Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C8 The Lee Family's Ancestral Worship
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C8 The Lee Family's Ancestral Worship
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C8 The Lee Family's Ancestral Worship

After an indeterminate amount of time, Lee Qi's eyes snapped open, gleaming with an intensity that could pierce the heavens, as fierce as thunder and lightning.

He let out a breath of milky Corrupted Qi and rose to his feet with deliberate grace.

His hair billowed behind him, and he stood tall and straight, embodying the sharpness of an unsheathed sword, ready to slice through the Nine Heavens.

A deep rumble emanated from within him, signaling the massive convergence of Profound Qi in his body, a hallmark of reaching the upper echelons of the Qi Gathering Stage.

This period of seclusion had been transformative for Lee Qi. Not only had he acquired the Thunder Dragon Martial Soul, but his cultivation level had also skyrocketed to the seventh level of the Qi Gathering Stage.

At this level, the Profound Qi within him roared like a relentless river, ceaseless and boundless, seemingly inexhaustible.

Moreover, he possessed not one, but two Essence Pools, from which the Profound Qi surged forth before returning to their respective reservoirs.

Though his cultivation stood at the seventh level, the Profound Qi he commanded far exceeded that rank.

His strength, too, had undergone a metamorphosis thanks to the Dragon Power, rendering his physique even more formidable.

Previously, his might equated to ten thousand kilograms, placing him at the lower tier of the Mortal Body. Now, his strength had doubled to twenty thousand kilograms.

With such power, a single punch from him could shake mountains, yet he remained within the lower tier of the Mortal Body.

Beyond this lay the Astral Body, the Treasure Body, the Immortal Body, and the Saint Body. Ascending to the Astral Body stage didn't just mean an increase in strength; it also meant being enveloped in Astral Qi, which offered far greater protection than Profound Qi.

His rapid ascent in strength and cultivation could all be attributed to the Dragon Power's refinement of his body and the awakening of his Thunder Dragon Martial Soul. To continue advancing, he knew he'd have to engage in earnest cultivation, a process that promised to be much slower.

"With my newfound strength and the cultivation of the seventh level of Qi Gathering, I should be well-equipped to confront Lee Longfei," Lee Qi mused, his gaze icy and piercing as a drawn blade.

He sensed her presence and realized that Wang Ling'er was still outside, protecting him. A wave of warmth washed over him.

He pushed open the heavy, ancient door and stepped outside.

"Husband! You're out!" Wang Ling'er approached, her face alight with excitement.

Her cheeks flushed with emotion, her eyelashes quivered, and her eyes, sultry as silk, were captivating.

Lee Qi remained silent, simply pulling Wang Ling'er into an embrace.

"Husband..." she whispered, nestling her head against him.

Lee Qi held her close, savoring the moment of tenderness.

After a while, Wang Ling'er looked up. "Husband, are we really returning to the Lee family's ancestral ceremony tomorrow?"

Lee Qi stood tall, his posture as straight as an unsheathed sword, his features set in a resolute expression. "I'm going to let Lee Longfei know—I've returned!"

He wanted to say he had come back from the dead, reborn. But the truth of his rebirth was too significant to share, and he chose to keep it from Wang Ling'er. After all, the more she knew, the greater the danger.

"Okay! I'll accompany you," Wang Ling'er declared.

A husband should wield his sword and traverse the world; a wife should accompany him with her zither's melody. She didn't voice these thoughts, but Lee Qi could see the unwavering courage and loyalty in her eyes.

"Ling'er, I won't let anyone harm you. Should anyone dare, I'll pursue them to the heavens and beyond, never to forgive," Lee Qi vowed.

"Mhm..." Wang Ling'er settled back into his protective hold.

Lee Qi's words were the sweetest of vows, and she was ready to stand by his side for life, even if it meant walking through hell and high water.


Sun City was buzzing with excitement as many people made their way to the Lee family estate.

Today was the day of the Lee family's ancestral worship, an event usually reserved for the heads of other prominent families. But this year was different; Lee Qi had publicly announced his return for the ceremony.

The news had sent shockwaves through Sun City, drawing crowds to the Lee residence, all eager to witness the unfolding drama.

"Rumor has it that the Lee family's discarded son is returning for the ancestral worship. I wonder if there's any truth to it."

"The outcast young master's return for the ancestral rites is sure to stir up trouble. Just wait, this is going to be quite the spectacle."


The expressions on the Lee family members' faces were sour. The outcast young master's return, and for the ancestral rites no less, was nothing short of a humiliation for the Lee clan.

Moreover, Lee Qi's family name had been scrubbed from the clan's ancestral stele; he was no longer recognized as part of the Lee family.

What could the outcast young master possibly want by coming back now?

In the courtyard, the Lee family's younger members were bustling about.

A haughty teenager was bossing the others around with grand gestures.

"Make sure everything is in order. When that failure Lee Qi shows up, he'll see the Lee family's glory under my father's leadership! My father is the true patriarch of the Lee family. That failure is nothing."

His name was Lee Yang.

He scowled, clenching his fists, eager to give Lee Qi a piece of his mind.

Already an eighth-level practitioner of Body Tempering, and recently courted by the Black Tortoise Sect, his arrogance knew no bounds.

He was so full of himself, it was as if his eyes were perched atop his head.

"Move it! Get that area cleaned up, the family and the elders are arriving soon."

The Lee estate was a hive of activity, and the crowd of onlookers outside was growing.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Look, Lee Qi has arrived!"

Lee Qi was on horseback, with Wang Ling'er seated in the carriage.

They proceeded at a leisurely pace, seemingly in no rush.

Reaching the front of the Lee residence, they were greeted by the open vermilion gates, flanked by two guards.

Lee Qi halted, his gaze fixed on the gates, as he was engulfed by memories.

His recollections were bitter, filled with an unending tide of resentment.

"Father, Mother, Little Sister, I have returned! Today, I will ensure our names are restored on the ancestral stele. Only then can I confirm if you are still alive. As long as you live, all can be well."

Seeing Lee Qi's evident anguish, Wang Ling'er suggested, "My husband, perhaps we should turn back?"

"No! We cannot turn back. I am here for the ancestral rites, and I'll see who dares to stand in my way."

Lee Qi's gaze was like a beam of light, as sharp and brilliant as a shining star, capturing everyone's attention with its brilliance.

The crowd, eager for a spectacle, parted like the sea when they caught sight of Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er making their entrance.

Lee Qi confidently rode up to the gate, dismounted with grace, and gently assisted Wang Ling'er from the carriage.

"Lee Qi is back, just to embarrass himself!"

"Exactly! There's not even a ripple of Profound Qi around him. He's still the same discarded heir."

"What's gotten into Wang Ling'er's head, marrying a man whose meridians are blocked—a complete nobody?"

With Wang Ling'er at his side, Lee Qi faced the crowd. She was resplendent in a long dress that highlighted her slender figure, her face as flawless as white jade, adorned with a serene smile that exuded nobility and grace.

Her eyebrows were soft, her eyes sparkled with vitality, seemingly oblivious to the murmurs around them.

Regardless of what anyone said, she was convinced that the man she had chosen was the best. That belief had never wavered, and it was even stronger now.

Her eyes shone brightly, fixed solely on Lee Qi.

"Husband, shall we?" she said.

Wang Ling'er linked her arm with Lee Qi's, their closeness stirring envy in the hearts of many.

Lee Qi, ever magnanimous, let her arm rest comfortably in his.

"Let's go," he said with a smile, his presence refreshing like a gentle breeze.

"Lee Qi can still smile? Doesn't he know the Lee family patriarch is waiting for him?"

"Is Lee Qi truly oblivious? Or just feigning ignorance?" the spectators whispered, shaking their heads.

But for Lee Qi and Wang Ling'er, the world narrowed to just the two of them as they approached the grand entrance of the Lee estate.

Guarding the gates were a pair of majestic, three-meter-tall stone lions, their presence exuding a subtle but undeniable authority.

Lee Qi, unfazed, strode forward.

"Halt! The Lee family's ancestral worship ceremony is no place for the unworthy or dogs," bellowed the gatekeeper, echoing Lee Yang's words meant to shame Lee Qi into retreat.

With a crisp "Pah!" the insolent speaker was sent flying.

"Never underestimate others," Lee Qi muttered, his patience worn thin by the offensive remark.

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