Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C6 Evil Genius
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C6 Evil Genius
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C6 Evil Genius

A flurry of questions swirled through Lin Yu's mind as he gazed at the computer screen, its light fading as if it could go dark at any moment. Pushing aside thoughts of cause and effect for the time being, he focused on opening the antivirus software to conduct a scan.

The antivirus software was designed to identify and eliminate viruses, effectively 'detoxifying' the system. But it was capable of much more. On Earth, such software wasn't limited to just virus removal; it came equipped with a suite of tools to assess and ensure the security and integrity of the computer system, including repair functions to address any system vulnerabilities.

With this in mind, Lin Yu rapidly navigated the antivirus interface, guided by memories from his past life. As expected, the software was identical to what he remembered, complete with features like a system safety emergency kit, security patches, and risk prediction tools.


Amidst his examination of these features, a clear and melodious voice echoed in his mind as the antivirus software spontaneously generated a dialogue box:

Host: Lin Yu

Host's Attributes: Continental Human

Host's Status: Innate Meridians Unbalanced, with Seven Meridians and Eight Veins ranging from Normal, Medium, to Severely Unbalanced. The Host's Meridians are extremely severely unbalanced.


Lin Yu felt a wave of sheepishness wash over him. Having been on the continent for over half a year, he had become well-acquainted with its cultivation prerequisites. The body's original owner, while outwardly nonchalant, harbored a deep-seated yearning to become a cultivator. Even if his innate talent fell short for the role of a Magic Arts Master, aspiring to be a True Martial Master or at the very least, a Body Forging Expert, was within the realm of possibility. Yet, fate had cruelly mocked him; with his bodily aptitude, he couldn't even qualify for the most basic Body Forging Expertise.

Body Forging, even at its most basic level, demanded a certain physical aptitude. No amount of inner resolve could compensate for a naturally frail body incapable of enduring the rigors of Body Forging.

Body Forging bore resemblance to fitness routines on Earth, but this era lacked gym equipment. Instead, Body Forging was achieved through physical exertions like lifting stone weights and mountain climbing.

Lin Yu's body was such that even a long walk left him wheezing for air. Attempting Body Forging was tantamount to a death wish.

For a normal person, the seven meridians and eight veins are clear, forming the basis of cultivation. These pathways are categorized into various grades. Some people have blockages in their meridians, with three recognized levels of severity. Lin Yu, however, was in a league of his own, with blockages so severe that 'extremely severe' didn't even begin to cover it. He was likely the only one in the entire Heavenly Cloud Kingdom with this condition.

Forget Body Forging, let alone mastering True Martial Arts or Magic Arts. It was nothing short of a miracle that he had survived to this day, thanks in no small part to his father's relentless efforts in administering a myriad of spiritual medicines.


As Lin Yu was at a loss for words, the voice inside his mind echoed once more. Accompanying the voice, the text in the dialogue box transformed...

Host: Lin Yu

Host's Attributes: Continental Human

Host's Status: Congenital Meridian Blockage, divided into four levels: Normal, Moderate, Severe, and 'Extremely Severe.' The host's meridian blockage is categorized as 'Demonically Severe.'


Lin Yu was taken aback. What did this mean? Initially, there were three levels, and he had surpassed them to be classified as 'Extremely Severe.' Now, a fourth level was introduced, and he had transcended that to a fifth category—'Demonically Severe.'

What was the implication?

It underscored that his innate talent was abysmal, a complete disaster, so much so that he had surpassed the original classifications of the Heavenly Sun Continent.

His heart felt heavy, his pain palpable.

Yet, just as Lin Yu was succumbing to despair and questioning his post-transmigration life, a new option appeared beneath the dialogue box: Would you like to repair it?

Then, mirroring the time he cleared the poison from the Blue Bamboo Cat, a thirty-second countdown emerged on the dialogue box.

Thirty seconds? Lin Yu didn't need a moment's hesitation. He immediately clicked the repair button. The heavens had bestowed upon him this golden opportunity to escape his fate as a good-for-nothing, and he was determined to seize it with both hands.

Repair in progress...

Lin Yu's eyes were glued to the dialogue box, excitement bubbling up within him to the point where he nearly shouted out loud.

But then, the already dim computer screen plunged into darkness once more.

Did it crash?


Lin Yu was on the verge of swearing. The most terrifying thing in the world isn't despair itself, but finding hope amidst that despair, a hope so bright you believe a future is possible. And then, that beacon of light vanishes, leaving you to realize you're still trapped in an abyss...

Opening his eyes, Lin Yu exhaled deeply. Despite his irritation, he quickly regained his composure. In his past life back on Earth, he had grown accustomed to being a "salted fish," a person who had accepted his lot in life without frustration or defeat.

Considering the mainframe within his sea of consciousness had appeared, been activated, and even successfully 'disinfected' the Blue Bamboo Cat, it stood to reason that something on the Heavenly Sun Continent could awaken it and fuel it with energy.

All he had to do was find that energy source, and he could reboot the system.

The Black Jackal lay asleep by the window, a large piece of beef jerky untouched beside it.

The Black Jackal had always been fond of beef jerky, and so had Lin Yu. As children, they would often tussle over the tasty treat. But now, the Black Jackal had lost its appetite.

As death approaches, both appetite and the desire to eat wane.

The same was true for dogs.

Lin Yu's gaze fell upon the dozing Black Jackal, a wave of sadness washing over him. For the moment, he set aside thoughts of the energy needed to power his computer. Climbing out of bed, he gently stroked the Black Jackal's head.

The Black Jackal immediately woke, lazily extending its tongue to lick his hand.

Before he knew it, evening had arrived. Having skipped lunch, Lin Yu's stomach growled with hunger. He headed to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. The ingredients on the Heavenly Sun Continent were akin to those on Earth, yet the culinary techniques were entirely different. None of Earth's diverse cuisines seemed to exist on the Heavenly Sun Continent, at least not in Heavenly Cloud City.

With memories from two lifetimes coursing through him, Lin Yu was no stranger to the kitchen. His culinary prowess was notable, and he had always excelled at whipping up homestyle dishes.

Over the last six months, Lin Yu had made every effort to adjust to the culinary customs of this world, which meant he seldom prepared dishes from Earth. However, this evening, as he observed the Black Jackal's weathered countenance, an idea suddenly sprang to mind. He caught one of the small chickens raised in the yard, slaughtered it, and set about cooking a meal.

Kung Pao Chicken, Spicy Chicken Cubes, Chicken Stew with Mushrooms...

All were made following Earth's traditional recipes.

Before long, the delicious aroma wafted from the kitchen, instantly reviving the previously lethargic Black Jackal, which perked up and peered into the kitchen. Its aged eyes sparkled with hunger, and it even parted its lips, revealing a glistening drool.

"Hey, what's that delightful scent?"

A young girl's curious voice floated over the wall of the courtyard.

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