his voice growing louder, "Just agree to leave, and I'll hand you a Body Tempering Pill. You might just succeed in forging your body and start cultivating. Plus, I'll throw in half a million taels of silver for good measure, enough to keep you living in luxury for the rest of your days."

In his mind, any nobody would jump at the chance to leave.

But Lee Qi, a former supreme being, would never tolerate such disrespect. To be reborn and still face Zhao Xiangfei's insolence was beneath him.

Forget a trivial Body Tempering Pill; even esteemed elixirs like the Black Tortoise Pill or the True Martial Pill wouldn't catch his eye.

And as for the half a million taels of silver? It was nothing to him.

Seeing Lee Qi's stoic response, Zhao Xiangfei snapped, "Lee Qi, don't play the fool and reject a kind offer, or you'll regret it! Take it and scram, or you might find yourself unable to leave at all."

Wang Ling'er stepped protectively in front of Lee Qi, her voice icy, "Who dares to lay a finger on my husband? They'll answer to me!"

Her eyes blazed, her beautiful face flushed with rage, ready to take on the world.

Lee Qi felt a surge of warmth and his face broke into a contented smile.

His smile was radiant and genuine.

If the Immortal Emperors above could see Lee Qi's pure smile, they'd be utterly shocked.

He gently moved Wang Ling'er behind him, stepping forward to shield her.

"Relax, I've got this," Lee Qi's reassuring smile eased Wang Ling'er's anxiety.


"Don't worry. For a weakling like him, one punch is all I need."

Confidence gleamed in Lee Qi's eyes, as if he were the unrivaled force of the universe.

"I'm here to protect you. No one will harm you, not even a scratch."

His words weren't grandiose, but they filled Wang Ling'er's heart with warmth. For the first time, he had stepped forward to be her guardian, vowing to keep her safe.

"My love, I..." Wang Ling'er said, her voice tinged with immense shyness.

A blush spread across her face, enhancing her allure.

Zhao Xiangfei watched, seething with a hatred so intense he wanted to kill Lee Qi on the spot.

He managed to suppress the impulse and spoke with a cold edge. "Lee Qi, let me be frank. I came here today to size up the man Ling'er married, to see if he's capable of making her happy. And what I see is a man who doesn't deserve her in the slightest. You're not even fit to carry her shoes."

"Worthiness isn't for you to judge. I have no time for your pointless chatter," Lee Qi retorted dismissively, his brow arching in a way that those familiar with him recognized as a sign of real anger.

"Fine! If you're not in the mood for talk, let's test our mettle!" Zhao Xiangfei said, limbering up. A formidable presence erupted from him, bearing down on Lee Qi like a tempest.

"Lee Qi, you're nothing but the Lee family's rejected son, a nobody. I'm the prized son-in-law, the only one who's truly fit for Ling'er. As long as I'm around, I'll keep you beneath my heel." His words were punctuated by the crackling sound emanating from his body as he moved closer to Lee Qi, his aura nearly breaking through to the Qi Gathering Stage, overwhelming like a tidal wave.

Lee Qi stood tall and unyielding, his spine straight as a lance piercing the heavens, utterly unfazed by Zhao Xiangfei's oppressive energy.

"Your mouth reeks. What have you been eating, excrement?" Lee Qi shot back, his insult sending Zhao Xiangfei into a quivering rage.

The Wang family elder watched the exchange, his face a mask of astonishment.

Wang Ling'er let out a light, melodic laugh. "Hehe..." Her laughter was captivating, blooming like a chorus of flowers, dangerously enchanting.

Zhao Xiangfei was spellbound, all action momentarily suspended.

"Beautiful! Truly beautiful!" he whispered to himself, his desire for Wang Ling'er an inferno within him.

Yet, as long as Lee Qi lived, it seemed Wang Ling'er's affections would remain out of reach.

Without lifting a finger himself, Zhao Xiangfei signaled with a wave of his hand, and four attendants closed in, while he stepped back.

Dealing with a nobody like Lee Qi wasn't worth his personal effort; it would be beneath his dignity.

Though he was itching to finish off Lee Qi himself, he refrained from stooping to such a level.

His four followers were all at the fifth or sixth tier of the Body Tempering Realm, making them quite formidable.

He was confident that with his attendants stepping in, subduing Lee Qi would be a breeze.

Reclining in his chair, a satisfied grin spread across his face as he observed his attendants handle Lee Qi.

"Lee Qi, it seems you're hell-bent on digging your own grave!"

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