Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C3 Blue Bamboo Cat
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C3 Blue Bamboo Cat
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C3 Blue Bamboo Cat

"You, you're being completely unreasonable! Do you actually want to run the Ganoderma Hall into the ground? If the Lin family ancestors are watching from heaven, they surely won't forgive you!"

"Even if you won't consider your own future, at least think of Linger. Next semester..."

"Black Jackal."

Lee Chaohua was seething with anger and stubbornly refused to leave. Lin Yu, exasperated, called out to a corner of the herbal shop's hall. A large black dog, lounging in the corner, shook its fur and snarled at Lee Chaohua, who shivered with fear. If he didn't leave immediately, the dog looked ready to leap at him.

"You, you foolhardy kid, you never listen. Ganoderma Hall will be ruined sooner or later because of you..."


The big black dog howled again, sending Lee Chaohua into another fit of trembling. He hurriedly made for the door, tripping over his feet and providing a spectacle that had the onlooking neighbors roaring with laughter.

Lin Yu was indifferent to the spectacle unfolding outside Ganoderma Hall, but inside, he was mortified. He had only meant to use the big black dog to frighten Lee Chaohua away, but the dog's twin howls had been too much for the Blue Bamboo Cat, already at death's door. Its heart stopped abruptly, it let out a pitiful meow, and went limp.

Xia Rann looked at the now-deceased Blue Bamboo Cat, then lifted her gaze to Lin Yu, her expression numb. She had come hoping for a miracle, but now all hope was extinguished.

Under the weight of her scrutinizing look, Lin Yu's face twitched involuntarily. Back in his village, he had always dreamed of being a doctor, but after nine years of compulsory education and dismal grades, his aspirations had been reduced to loitering in internet cafes.

Having finally gotten a second chance at life, he had become a novice medical practitioner. But since a medical mishap six months prior, not a single patient had sought treatment at Ganoderma Hall. He had yet to seize the opportunity to fulfill his medical ambitions.

Today, for the first time, someone had sought his help, even if it was just for a Blue Bamboo Cat. It could have been a chance to hone his skills, but before he could even assess the cat's condition, it had been frightened to death.

This was just too awkward!

"Miss, this..."

"Never mind."

With that, Xia Rann's last sliver of hope crumbled. Miss Nalan would return tomorrow, and her fate—life or death—would be left to chance.


Tears spilled from her eyes, hitting the ground as she reached to pick up the Blue Bamboo Cat.


Lin Yu had a tender heart and couldn't stand to see a woman cry, especially since the cat had still been alive when the girl first brought it in. Now, with it lifeless, this could be seen as a medical mishap. Plus, the cat was Miss Nalan's cherished pet. If he did nothing, it would weigh on his conscience.

He owed it to himself to at least check the cat's pulse and look under its eyelids, to prove he did everything he could.

Xia Rann looked up at Lin Yu, her face etched with sorrow and defeat. She exhaled softly and said, "Young sir, I appreciate your kindness. Other pharmacies turned me away, but you opened your doors. You're a good man. Rest assured, Maneki-Neko's death won't be pinned on you. Neither West Marquis Mansion nor Miss Nalan will hold you accountable."

With that, Xia Rann resumed her attempt to carry the Blue Bamboo Cat away.

"Hmph, I've finally caught you, you wretched maid. Miss trusted you to care for Maneki-Neko, and you repay her by trying to poison it? We'll see how she deals with you upon her return!"

A startled shout rang out from the doorway, followed by a procession of people. Three women led the way, with two men dressed as household servants trailing behind.

The leading woman, in her forties with a round and stern face, was followed by two younger women, both in their twenties and equally severe in appearance.

The two servants sported arrogant and overbearing demeanors.

In Heavenly Cloud City, there were four great marquises, with the West Marquis Mansion held in high esteem by the emperor. It was no wonder these servants were so imperious.

"Liu Ahci, it's not what you think. I've always taken great care of Maneki-Neko, it's just that..."

Upon seeing the newcomers, panic spread across Xia Rann's face as she hurried to explain.

Liu Ahci was the middle-aged woman leading the charge, serving as the housekeeper for the West Marquis Mansion. Even though Xia Rann was in the employ of Miss Nalan, she fell under Liu Ahci's jurisdiction.

"What's this 'just' about? I've been onto you for a while now. Had I not been vigilant from the start, you might have actually slipped away. You thought you could take Man Man and make a run for it, didn't you? That Blue Bamboo Cat is a rarity; its pelt alone could fetch dozens of gold taels, even dead. That would keep someone like you living in luxury for quite some time!"

Liu Ahci advanced on Xia Rann, jabbing a finger at her nose while spitting venomous words, "You viper-hearted woman, don't bother with your excuses. Caught red-handed as you are, and after Miss has been nothing but good to you. Just wait until she returns tomorrow to deal with you. It won't just be you facing consequences, but your family as well..."

Liu Ahci's scolding was fierce, her domineering and confrontational demeanor quickly forcing Xia Rann to bow her head in submission. The two maids and the family guards that accompanied her joined in the onslaught, leaving the already timid Xia Rann utterly defenseless and mute, her head hung low.

"Take her away!"

At Liu Ahci's command, the maids and guards moved to forcibly remove Xia Rann.

"Hold on."

Lin Yu interjected. He typically avoided getting involved in others' affairs, and he was well aware of the West Marquis Mansion's notorious reputation. But the bullying was too much to ignore. Liu Ahci had blatantly accused Xia Rann without giving her a chance to defend herself. While others might be oblivious, Lin Yu could see that Xia Rann was more distraught over the death of the beloved cat than anyone else.

He couldn't fathom that such a gentle and innocent-looking young girl could harbor such malice.

Lin Yu's interruption caught Liu Ahci and her entourage off guard, causing them to freeze and turn their gaze towards him.

Feeling their intimidating stares, Lin Yu's confidence wavered, but he maintained a facade of composure and challenged them, "What do you take Ganoderma Hall for? A place where you can just come and go as you please?"


Without uttering a word, Liu Ahma marched over and aimed a slap at Lin Yu. Fortunately, Lin Yu's quick reflexes allowed him to raise his hand just in time to shield himself from the blow, sparing his face from the strike.

Liu Ahma erupted in a tirade, "You worthless runt, what do you think you are? Back when Lin Wen was around, Ganoderma Hall had some standing. Now, it's common knowledge that you're nothing but an inept waste. You nearly killed someone with your treatment six months ago, and yet you have the audacity to interfere with the affairs of West Marquis Mansion? You've really crossed the line!

"So you fancy sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, huh? Oh... I get it now. You must be in cahoots with that harlot, Xia Rann, scheming against our Miss Nalan's Blue Bamboo Cat. Well, you despicable pair, today I'm taking you both back with me. You'll answer to our young lady when she returns!"

With that, Liu Ahma gestured sharply, prompting the two men and two women to charge at Lin Yu.

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