Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C6 Nine Transformation Meridian Severing Hand
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C6 Nine Transformation Meridian Severing Hand
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C6 Nine Transformation Meridian Severing Hand

Lin Ao rose to his feet, his face darkened as if Lee Qi owed him millions in gold. He strode toward Lee Qi with a menacing air.

His aura burst forth like a ferocious tidal wave, threatening to engulf Lee Qi, who seemed as vulnerable as a tiny boat that could capsize at any moment.

"Lee Qi, it doesn't matter how you've managed to train or how strong you are. Today, you're going to die!" Lin Ao declared icily.

He had deigned to take Lee Qi on as his disciple, an honor that Lee Qi had audaciously declined.

For Lin Ao, the rejection was an indelible stain of humiliation.

"Kill him! Kill him!" Zhao Xiangfei, struggling to his feet, cried out with a wild excitement.

He knew that if Lin Ao could dispatch Lee Qi, Wang Tianlong and the others would pose no problem, and marrying Wang Ling'er would be a simple affair.

A sinister laugh escaped him as he imagined Wang Ling'er submissive before him, a thought that filled him with a perverse delight. His bloodied palm only added to his ghastly grin.

Wang Ling'er was visibly anxious, her palms slick with sweat.


"It's okay!" Lee Qi reassured her with a confident glance.

Lin Ao took no chances and promptly summoned his Profound Qi Shield. A thick layer of Profound Qi materialized into a formidable barrier, insulating him from harm.

This genuine Profound Qi Shield, impervious to water and resistant to blades and spears, was the hallmark of reaching the pinnacle of the Qi Gathering Stage.

"Lee Qi, my Profound Qi Shield is invulnerable to knives and spears. Prepare to meet your end!" Lin Ao gritted his teeth, his animosity toward Lee Qi palpable.

Lee Qi stood firm, his long hair billowing, his gaze piercing and radiant as the sun itself.

"If the Profound Qi Shield can withstand blades and spears, then I'll just have to shatter it with my fists!" he declared, his anger stoked by the repeated underestimation, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.


The sound of his body tensing was the harbinger of an imminent surge of power.

Lin Ao's eyes narrowed, but then he remembered the protective embrace of his Profound Qi Shield and dismissed any flicker of fear.

He continued his slow approach toward Lee Qi, exuding an overwhelming presence.

The aura intensified, becoming too much for Wang Tianlong and the others, who were forced to retreat.

Even Wang Ling'er faltered, stepping back several paces.

The furniture in the room was reduced to dust.

Yet Lee Qi stood firm, unshaken, like an immovable rock, seemingly unaffected.

Lin Ao was taken aback, thinking to himself, "How is this possible? My aura is targeted at Lee Qi, yet he remains unaffected!"

Despite his confusion, Lin Ao pressed on. At this point, he had no other option but to eliminate Lee Qi.

"Our master is incredible! His aura has overwhelmed Lee Qi into a stupor!"

A Black Tortoise Sect powerhouse remarked. As Lin Ao's disciple, he believed Lee Qi was paralyzed with fear.

"Naturally. It's suicide to challenge our master!"

Suddenly, Lee Qi unleashed an aura so potent it seemed capable of engulfing mountains, rivers, the sun, and the moon.

As Lin Ao locked eyes with Lee Qi, he envisioned the scene witnessed by Zhao Xiangfei's entourage.

Above a sea of corpses and crossed blades, the mightiest of all realms bowed down.

With one hand, they could seize the sun and the moon; with the other, obliterate the stars!

Lee Qi stood as if he were the War God incarnate, unmatched in all the world.

Their silhouettes began to merge, blurring the lines between them.

In alarm, Lin Ao demanded, "Just who are you?"

"You're not worthy of that knowledge!" Lee Qi replied, his voice icy and authoritative, as if he were the supreme ruler of all realms, commanding the reverence of all beings.

Lin Ao stumbled back three steps in fright.

But he quickly gathered his wits, his Profound Qi Shield spinning into action, forming a protective barrier around him as he advanced toward Lee Qi once more.

"It doesn't matter who you are, you're finished today!"

His shout was defiant, banishing his fear.

"Gale Fist Technique!"

He thrust out his fist with explosive speed, a blur to the naked eye. The force of his punch had the power to shatter the heavens and rend the earth, warping the very fabric of space itself.


Lee Qi uttered a single word.

His fist launched without a trace of Profound Qi.

Yet, it outpaced Lin Ao's by a wide margin. Despite striking after Lin Ao, Lee Qi's fist connected first with Lin Ao's Profound Qi Shield.


A dull thump echoed as Lin Ao's shield teetered on the brink of shattering, threatening to break at any moment.

Suppressing his panic, Lin Ao's counterpunch was unrelenting and swifter.

But to Lee Qi, Lin Ao's Fist Strength was riddled with openings, making a hit unlikely.

With a slight sidestep, Lee Qi evaded Lin Ao's punch and retaliated with blinding speed. His domineering fist force and velocity ripped through the air.

His next punch hit the Profound Qi Shield even harder, unleashing the full brunt of his ten-thousand-pound Pure Power, as if striking a balloon.

"Boom!" The shield splintered into fragments before vanishing into thin air.

As the shield disintegrated, Lin Ao's face twisted in horror, and he was hurled backward.

His insides churned, blood surged, and he couldn't suppress the gush of crimson from his lips.

With the Profound Qi Shield obliterated and Lin Ao sent sprawling with two punches, Lee Qi held back from further assault.

His gaze was electric, contemptuous of Lin Ao, as if to continue would sully his hands.

Lin Ao, overwhelmed by dread, kept his head bowed, too terrified to meet Lee Qi's piercing stare.

He hadn't anticipated Lee Qi's monstrous strength.

With another "Puff!" Lin Ao coughed up more blood and succumbed to unconsciousness.

Wang Tianlong and the rest were shell-shocked, at a loss for words, their faces a picture of disbelief as they stared at Lee Qi.

Wang Ling'er's eyes sparkled with admiration as she cried out, "Husband!"

Zhao Xiangfei was utterly astounded, his Martial Uncle proving no match for Lee Qi.

He glanced at his followers by the door and his senior brothers shaking in terror, his expression growing exceedingly grim.

With no one but his Martial Uncle to lean on, he was at a loss. Martial Uncle lay on the ground, blood spilling from his mouth, his fate uncertain. What was he to do?

Zhao Xiangfei watched as Lee Qi approached him, step by step, until, with a soft thud, he fell to his knees.

"Please, I'm begging you, spare my life... no, spare me like you would a dog!"

Lee Qi glanced at Zhao Xiangfei with scorn, his eyes dark and foreboding, as though Zhao Xiangfei were nothing more than an insignificant mosquito, easily crushed by his hand.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of killing you. I want your death to be slow and painful, beyond anyone's help."

A chill ran through Zhao Xiangfei. He had never met Lee Qi before and couldn't fathom why there was such hatred in his eyes.

"Why do you hate me so deeply?"

Lee Qi offered no reply. He stood before Zhao Xiangfei, like a War God towering over an ant, gazing down at him as he knelt on the ground.

"You don't need the details. Just remember, my woman is off-limits to you! And tell me, who sent you to propose this marriage?"

Zhao Xiangfei hurriedly responded, "It was Lee Longfei. He promised that once the deal was done, all of Cloud City's assets would go to the Zhao family, along with five million taels of silver."

It figured—greed was always the greatest motivator. Without it, Zhao Xiangfei would never have come.

"Lee Longfei, to think you'd strip me of my rightful place as heir and erase my family's name from our history, and yet you're still not satisfied. You won't rest until I'm dead," Lee Qi mused silently.

With a cold, emotionless voice that seemed to echo from the depths of hell, Lee Qi fixed his gaze on Zhao Xiangfei.

"Now, you're going to endure days akin to purgatory. In forty-nine days, you'll die a gruesome death, your body decaying from the inside out."

With that, he swiftly tapped Zhao Xiangfei over a hundred times.

"Nine Transference Meridian Severing Hand!"

In his past life as a supreme being of the Immortal Realm, this was merely one way to punish someone.

After being afflicted with the Nine Transference Meridian Severing Hand, he endured excruciating pain daily, which lasted for forty-nine days before he finally succumbed to a tragic death.

Moreover, once struck by the Nine Transference Meridian Hand, no one in the Immortal Realm could offer a cure, much less in the Black Tortoise Kingdom. He alone held the potential for a remedy.

Naturally, he had no intention of assisting Zhao Xiangfei in removing the Nine Transference Meridian Hand. His loathing for Zhao Xiangfei ran deep, stemming from Zhao's role in his wife's death in a past life. Despite his exalted status in the Immortal Realm, he felt perpetually bereft of warmth and sweetness.

Zhao Xiangfei shivered and bowed repeatedly, pleading, "I beg of you! Have mercy! My attempt at forced marriage failed; I've caused you no harm..."

Lee Qi paid no heed to Zhao Xiangfei, addressing his entourage and senior brothers with a chilling tone, "Scram! Or do you wish to be detained?"

At his command, they scattered, abandoning Zhao Xiangfei and leaving Lin Ao unconscious.

"Halt! Take them with you!" To Lee Qi, Zhao Xiangfei, Lin Ao, and the rest were nothing more than clutter, a nuisance in his space.

They returned, quaking with fear.

Zhao Xiangfei's followers hastily supported him as they left, dragging the One-eye Man with them.

Zhao Xiangfei's senior brothers, not daring to delay, came back and carried Lin Ao away.

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