Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C5 Researching Computers
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C5 Researching Computers
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C5 Researching Computers

Liu A'Kai and his entourage departed, and Xia Rann, under duress, also left cradling the Blue Bamboo Cat. Before she left, she cast a grateful glance at Lin Yu. That look in her eyes...

Was it a flutter of the heart?

Lin Yu quickly shook his head, dismissing the thought. Back on Earth, he had never been particularly attuned to matters of the heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been oblivious to his ex-girlfriend's infidelity for so long. In the early days, he'd been eager to see her as often as ten times a day. In certain respects, Lin Yu was confident in his abilities.

But then, there came a time when his ex-girlfriend wouldn't let him touch her...


Reflecting on it now, she had reserved herself for that wealthy man.

The past is the past, Lin Yu reminded himself. Everything on Earth was behind him. Now, on the Heavenly Sun Continent, fate had granted him a second chance at life, complete with a technologically advanced "golden finger." What excuse did he have to wallow in self-pity? The pinnacle of his future life was not far off. Absolutely not.

He had managed to save Miss Nalan's prized Blue Bamboo Cat, the most valuable in the Heavenly Cloud Kingdom, and had hoped to leverage this to restore the renown of Ganoderma Hall. His plan was to use his antivirus software to heal and help others. But Liu A'Kai had dismissed the cat's revival, claiming it was just being mischievous and had faked its death to play a trick on the servants.

In other words, the Blue Bamboo Cat's miraculous recovery had nothing to do with Lin Yu.

The dream of reviving Ganoderma Hall's reputation was dashed, yet Lin Yu's drive remained undiminished. This setback also afforded him ample time to explore the computer within his mind.

What other software did it contain, and what could they do?


As the onlookers scattered, Lee Chaohua lingered, standing defiantly at the entrance of Ganoderma Hall. She let out a disdainful snort and barked, "Lin Yu, you got lucky today with that Blue Bamboo Cat's antics. But if you're looking to stir up trouble in the future, remember, it's got nothing to do with us!"

With that, Lin Yu shuttered the door, deciding to close up shop early.

After all, there were no visitors even when the doors were open...

Lee Chaohua's anger flared when Lin Yu continued to ignore her. "What's the matter with you? Your father is gone, and you're willing to let the Lin family's Ganoderma Hall, a legacy of three hundred years, crumble in your hands? How can you live with yourself? Are you not ashamed of betraying your ancestors?"

"Listen up," she warned. "Sign the contract today, transfer Ganoderma Hall to me and your uncle, and we'll cover Linger's tuition for the next two years. But if you refuse, don't expect such a generous offer tomorrow."

Lin Yu, gripping the door, paused, giving Lee Chaohua a moment of smug satisfaction. She feigned indifference, trying to project an air of haughty defiance. Did she really think she could bluff her way out of this?

The mention of Linger's tuition fees seemed to strike a chord, but Lin Yu was still too inexperienced to see through her ploy.

Lee Chaohua had drafted the contract herself, clearly stating that Ganoderma Hall would be hers and Lin Dong's, with the price specified. Yet, it conveniently omitted any payment dates or methods, revealing her intention to default.

In Heavenly Cloud City, winning a legal dispute often hinged on who you knew. While Lin Yu's father, Lin Wen, was alive, the Ganoderma Hall had its connections. But now, with Lin Wen's fate uncertain, who would advocate for someone dismissed as worthless?


With a single icy word, Lin Yu shut the final door.

Lee Chaohua's face froze in shock. She hurled insults from the doorstep, intending to persist, but the Ganoderma Hall's imposing black dog barked sharply, sending her into a shivering retreat, muttering curses under her breath as she left.

Lin Yu secured the door and retreated to the backyard, where a row of houses stood, remnants of the Lin family's once-thriving household.

Having lost his mother early on, Lin Yu had lived there with his father and sister. His father wasn't just a third-rank Spirit Medicine Master with profound medical expertise; he was also a man who took pleasure in cultivating their expansive courtyard. He had skillfully transformed the space with a pavilion, rockery, and flowing water, and even allocated corners of the yard for growing medicinal herbs and vegetables.

At the far western edge of the courtyard, a rosebush clung to the wall. This rose was a favorite of his late mother's, and although it had been growing there for many years, it remained as it was when first planted—neither flourishing nor withering. Now, in the height of its blooming season, each pink blossom was strikingly vivid.

Lin Yu made his way back to his room, and just as he was about to shut the door, the Ganoderma Hall's large black dog, Black Jackal, padded in after him. The dog was as old as Lin Yu himself, a stray that his father had found at the hall's entrance the year he was born.

On the Heavenly Sun Continent, where spiritual energy was abundant, humans had an average lifespan of 150 years, and animals lived correspondingly longer. Dogs on Earth might reach their teens, but here, they commonly lived past twenty. Black Jackal was nineteen and nearing the end of his days. Recently, his appetite had waned, and he spent more time sleeping.

Lin Yu watched with a heavy heart. He remembered that despite being considered a cultivation failure, inferior to the average person, his family had always shown him warmth. His father, stern yet compassionate, had spent considerable wealth and effort trying to heal his innate meridian deficiency, even venturing into Mang Mountain in search of a cure.

His sister's natural gift for cultivation was the envy of many, yet she remained humble before him, seldom speaking of her training to avoid wounding his pride.

And then there was Black Jackal, his childhood companion. Whenever he was picked on by other kids in the street, Black Jackal would charge to his defense, sending the bullies scattering. Other families had pets too, but no matter how formidable, Black Jackal never backed down, fighting fiercely even when left bloodied.

After closing the door, Lin Yu affectionately stroked Black Jackal's head. The dog responded by nuzzling his hand with its fuzzy head, eyes brimming with docility. Lin Yu fetched a large piece of beef jerky from the cupboard and set it on the room's stone floor. "Have some jerky first," he told Black Jackal. "I've got some things to research."

After finishing his thought, Lin Yu made his way to the bed. If he was going to tap into the power of the golden finger, he needed to get into the part. Settling into a cross-legged position on the bed, he closed his eyes and focused on the computer within his sea of consciousness.

It was as if the computer could feel his intent; the screen, previously dim, began to emit a soft glow. The light was faint, seemingly on the verge of fading away at any moment, reminiscent of a laptop on the brink of shutting down due to a low battery back on Earth.

Lin Yu examined the computer's tower closely but couldn't find any port for a power cord. What would he do if it ran out of power? And why, after half a year since his transmigration, had the computer suddenly made an appearance today?

Given that the computer was an artifact from Earth, it must have been transported to the Heavenly Sun Continent with him on the day of his transmigration. He must have triggered something that activated it. Could the key to this activation be thought of as a process of powering up the computer?

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