Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C21 My Brother Is so Powerful but He Is too Cautious
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C21 My Brother Is so Powerful but He Is too Cautious
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C21 My Brother Is so Powerful but He Is too Cautious

After Lin Linger's explanation, Lin Yu came to realize that the foundational body tempering techniques across the Heavenly Sun Continent were fundamentally the same, with each faction making their own tweaks. The Body Tempering Spell Lin Linger had recited, for instance, was a version modified by the Heavenly Cloud Academy.

Tailored for the younger generation's body cultivation, it also omitted certain exercises that could lead to injuries or illness.

Hence, this Body Tempering Spell was also known as the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell, signifying its origins from the Heavenly Cloud Academy.

Lin Yu, now informed, grew tentative. "Linger, you've secretly shared your academy's body tempering method with me. Won't you get in trouble if your school finds out?"

Lin Linger paused, touched by Lin Yu's concern for her well-being over the cultivation technique itself. Her nose tingled with emotion, and her thoughts drifted to the previous day's revelation.

Her brother had forsaken his cherished culinary arts to fulfill their father's dream by pursuing medicine.

Tears threatened to spill as Lin Linger turned away, hiding her sorrowful expression from Lin Yu. She managed a smile and reassured him, "Don't worry about it. This technique isn't a secret. Every major family in Heavenly Cloud City has a copy."

"It's common knowledge at the Heavenly Cloud Academy too. It's merely a basic technique, largely overlooked. The instructors in the Body Tempering Department churn out dozens of these manuals daily."

Lin Yu felt puzzled by her sudden emotional shift. Had he misspoken? He decided to let it go, attributing it to the enigmatic nature of a girl's thoughts. Nonetheless, he was relieved by her words.

He quickly finished his bowl of millet porridge and, with the dawn yet to break, opened the Body Tempering Spell. To his surprise, the computer within his sea of consciousness activated on its own, displaying a square box on the screen:

[Target: Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell.]

[Attributes: Basic Body Tempering Technique.]

[Permission: Downloadable.]

A familiar interface with a 30-second countdown appeared next. [Do you wish to download the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell?]

"Is this... a software downloader?" Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat as a ludicrous idea surfaced. "Could it be possible to learn these cultivation techniques through downloading, just by expending energy? Could I really master the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell this way?"

It seemed highly probable. Lin Yu felt as though he had stumbled upon a grand avenue of cultivation. If the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell could be learned in such a manner, what about other techniques? His recently healed meridians seemed only capable of supporting his body refining practice for now.

Yet, with a newfound way to recharge, provided he had sufficient Spirit Stones or Spirit Beasts, he could mend his meridians in mere moments.

Imagine, if he acquired a Magic Arts Master's cultivation technique, could he simply download it and instantly become a Magic Arts Master himself? The notion was preposterous. Even someone as gifted as Lin Linger would need to endure extensive foundational training to achieve such a status.

But if things were as he envisioned, the computer within his sea of consciousness would be the ultimate cheat in this wondrous world!

Lin Yu quickly regained his composure. No matter the computer's marvels, without ample energy, it was nothing but an illusion. After some contemplation, he clicked "Yes," and the screen transformed, revealing a progress bar.

"Downloading Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell: 0%," the progress bar announced.

Information flooded Lin Yu's mind. He realized he had control over the software's download speed. The computer had seemingly upgraded, granting him the power to manage the energy. The download for the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell was underway.

Yet, if Lin Yu chose not to expend energy, he could maintain the interface at 0%. Presently, he had 30 units of energy at his disposal. While it didn't seem like much, when converted to Spirit Stones, it amounted to a substantial 300.

"Let's allocate 15 points of energy to the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell download," Lin Yu decided. Instantly, the progress bar jumped to 5%. Simultaneously, he experienced a wave of soreness and pain throughout his body, which was quickly soothed by a refreshing coolness emanating from deep within his muscles, alleviating the discomfort.

"Brother, how is this possible..."

Shock filled Lin Linger's eyes. She had only just given the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell to Lin Yu, and he hadn't even given it a proper look... Well, that's not entirely true; he glanced at it briefly, and then, as if it were only yesterday, his body began to expel impurities and dirt.

"Could it be that my brother is truly that one-in-ten-thousand prodigy our teacher spoke of?" With that thought, Lin Linger quickly secured the doors and windows. Despite the foul stench emanating from Lin Yu as he purged the impurities, Lin Linger couldn't bring herself to leave.

She knew the significance of the initial body tempering stage and was determined to ensure that Lin Yu was not disturbed and was well looked after.

What puzzled Lin Linger, though, was how Lin Yu had managed to initiate the first step. He hadn't even finished reading the basic cultivation technique she had provided. But Lin Linger, with her vivid imagination, soon had an epiphany: "Brother must have another mentor!"

"Of course! While I was attending classes at Heavenly Cloud Academy, how else could brother have perfected his culinary skills without a mentor? And this mentor must have recognized brother's body tempering potential and provided him with an alternative technique!"

"Despite his immense talent, my brother is exceedingly cautious. That's why he wanted to review the Heavenly Cloud Body Tempering Spell from my academy... Ah, he's comparing it to the technique he received from someone else to discern its merit! My brother's thoughtfulness is truly impressive; he's every bit the elder sibling I admire!"

With her emotions stirred, Lin Linger's small frame quivered slightly as she gazed at Lin Yu with fervent admiration — she had become his most ardent admirer!

"Given my brother's capabilities, he must have anticipated Situ Deng's culinary challenge later on. But Situ Deng hails from the Situ family, and there's bound to be interference. I need to devise a plan to help my brother out of any trouble!"

After some contemplation, Lin Linger observed Lin Yu with his eyes gently closed, his body shedding impurities. Weighing her options, she ultimately decided to pull out an aged piece of letter paper from her sleeve. Though it appeared ordinary, it was a significant token from Lin Linger's mentor.

Should Lin Linger encounter any peril, this letter would prove to be of immense value. As soon as she channeled her spiritual energy into it, the paper began to glow with a soft luminescence.

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