Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C19 Editor Function
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C19 Editor Function
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C19 Editor Function

Lin Linger grasped the principle at play and nodded in agreement, "That makes sense."

Lin Yu, seizing the moment, inquired, "Linger, what do you know about body tempering?"

Had it not been for the unexpected visit from Nalan Zhan and his wife, Lin Yu would have already sought Lin Linger's advice on Body Tempering cultivation. With the issue now resolved, Lin Yu hadn't forgotten the teasing he'd received from Lin Linger when his meridians were a mere 2% healed.

Lin Linger was somewhat puzzled by Lin Yu's train of thought but offered, "Body Tempering cultivation, as per ancient lore, was a discipline rivalling that of a Magic Arts Master. Some Body Tempering Masters achieved such perfection in their physique that they could single-handedly take on gods and demons in combat."

"However, in our current mindset, Body Tempering Masters are seen as inferior to Magic Arts Masters due to the inherent limitations of Body Tempering. It's believed that beyond a certain threshold, there's no further path for advancement..." Lin Linger paused before revealing, "I possess a foundational Body Tempering technique."

"Brother, if you need it, I can transcribe it for you."

Lin Yu, puzzled, asked, "Aren't you training to be a Magic Arts Master? Why do you have a Body Tempering technique?"

With a smile, Lin Linger explained, "Our mentor emphasized that a Magic Arts Master of Level Three or higher must not only focus on their spiritual essence but also possess a robust physique to sustain it. That's why Body Tempering becomes essential for us at that stage!"

Her pride was evident as she continued, "Master believes I'm destined to reach at least Level Three as a Magic Arts Master, so he advised me to start with Body Tempering to build a strong foundation. Though we Magic Arts Masters do practice Body Tempering, we don't take it to the extremes that Body Tempering Masters do..."

Lin Yu affectionately ruffled Lin Linger's hair. Despite his short time in this world, he had fully embraced the emotions of his predecessor, truly seeing Lin Linger as his younger sister and always keeping her in mind.

Hearing Lin Linger speak of her master's confidence in her potential to become a Level Three or higher Magic Arts Master filled Lin Yu with an involuntary sense of pride. After all, attaining such a level was akin to joining the ranks of nobility.

Lin Yu said, "In that case, could you jot down the Body Tempering Foundation Technique for me? You're aware of my poor meridians and channels, but isn't there always a chance for hope?"

Lin Linger hesitated, her mouth agape. She was well aware of his condition, and remembered vividly the look of utter disappointment in his eyes when he learned she had been accepted into Heavenly Cloud Academy while he lacked the aptitude for cultivation.

Now, Lin Linger wrestled with her fears. If she shared the Body Tempering Foundation Technique with Lin Yu and he discovered he couldn't even become a Body Tempering Master, how would he cope with such a crushing realization?

Lin Yu seemed to read her thoughts and knew she was deeply concerned for him. He flashed a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry about me. I've managed the Ganoderma Hall for years now. Disappointments have come, especially from my second aunt's family... they've been more than enough."

As he spoke, a shadow of sadness flickered in his eyes. Since his father's disappearance, it was his second aunt who had caused him the most grief, turning familial bonds into the sharpest of blades.

Seeing his somber expression, Lin Linger knew how hard Lin Yu had worked to safeguard the Ganoderma Hall. She offered a comforting smile and said, "Don't lose heart, brother. I'll write down the Body Tempering Basic Technique for you in a bit."

Lin Yu nodded, glancing at the evening sky. "It's getting late, and I have that culinary showdown with Situ Deng tomorrow. We should get some rest."

Lin Linger agreed and hurried off to her room to sleep. Once she had secured her door and windows, Lin Yu approached the table and lifted two boxes. The Spirit Stones they once held had all been used to power the computer, leaving nothing but empty containers.

With Lin Linger out of sight, Lin Yu took care of the boxes, though a tinge of melancholy touched his heart. "All one thousand Spirit Stones are spent, and Ling'er will be heading back to the academy the day after tomorrow..."

Lin Yu couldn't help but grumble to himself, "No, I've got to squeeze some more Spirit Stones out of that Situ Deng tomorrow."

Lin Linger visited home every two weeks, and each time, Lin Yu made sure her living allowance was ready. Lin Linger was very understanding, aware that their family's financial situation couldn't match her childhood days. She managed with an average of just two hundred Spirit Stones a month.

In the opulent Heavenly Cloud Academy, this was the bare minimum, and even included her meal costs.

Moreover, the academy would soon be collecting tuition fees, which was the root of Lin Yu's current stress. If he couldn't afford the fees, even with Lin Linger's mentor willing to sponsor her, Lin Yu couldn't bear the thought of his sister being the subject of gossip.

"What can a thousand Spirit Stones actually do?" Lin Yu pondered, as his consciousness delved into his mind's sea, and the computer booted up automatically. He noticed that although the original software was mostly there, many of the icons on the screen were grayed out.

"Does this mean they're locked?" Lin Yu glanced at the screen and it clicked, "It's an energy shortage!"

In the top right corner of the screen was a small box displaying the number "100." Lin Yu instantly knew this represented the computer's remaining energy, which left him feeling numb. "A thousand Spirit Stones only amount to a hundred units of energy?"

That meant ten Spirit Stones equaled just one unit of energy.

After experimenting with various functions, Lin Yu found his options limited. Among the lit-up icons, only basic computer functions like document editing and antivirus repair were available. Yet, it was the document editor that caught Lin Yu's eye.

"If the repair function can mend my meridians, and the antivirus can cleanse the poison from my system, what wonders might this document editor hold?"

Without further hesitation, Lin Yu opened it, and a blank document appeared. Though now just a consciousness, with a mere thought, a recipe materialized before him.

Lin Yu mused, "If editing is possible, could I transform an ordinary dish into a Spirit Cuisine?"

He immediately put thought into action, inscribing a line in the dish's function section: "This dish aids cultivators in their practice, doubling their cultivation speed. It can soothe the minds of ordinary people and restore the functions of those with severely damaged meridians..."

Just as Lin Yu completed his writing and was about to hit the save button, he was taken aback to find that it had turned an ominous shade of black and gray.

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