Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C4 One Punch to Blow Him up
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C4 One Punch to Blow Him up
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C4 One Punch to Blow Him up

The four attendants advanced toward Lee Qi when suddenly, his presence shifted dramatically, his gaze piercing through them like the infinite expanse of the cosmos.

It was as if, through the depths of Lee Qi's eyes, the attendants glimpsed him standing triumphant atop the bodies of countless vanquished foes, with beings from across the myriad realms bowing in reverence. He was the pinnacle of the Immortal Realm, akin to a War God descending among mortals, utterly unattainable.

In that moment, the images merged. Before them stood a single figure: was it Lee Qi the outcast, or Lee Qi the War God? Terrified, they stumbled backward, gasping in shock, "Ah!"

Zhao Xiangfei, previously all smiles, was now petrified.

"You're all worthless, unable to handle even the likes of him!" he bellowed in fury.

Yet his four attendants, paralyzed by fear, legs quivering, were so terrified they nearly lost control of their bladders.

Lin Ao was puzzled. Zhao Xiangfei's attendants, clearly at the fourth or fifth level of Body Tempering, were inexplicably frightened of someone they deemed a nobody.

"How odd! This is truly baffling!"

Wang Tianlong was astounded, his eyes nearly popping out as he scrutinized Lee Qi, who appeared utterly unremarkable. How had he managed to intimidate Zhao Xiangfei's attendants?

Wang Ling'er's expression mirrored the surprise. She had been prepared to shield Lee Qi herself, only to find their adversaries retreating in fear.

"Young Master, allow me to handle this," declared a One-eyed Man from behind Zhao Xiangfei, spotting what seemed like a golden opportunity.

Zhao Xiangfei gave a nod of approval. "Very well, take the stage. Don't afford him the slightest opportunity! Finish him!"

The One-eyed Man stepped forward, approaching Lee Qi with deliberate strides. As he moved, his form expanded, hair sprouting wildly, as if a bear had materialized before the onlookers.

"The Zhao family's signature technique, the Sacred Bear Tyrant Body!" exclaimed an elder from the Wang family, recognizing the Zhao family's secret art.

The Sacred Bear Tyrant Body, a legacy of the Zhao family's ancestors, not only bolstered one's defenses but also amplified their strength.

The One-eyed Man initially possessed the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering cultivation. However, upon invoking the Sacred Bear Tyrant Body technique, his power surged to the Eighth Layer. With a single punch, he could unleash a force of 800 jin—enough to slay a tiger in one blow.

His aura intensified, swirling towards Lee Qi like a ferocious hurricane. A faint glow surrounded him, creating an impenetrable defense.

Zhao Xiangfei couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction. "Impressive! That's the Sacred Bear Tyrant Body for you. Though, if he had mastered it completely, he'd be even more formidable."

Wang Tianlong's voice trembled with fear, "Lee Qi's done for. He won't stand a chance against that punch."

The Wang family elders watched with gleeful anticipation, eager to see Lee Qi fall. Without him, the family would be rid of their unworthy son-in-law.

Wang Ling'er couldn't just stand by. She stepped forward to shield Lee Qi, her aura solid as a mountain, bracing for a life-or-death confrontation. Instantly, the One-eyed Man's momentum faltered; he was no match for Wang Ling'er, who had attained the Qi Gathering Stage. Her presence alone dwarfed his.

"Lee Qi, you worthless coward, always hiding behind a woman?" Zhao Xiangfei taunted.

Lee Qi swiftly positioned Wang Ling'er behind him, a playful smirk crossing his face. "Leave this minor character to me. You have nothing to worry about." His anger was palpable.

Wang Ling'er caught a glimpse of something reassuring in Lee Qi's eyes—a peculiar charm that set her heart at ease. She decided to trust him.

"I believe in you! Blow him away with one punch!"

"Rest assured, he'll be blown away with a single punch," Lee Qi replied with ease.

A mere underling was nothing to him; he was confident he could obliterate even mightier foes, armed with his colossal strength of ten thousand jin.

He advanced towards the One-eyed Man, appearing unremarkable to the onlooker. Even Lin Ao mistook him for an ordinary man. Yet, with each step, Lee Qi exuded a resolve that betrayed no emotion, utterly disregarding his opponent.

"Haha!" Zhao Xiangfei burst into laughter. "Am I hearing things, or did he just say he wants to blow him away with a single punch? Go on, don't give him a chance—blow him to smithereens!"

"Yes, sir!" the One-eye Man nodded in agreement.

He advanced toward Lee Qi, each step leaving a deep imprint on the green stone floor, which immediately cracked and splintered.

"What's this? You still think you can take me on?"

His sinister laugh echoed through the air.

He could almost see it now—Lee Qi, severely injured, on his knees begging for mercy. The thought amused him. Lee Qi, with his naturally blocked meridians, actually fancied his chances in a fight? It was laughable, a death wish!

Over the years, he'd dealt with plenty of fools who couldn't tell life from death—killed or maimed them. Not a hundred, maybe, but at least eighty.

Lee Qi quickly closed the distance, his voice icy as he declared, "Prepare to die!"

His punch, seemingly mundane at first, accelerated suddenly, becoming a blur to the onlookers.

A chilling gleam flashed in the One-eye Man's eye as he bellowed and swung his mutated, bear-like paw of a fist, now even more massive than before. His ferocious punch warped the very air, aiming straight for Lee Qi's face.

Zhao Xiangfei's grin twisted with malice as he imagined Lee Qi bloodied and unconscious from the One-eye Man's devastating blow.

Zhao Xiangfei's entourage sneered along with him. They knew all too well the terror of the One-eye Man's punch—few had ever withstood it. And now, with the Sacred Bear Dominating Body technique in play, it was clear he intended to kill Lee Qi outright.

For Lee Qi, the worthless son-in-law, facing him was akin to an egg smashing against a rock.

Lin Ao and his group couldn't help but smile, eagerly anticipating the spectacle. They were convinced of Lee Qi's impending defeat.

Lin Ao watched intently, not even blinking, curious to see how Lee Qi would counter the One-eye Man's formidable punch.


The clash of Fist Strength sent shockwaves in every direction, throwing the bystanders off balance as they scrambled back.

Zhao Xiangfei's sinister grin grew more pronounced, as if he could already envision Lee Qi being hurled through the air.

But his laughter came to an abrupt halt.

To his shock, it was the One-eye Man who was sent soaring, not Lee Qi, who stood unshaken like a mountain.

"The vaunted Bear's Body is merely that," Lee Qi remarked with a dismissive tone.

As the One-eye Man's fist morphed into a bear's paw, Lee Qi struck preemptively, landing a punch squarely on his fist. A burst of tremendous force erupted, followed by a dull thud that instantly obliterated his defenses.

The vaunted defense of his Sacred Bear Body was no match for Lee Qi's punch; the only sound was the snapping of bones.


The One-eye Man was catapulted through the air, blood spewing from his mouth before he even hit the ground. He lay there, motionless as a slain bear, knocked out cold.

Lee Qi's punch had been too swift for even Lin Ao to catch—a speed so incredible it defied belief.

Moreover, Lee Qi hadn't even tapped into his Profound Qi, a fact Lin Ao could sense clearly. So how could his strength be so formidable?

Lin Ao was at a loss.

The disciples of the Black Tortoise Sect gawked at Lee Qi, their eyes wide with astonishment.

"How did he manage that?"

This question burned in the minds of everyone present, none of whom had seen how Lee Qi had made his move.

"Impossible! It can't be!" Zhao Xiangfei bellowed in disbelief.

Unable to stomach the sight of his man beaten down like a dog by Lee Qi, especially in front of Wang Ling'er, he felt utterly humiliated.

"Lee Qi, you must have used some kind of trick! Don't think you can hide your methods and get away with it," Zhao Xiangfei declared loudly.

Lee Qi responded icily, "Your family's Bear's Body is too feeble; it's all show and no substance."

He shook his head with a mock seriousness as he spoke.

Wang Tianlong watched Lee Qi, his face a mask of shock, muttering to himself, "Could the former good-for-nothing son-in-law have been feigning weakness? Impossible! With his meridians blocked, there's no way he could fake it!"

The Wang family elders were equally stunned.

They had not anticipated this twist; the one lying unconscious wasn't Lee Qi, but the One-eye Man.

Lee Qi has completely crossed Zhao Xiangfei, and I'm afraid Zhao won't be inclined to show any mercy!"

"Absolutely! Zhao Xiangfei is radiating a murderous aura; he looks like he could devour someone."

"Lin Ao is truly furious as well. Things are looking grim for Lee Qi!"

Zhao Xiangfei bellowed, "Lee Qi, brace yourself for my wrath! Even if you kneel and beg now, it's too late for forgiveness. Your fate is sealed!"

"Empty threats, all show and no substance!" Lee Qi scoffed dismissively.

He stood there, his eyes gleaming like stars, exuding a confidence that seemed to scorn all beneath the heavens, an air of invincibility emanating from him.

Wang Ling'er watched Lee Qi with palpable anxiety, terrified that he might get hurt. Even though he could dispatch Zhao Xiangfei's henchmen with a single punch, Zhao Xiangfei himself was on a whole different level of power.

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