Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C9 Young Master Tian Peng
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Ascending As The Holy Martial Sage/C9 Young Master Tian Peng
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C9 Young Master Tian Peng

Lee Qi sent the gatekeeper flying with a single slap and marched inside with confidence. He held his head high, no longer subject to the indignities from those beneath him.

The other gatekeeper trembled with fear, not daring to intervene.

"When did Young Master Qi get so strong? Lucky I kept my mouth shut, or else..."

He glanced at his colleague, who clutched his swollen face, spitting out more than ten broken teeth. The mere thought of suffering the same fate as Lee Qi's victim if he had insulted him was enough to make him wince in imagined pain.

"You... Ah..."

His speech was slurred, and the severe pain made it hard for him to even open his mouth, turning every breath into an ordeal.

Lee Yang's gaze sharpened, a gleam of light flitting across his eyes like a swiftly passing sword.

He spoke with scorn, "So the worthless Young Master Qi has come back. What skill is there in picking on a gatekeeper?"

Ignoring him, Lee Qi led Wang Ling'er to the ancestral tablets and bowed deeply.

Not just anyone was honored with a tablet after death; it was reserved for those who had earned respect and made significant contributions to the Lee family.

Lee Qi's bow was a sincere gesture of respect.

Their silent sacrifices had sustained the Lee family's enduring legacy.

"Young Master Qi, are you ignoring me? Tsk, tsk, Wang Ling'er is such a beauty, how could she be so blind? To marry a nobody, a discarded Young Master! Wang Ling'er, you should leave him and come with me. I guarantee you a life of luxury," Lee Yang said with a sly grin.

Mocking Lee Qi was part of his daily amusement.

Even before Lee Qi had joined the Wang family, Lee Yang, with a band of Lee family youths in tow, took pleasure in Lee Qi's humiliation.

The crowd watching the scene was shocked.

They hadn't expected Lee Yang to so brazenly hit on his cousin's wife.

His audacity was unmatched, flaunting his pursuit right in front of everyone.

Hearing Lee Yang's taunts, Lee Qi turned, his eyes flashing with a piercing chill that seemed to lower the temperature around them.

"Lee Yang, you should never have insulted Ling'er! He who humiliates others invites humiliation upon himself! You say I have no skill for bullying a gatekeeper, so what if I bully you? Does that count as skillful enough for you?"

"Haha... When did you start spouting such wisdom? I like it. What's it to you?" Lee Yang burst into laughter, doubling over and clutching his belly.

Lee Qi's eyebrows quirked in disdain, his entire demeanor radiating fury, his face taking on an icy, almost dripping wetness.

"Excellent! Brace yourself for my wrath!" he declared, advancing toward Lee Yang with deliberate steps.

Despite appearing devoid of any cultivation, he emanated the presence of an unsheathed sword. A piercing energy abruptly unfurled around him, his form resembling a gleaming blade bathed in a sacred, solemn Treasure Light.

Lee Yang, startled, stumbled backward but quickly regained his composure.

"Why should I fear Lee Qi, that good-for-nothing?"

He couldn't fathom it, nor did he wish to dwell on it.

"Ha!" Lee Yang bellowed, releasing his full aura. It surged like a tumultuous storm, a dark cloud bearing down on Lee Qi.

At the eighth level of Body Tempering and only fifteen or sixteen years old, his talent was undeniable.

He channeled his Divine Power, strength erupting from every fiber of his being.

"Take this punch!"

His fist exploded forward, the air quivering around it. A domineering tidal wave of power materialized at his knuckles, Fist Strength whistling through the air, sending a ferocious wave crashing towards Lee Qi.

Yet, as the punch neared, Lee Qi remained unperturbed.

With a swift, lightning-like motion, he seized Lee Yang's fist.

Neither the onlookers in the courtyard nor those outside caught a glimpse of Lee Qi's swift action.

Lee Yang felt as though he was up against a tempest at sea, wild and relentless. Not only did it render his strength useless, but the torrential force also traveled up his arm from his fist, causing his right hand to swell.

The power was a blend of hardness and softness, and no matter how much Lee Yang struggled, he couldn't break free.

Veins bulging, Lee Yang fought desperately to escape Lee Qi's iron grip, to no avail.

"Lee Qi, you dare?"

"What don't I dare? You've insulted me and slandered Ling'er. You deserve death! However, today is the Lee family's ancestral ceremony, and it's not the day for bloodshed. I'll simply cripple your cultivation."

In the midst of speaking, Lee Qi's other fist launched forward. With the force of thunder, his Fist Strength ripped through the void, targeting Lee Yang's Dantian.

"You... Ah!"

Lee Yang's scream was one of agonizing pain.

Lee Qi released his grip, and Lee Yang doubled over, contorted in agony like a shrimp, his insides twisted, his Dantian reduced to pulp.

"You... you've destroyed my ability to cultivate..."

In excruciating pain, Lee Yang was on the brink of death, realizing his Dantian was shattered, and his future in cultivation was now impossible.

With venomous eyes, he glared at Lee Qi, wishing he could devour him.

Lee Qi shook his head and said, "Don't give me that look. I've always said, those who dishonor others will be dishonored in return!"

The Lee family disciples were stunned, standing frozen, silent, and too terrified to move, fearing Lee Qi's wrath might leave them crippled as well.

Outside, the onlookers were astounded. "Wasn't Lee Qi born with blocked meridians? How can he cultivate?"

"It can't be true. This must be a mistake!"

"Lee Qi has grown so strong. It seems only Lee Longfei himself could possibly defeat him."

The crowd buzzed with disbelief, unable to trust their own eyes.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed from outside, shaking everyone to their core, their legs nearly buckling beneath them.

A Great Roc approached, its wings beating powerfully, its garments billowing in the wind.

Perched atop the Great Roc was a young master, smiling serenely as he surveyed the world below, regarding the people as insignificant as ants.

In his arms, he cradled a stunning beauty.

The girl, with her willow-leaf brows and melon-seed face, was the epitome of delicate allure. Her curvaceous figure radiated an infinite charm.

"Sis!" Lee Yang wept bitterly, his cries heart-wrenching, stirring compassion in those who heard him.

The young master soared down from the sky like the Great Roc itself, his descent elegant and light. As he neared the ground, he spun on the ball of his foot, landing with impeccable grace.

He still held a girl in his embrace, her expression icy, her eyes emitting a chilling gleam that sent shivers down the spines of onlookers.

"What an exceptional display of agility! This individual's background is certainly not ordinary!"

"Good heavens! The Great Roc! Could it be Young Master Tian Peng from the Wind Moon Sect, the one ranked fifth across the entire Wind Moon Empire?" A knowledgeable onlooker cried out amidst the crowd.

"Is it truly Young Master Tian Peng from the Wind Moon Empire? Their might far surpasses that of the Black Tortoise Kingdom, and yet he's among the top five!"

Young Master Tian Peng's gaze was piercing as he surveyed his surroundings. Then, his eyes locked onto Wang Ling'er. Her hair billowed gracefully, and her large, spirited eyes sparkled. Her delicate features were captivating, and her long, proud legs, toned and sculpted from her training, added to her allure.

"What a stunning beauty!" Young Master Tian Peng exclaimed for all to hear.

The crowd had expected the young lady in his embrace to explode in anger, but instead, she shot Young Master Tian Peng a coquettish look and teased, "You're so naughty! Always looking for the next best thing even with a meal in front of you. But I must admit, I like it! If you fancy her, go ahead and win her over."

"Shameless! Vulgar!" Wang Ling'er's face turned a shade cooler as she rebuked him.

"Excellent! Even your rebukes are charming. I'm smitten!" A playful smile danced in Young Master Tian Peng's eyes, and his lips quirked up in amusement.

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