Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C10 The First Repair
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C10 The First Repair
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C10 The First Repair

"The computer's charging... no, it's powered up," Lin Yu marveled, staring at the charging icon on the computer screen, completely dumbfounded. Then it clicked—he realized it was all thanks to the thunder earthworm Lin Linger had brought back that the computer was able to power up.

Without time to delve into the computer's mysteries, he snapped back to reality and eagerly seized Lin Linger's hands. "Ling'er, where did you find this thunder earthworm? Do you have any more?"

"Um..." Lin Linger was momentarily at a loss for words. Seeing Lin Yu's spiky, hedgehog-like hair, she couldn't suppress a giggle before explaining, "Brother, my mentor gave me the thunder earthworm. It's one of the gentler spirit beasts. I thought you might like to have one by your side."

"Gentle?" Lin Yu quipped, gesturing to his hair, but his attention quickly shifted to the essential detail. He observed the light purple earthworm nestled in the small cloth bag, looking somewhat lethargic—perhaps from expending energy to release thunder and lightning.

Chin in hand, Lin Yu mused, "Does it require a thunder-attribute spirit beast to release electricity to charge the computer in my mind? Or would any spirit beast suffice?"

While Lin Yu pondered, Lin Linger was unfazed, her attention captured by the delectable meal before her. She indulged in a few extra bites until a sense of fullness made her reluctantly lay down her chopsticks. "Brother, does this interest you?"

"It's a shame," she mused, "this was a reward for placing in the top three of this month's assessment. It's said to be quite valuable outside. I only managed to get one." Lin Linger's voice trailed off before she clenched her fists with determination. "But next month is the seasonal exam, and the rewards are said to be even more substantial…"

"If you really want another thunder earthworm, I'll ask my mentor if we can swap out my prize for one."

Confidence radiated from Lin Linger's words, suggesting that earning rewards in assessments was well within her grasp. Lin Yu's pride shone through as he came back to his senses, admiring his sister's prowess. Even among the prodigies of Heavenly Cloud Academy, she stood out as a top talent.

Since his arrival at Heavenly Cloud Academy, Lin Yu had consistently brought home a slew of rewards from the monthly exams. With a newfound resolve shining in his eyes, he silently vowed, "Starting tomorrow, I must figure out the correct way to use this computer!"

"It's the only way to earn more Spirit Stones! Linger aims to be a Magic Arts Master, and I can't let her be expelled from the Heavenly Cloud Academy..."

Later, Lin Linger demonstrated the basic spells she had picked up at school. She wasn't yet a full-fledged Magic Arts Master, but with her exceptional talent and dedication, she had mastered a few simple spells. Lin Yu watched with a mix of admiration and longing, eventually letting out a wistful sigh, "If only I could be a Magic Arts Master too."

It was as though his sigh had been heard; Lin Yu's mind blurred, and he saw the computer within his consciousness burst into a brilliant light. Then, the words that Su Ye could barely contain flashed before him:

Host: Lin Yu

Attributes: Human of the Continent

Status: Seven Meridians and Eight Veins Blocked, with blockages classified into four levels: Normal, Medium, Severe, and Extremely Severe. The host's blockage is 'demonically severe'.

A pop-up window appeared with a single button — Repair?

Lin Yu paused, perplexed. Hadn't the repair attempt just failed? Could it be that after absorbing the Thunder Earthworm's energy, he was now capable of mending his meridians? Without a second thought, Lin Yu clicked 'confirm' before the thirty-second countdown elapsed.

Previously, the computer had crashed at this point, but now the screen remained lit. A progress bar crawled across Lin Yu's vision, agonizingly slow, and after what seemed like an eternity, it halted at a mere 2%.

As the progress bar hit 2%, the screen dimmed once more. Lin Yu knew all too well what this meant—the energy was depleted again. He stood there, dumbfounded, "What good is repairing just 2%? I still can't cultivate. How is this any different from not being repaired at all?"

There was a distinction, though. At the very least, he had made a breakthrough from nothing, and he had also learned a vital piece of information: with enough energy, he could restore his meridians in mere minutes.

Just then, Lin Linger's cry of alarm snapped Lin Yu back to the present. "Brother, how long has it been since you last bathed? Why is your body covered in so much grime? And what's with the stench? Wait, this isn't just ordinary dirt..."

Observing the semi-solid substance oozing from Lin Yu's skin, Lin Linger paused, a hint of realization crossing her face. "This looks like the bodily impurities expelled by those in the Body Forging Courtyard after a breakthrough."

While speaking, Lin Linger wrinkled her delicate nose and made a face of disgust. "The smell is the same too! I catch this scent every time I pass by the Body Forging Courtyard. There's no mistaking it... Have you started practicing Body Forging?"

Lin Yu was about to assure her that he bathed regularly, but Lin Linger's comments prompted an eyebrow to arch in surprise. A wild idea took root in his mind: "Could it be possible to engage in Body Forging just because I've repaired a mere 2% of my meridians?"

He wanted to delve into questions about Body Forging with Lin Linger, but she was already holding her nose and keeping her distance, clearly unwilling to endure his foul odor. With a resigned shake of his head, Lin Yu retreated to his room to clean himself up.

Freshly washed and clad in just a tank top and shorts, Lin Yu dashed into the courtyard, eager to discuss Body Forging with Lin Linger. His primary concern was whether he now possessed the aptitude for such training.

To his surprise, the courtyard was occupied by unexpected visitors. Where the Lin siblings typically dined, a small wooden box now sat open. Inside, Spirit Stones gleamed in an orderly pile, radiating a soft glow.

"How many Spirit Stones are there? Surely hundreds?" Lin Yu's breath quickened with excitement. To him, it was a fortune, particularly when funds were low. The Spirit Stones seemed to transform into tiny sprites, beckoning him with their luminescent allure.

Lin Yu quickly advanced a couple of steps before it dawned on him that the pair seated at the table were two middle-aged individuals garbed in incredibly lavish attire—a man and a woman. The man exuded an air of commanding presence without a hint of anger, while the woman's gaze upon Lin Yu was filled with gratitude, her beautiful eyes brimming with excitement.

Yet, she maintained her composure remarkably well, her gaze fixed on Lin Yu...

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