Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C14 Situ Deng Who Was about to Withdraw from the Cooking World
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C14 Situ Deng Who Was about to Withdraw from the Cooking World
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C14 Situ Deng Who Was about to Withdraw from the Cooking World

Situ Deng is a stranger to my memory; I'm certain I've never crossed paths with him before. Yet, he harbors a deep animosity towards me. What could he possibly want? And from what I've heard, no one has ever made fried chicken quite like mine...

A grin spread across Lin Yu's face. The deliciousness of fried chicken was unmatched. If this culinary technique was unheard of in this world, did that make him the pioneer of fried chicken here? The thought alone was thrilling.

Should times get tough, I could always fall back on selling fried chicken under this newfound title. I'd be a sensation, perhaps on par with McDonald's... Lost in these whimsical thoughts, Lin Yu noticed the oil had reached the perfect temperature. He picked up a chicken leg and gently lowered it into the pan. Situ Deng's eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight.

"You fool, you're desecrating the ingredients! The Red Jade Chicken is naturally fatty, and you're drowning it in even more oil. If you cook it like that, won't it be nothing but grease? We might not mind, but Ziyan hasn't eaten in years. Feeding her such greasy food..."

Situ Deng grew more incensed with every word, jabbing a finger at Lin Yu's nose as he accused, "I see your game! You're just showing off, trying to grab our attention! If you serve that chicken leg to Ziyan, you're not helping her—you're trying to poison her!"

At these accusations, Lin Yu barely reacted, but Nalan Zhan shot up from his seat, his eyes glinting with a frosty chill, his presence exuding an overwhelming aura. Lin Yu felt as if a great mountain weighed upon him.

Nalan Zhan's voice was grave as he asked, "Lin Yu, are you really that kind of man?"

Anger flared within Lin Yu. Situ Deng was spouting off without a clue. Sure, the Vermillion Jade Chicken was fatty, but Lin Yu had meticulously trimmed the excess fat from the chicken leg. And fried chicken, while rich, wasn't the oil slick Situ Deng made it out to be.

What's more, this dish was intended for the Marquis and his wife, not Nalan Ziyan. Was Situ Deng just spewing nonsense?

Lin Yu straightened his back with effort and spoke with a frosty tone, "The ingredients haven't even hit the pan yet. What makes Situ Deng so sure I can't whip up something delectable? And I've pieced it together – Miss Nalan must be the young lady who visited my courtyard earlier today!"

"Now it all makes sense. You're green with envy, Situ Deng. Jealous that Miss Nalan savored my cooking instead of yours!"

Piecing together Situ Deng's earlier remarks, Lin Yu surmised that the storied Miss Nalan likely suffered from anorexia, having not eaten in years. It was a stroke of fate that brought her to the Lin Estate, where she finally had a meal!

And this Situ Deng – he must be a chef, right?

A chef dares to be so bold in my presence? Filled with righteous fervor, Lin Yu declared, "This dish wasn't even intended for Miss Nalan. It's to show the Marquis and his Lady that I have true skill. If you have any complaints, come to me directly!"

Qin Caiyun tugged at Nalan Zhan's sleeve, sensing her lord was perhaps overly sensitive. Her voice rang out clearly, "My lord, if Lin Yao has managed to get Ziyan to eat, he surely must possess some remarkable talent. Let's just wait and see, shall we?"

She then turned to Situ Deng with a hint of ire. Even she was starting to think that Situ Deng might be too full of himself. If his arrogance caused a setback for Nalan Ziyan, could he withstand the wrath of the Marquis's household?

Holding back her own anger, Qin Caiyun called out, "Situ Deng, if you have reservations, take a seat. We'll pass judgment on the dishes once they're served – good or bad!"

Situ Deng, caught up in his own fury, retorted, "Him? What culinary marvels could he possibly create? If he truly prepares a dish that pleases Master Hou, I'll never so much as touch a cooking utensil again in my life."

At these words, the gathered servants outside the courtyard erupted in murmurs of disbelief, "Is Young Master Situ overconfident?"

"Abandon cooking altogether? Everyone knows that Young Master Situ has neglected his training these past few years, focusing solely on perfecting his culinary skills to get our young miss to eat."

"True, but Young Master Situ's talent is undeniable. In just a few years, he's become the youngest Chef King in Heavenly Cloud City, with many renowned chefs as his mentors."

"Asking Young Master Situ to abandon a dish now would probably be harder than killing him, wouldn't it?"


"Quiet, no talking." Qin Caiyun turned with a huff, gently pulling Nalan Zhan back to his seat, and whispered, "My lord, please, don't be so upset! Alchemist Lin is just a commoner, and he has a sister..."

"He wouldn't gamble with his and his sister's lives!"

Her words were meant to soothe Nalan Zhan, yet they also served as a caution to Lin Yu against reckless behavior. Should any harm come, it wouldn't just be Lin Yu at risk; Lin Linger and the entire Southwest Marquis Mansion would show no mercy.

Reflecting on this, Nalan Zhan took his seat, his face flushing with the realization of his earlier impulsiveness. The blame, he decided, lay with Situ Deng's careless chatter. Shooting Situ Deng a stern look, he warned, "Situ Deng, if you don't stop spouting nonsense, you'll regret it!"

Turning to Lin Yu with a calmer demeanor, he said, "Alchemist Lin, I was a bit out of line just now. Please, continue with your cooking."

Lin Yu nodded, feeling somewhat resigned. Despite Nalan Zhan's earlier harshness, he knew he couldn't afford to let his emotions show. As Qin Caiyun had pointed out, his and Lin Linger's lives were no joking matter.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

The chicken drumsticks hit the hot oil, sizzling as they cooked. Lin Yu had prepared just two. He had considered frying the purple-red oysters as well, but decided against it, given their precise cooking requirements.

Now was not the time for mistakes. Lin Yu could still feel the tremors from Nalan Zhan's intimidating presence. In this world, far from the rule of law, provoking Nalan Zhan could lead to a literal downfall.

He lifted the perfectly cooked drumsticks, their golden hue tempting even to Lin Yu, an Earth native. Without breadcrumbs to coat them, his battering skills had still done the trick. The enticing aroma wafted through the air, causing Lin Linger to blurt out, "That smells amazing!"

Lin Yu paused for a moment, then selected two fruits resembling tomatoes. With a few straightforward techniques, he whipped up a homemade tomato sauce. Once everything was ready, he presented the dish and offered, "If it's too rich for your taste, feel free to use the sauce as a dip!"

As soon as he said this, Lin Yu turned to Situ Deng with a friendly grin and encouraged, "Young Master Situ, please, have a taste!"

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