Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C15 Knowing the Truth
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C15 Knowing the Truth
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C15 Knowing the Truth

"Hmph, I'm not eating anything you've made!" Situ Deng declared, his voice betraying a lack of conviction. The tantalizing aroma of fried chicken drumsticks filled the air, causing his throat to quiver involuntarily. Despite his craving, he refused to lower himself to eat Lin Yu's cooking, opting instead to turn his head away with feigned arrogance.

Lin Yu paid him no mind. It was Situ Deng's loss if he chose not to indulge. Lin Yu's attention was on Nalan Zhan and Qin Caiyun; their satisfaction was all that mattered. As for Situ Deng's earlier harsh words, Lin Yu chose to ignore them.

The provocations had irked Lin Yu, but now, watching Situ Deng's childish antics, he couldn't help but be amused. Getting angry over such pettiness would be beneath him. A glint of eager anticipation shone in Lin Yu's eyes; he was itching to see the Southwest Marquis couple's reaction to the fried chicken drumsticks.

Lin Yu had every reason to be confident in his fried chicken. It was a culinary staple that remained unrivaled, even amidst Earth's vast array of delicacies—and the culinary culture of the Heavenly Sun Continent was hardly a match.

As expected, after a moment's hesitation, Nalan Zhan reached for a fried chicken drumstick. Eschewing the simple tomato sauce Lin Yu had prepared, he bit directly into it. His actions lacked the grace one might expect of his stature, perhaps a reflection of his humble origins.

Situ Deng watched Nalan Zhan partake in the fried chicken with a growing sense of unease. He had always scorned Lin Yu's method of serving the chicken in pieces, considering it a bastardization of true culinary art. He had nothing but contempt for Lin Yu.

Yet, his bold declaration had been made in front of an audience. If Lin Yu's cooking turned out to be delicious, wouldn't that mean his own utter humiliation?

"It can't be possible. How could someone who doesn't even know the basics of cooking chicken create anything remarkable?" Situ Deng reassured himself, but his eyes remained fixed on Nalan Zhan's face, searching for a reaction. Then, in the next instant, he saw...

Nalan Zhan, with a drumstick in his mouth, suddenly went still. A slight tremor ran through his body, and his eyes widened with astonishment. He fixed his gaze on Lin Yu, teeth crunching through the chicken, as a muffled sound escaped him: "Mmm..."

Beside Nalan Zhan, Qin Caiyun trembled similarly, speechless in her delight. All she could do was chew on the fried chicken, emitting soft, contented murmurs.

Situ Deng, witnessing this spectacle, felt a slow, resonant tolling in his heart. It dawned on him why the Marquis couple wore such expressions—it was the fried chicken legs... they were utterly captivated!

Situ Deng was no novice; he had seen how ordinary folks relished their meals. Even if Lin Yu deemed the culinary culture of the Heavenly Sun Continent subpar, Situ Deng, as a chef of considerable prowess, had his own set of skills.

At least, the common folk rarely had the opportunity to sample his cooking. Yet, on a whim, Situ Deng once tested a new recipe on some locals. Their reactions post-feast mirrored the current state of Nalan Zhan and Qin Caiyun—overcome by the culinary delight.

Watching Lin Yu's self-assured grin, Situ Deng couldn't help but step back, murmuring in disbelief, "Impossible, this is utterly impossible—"

Nalan Zhan, the Southwest Marquis, and Qin Caiyun, his wife, were of extraordinary stature, far beyond comparison with the average person. They had savored innumerable dishes crafted by the finest chefs, even those of the exalted chef emperor level.

How could they be so thoroughly enchanted by the fare of a simple rustic?

Nalan Zhan shot Situ Deng a fierce look. An inexplicable ire surged within him as he silently chastised, "This Situ family upstart is clueless! He nearly had me offend Master Lin—"

Without realizing it, Nalan Zhan's view of Lin Yu had elevated to that of a master, and for good reason. The fried chicken leg, with its crispy exterior and succulent interior, preserving the unique aroma of the Vermillion Jade Chicken, was the most stirring dish he had ever tasted.

If Lin Yu wasn't a master, then who was?

Qin Caiyun was still lost in the savory trance of the first chicken leg, while Nalan Zhan was already reaching for a second piece. At this point, he couldn't be bothered to reprimand Situ Deng—the chicken legs were in limited supply, after all.

Upon witnessing the scene, Lin Yu couldn't help but breathe a small sigh of relief. Confidence was one thing, but seeing such positive results brought a touch of joy to his heart. He eagerly suggested, "Lord Hou, please, try dipping it in this tomato sauce."

In truth, the sauce wasn't made from tomatoes at all, as Lin Yu hadn't been able to source the actual fruit. However, after tasting his creation, he found it remarkably similar to real tomato sauce and decided to call it just that.

Nalan Zhan gave Lin Yu a penetrating look, his thoughts inscrutable. He then complied with Lin Yu's suggestion, dipping a piece of chicken into the sauce. The look of amazement that followed was unmistakable and shone even brighter in his eyes.

"Hehe, it's delicious, isn't it? Lord Hou, as tempting as it is to keep eating this scrumptious fried chicken, it does have its greasiness. Without tomato sauce, one might soon grow tired of it. But the sauce cuts through the grease, enhancing the flavor," Lin Yu explained with a smile.

Nalan Zhan devoured the fried chicken heartily, too engrossed to utter a word. Speaking seemed like a waste of time when he could be savoring the delectable taste. Meanwhile, Qin Caiyun, ever the picture of grace, finished her piece and, after neatly disposing of the bone, reluctantly turned her gaze away.

She then rose and offered a respectful bow to Lin Yu, saying, "Pharmacist Lin—no, Master Lin, my husband and I had our reservations, and we were wrong. Please accept our apologies. But don't be too harsh; our concerns got the better of us..."

"You may not be aware, but my daughter, the young Miss of the Marquis' estate, Nalan Ziyan, has been afflicted with a peculiar illness for years. She's been unable to stomach any food, be it simple street fare or the finest culinary creations."

"Ziyan couldn't eat a bite without feeling sick, and if she forced herself, it would only induce vomiting. She's had to rely on a special medicinal concoction for nutrition. It's been a constant worry for us, but today, for the first time, she managed to eat..."

Lin Yu had an epiphany; the girl he had seen earlier that day was indeed the young mistress of the Marquis' household!

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