Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C7 Eating Chicken
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C7 Eating Chicken
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C7 Eating Chicken

A young girl, clad in a flowing white gown with half her face coyly concealed behind a sheer veil, paused abruptly outside the Lin family's courtyard wall. Her large, doe-like eyes brimmed with rapture.

Accompanying her was a woman in her thirties, garbed in a green robe, her tall stature accentuated by her neatly coiffed long black hair, giving her an air of spirited elegance.

Emblazoned on the woman's chest was an emblem of three moons and seven stars, its threads glimmering with a subtle purple radiance that seemed to dance with life.

Upon noticing the girl's sudden halt, the woman's eyes betrayed a hint of avarice. Though taken aback, a touch of satisfaction flickered in her gaze. Without waiting for the girl to speak, she confidently approached and rapped on the Lin family's side gate.

Lin Yu was just finishing up in the kitchen, the steaming dishes nearly ready to serve. Hearing the knock, he stepped out and called, "Who's there?"

In this world, Lin Yu's circle of friends was scant. Aunt Liu, who lived down the street, had become a steadfast presence in his life, especially during the six months since his father's disappearance. In her forties and widowed early, Aunt Liu had raised her daughter, Liu Xiao Fei, on her own. Lin Yu's father had often lent her a helping hand, and their bond was notably close.

His father had many friends once, but they seemed to vanish after his disappearance, leaving only Aunt Liu to occasionally drop by with support.

Expecting Aunt Liu with some homemade delicacy, Lin Yu was ready to share his own dish of chicken stewed with mushrooms. But as the door creaked open, he was met not by Aunt Liu, but by two strangers.

"Who are you?" Lin Yu inquired, his curiosity piqued as he took in the two women before him. The girl's nose peeked above her semi-transparent veil, hinting at her exquisite features.

The woman in the green robe caught his attention, particularly the lunar and stellar insignia on her chest. Realization dawned on Lin Yu, and he was struck with awe—she was a Third Grade Seven Star Magic Arts Master!

Becoming a Magic Arts Master was no easy feat. Each year, Heavenly Cloud Academy would enroll a thousand students, yet by graduation, fewer than ten would earn the title of Magic Arts Master.

Within the entire Heavenly Cloud Kingdom, Magic Arts Masters of third grade or higher numbered less than a hundred. Those who managed to reach the third grade seven-star level by their thirties were exceedingly rare.

Since his arrival on the continent, this was Lin Yu's first encounter with a third-grade Magic Arts Master.

But that wasn't the most striking aspect. The Magic Arts Master before him was not only a third-grade seven-star but also possessed striking looks and a fine figure, reminiscent of the beautiful women back on Earth. Her valiant aura added to her allure, making her exceptionally captivating.

Qingluan sniffed delicately, confirming the scent she had detected was indeed coming from this courtyard. Her voice was cool and detached as she inquired, "Is someone cooking here?"

"I was just in the kitchen..." Lin Yu replied, his voice tinged with anxiety. The presence of a seven-star third-grade Magic Arts Master could inadvertently exude an intimidating aura.

Qingluan paid no heed to Lin Yu, instead turning her attention to the young girl beside her. Her gaze was serene, betraying no expectation. She had been through this before; accompanying the young lady who would be enticed by a sudden whiff of aroma, only to lose interest as soon as the door was answered.

"What have you cooked that smells so delicious?" The girl beside him, unlike before, seemed even more excited after the door was opened.


Lin Yu was still trying to grasp their intentions. It appeared they might be looking for a meal. A female seven-star Magic Arts Master was a rare sight in Heavenly Cloud City, and she seemed to hold this veiled girl in high regard.

Perhaps this girl was a young miss from a wealthy household, seemingly intrigued by his chicken.

As Lin Yu pondered silently, the girl had already squeezed past him and entered the courtyard, intoxicated by the aroma. "It smells amazing! Absolutely divine!" she exclaimed.

Frozen in place, Lin Yu watched as Qingluan followed suit, stepping into the courtyard beside him.

"Hey there!"

Lin Yu dashed into the yard, a bit irked by the two uninvited guests who seemed to disregard proper etiquette.

The Black Jackal by the kitchen door was on high alert, rising to its feet. Despite facing a third-rank Magic Arts Master in a green robe, the aged creature showed no fear. Instead, it snarled, baring its teeth and growling softly, poised for battle.

"Little brother, please don't get the wrong idea. We mean no harm," the young girl said with a sweet smile, batting her large, dewy eyes at Lin Yu. "Could you share some of that delicious food you've prepared? I won't just take it without offering something in return. How about I pay you with Spirit Stones?"


The chicken he had prepared was of a modest size, perfect for a meal for Lin Yu and the Black Jackal. He had slaughtered it especially to give the Black Jackal a change in diet.

With two unexpected visitors, though both were young ladies, there wouldn't be enough to go around. But the offer of Spirit Stones was tempting. Lin Yu was in dire need of them, not just for his sister's tuition at the Heavenly Cloud Academy but also to cover the household's basic expenses.

He had been scraping by with Aunt Liu's assistance for the past month; without it, he would have been in dire straits.

"Please, little brother, your cooking smells divine. I'd love to try it, and I promise I won't freeload. If you're concerned, we can agree on a price beforehand," the girl pleaded earnestly.

"Beauty, you're not looking for a free meal, then…" Lin Yu felt compelled to clarify, slightly uncomfortable with the phrase 'for nothing' and the girl's serious tone.

"Exactly, I'm not looking for a freebie. Just name your price, quick! I'm too eager to wait!" the girl urged.


Lin Yu had been in this world for over half a year, running a pharmacy, not a restaurant. Yet, he had a fair grasp of the local economy. A simple chicken dish typically cost five Spirit Stones, and asking for ten from his Earth village earnings didn't seem unreasonable.

Lin Yu held up a finger, his face betraying a hint of uncertainty. The price he was asking was double the going rate, and while the aroma of his cooking was enticing, there was no guarantee the young lady would take to it. Charging too much seemed somehow improper.

"One Spirit Stone?"

The girl, her face partially concealed, chuckled. "No problem. Hurry and bring it out, young man."

Lin Yu fell silent.

"Not enough?" she asked, puzzled. A woman in a green robe approached and murmured something to her. The girl's face lit up with an apologetic smile. "Oh, you meant ten Spirit Stones, didn't you? Let's skip the haggling over one or ten..."

"Eight Spirit Stones. That's my final offer!" Lin Yu interjected firmly before she could finish. It didn't matter if the locals weren't accustomed to his culinary creations; as the sole purveyor of Earth Village cuisine, he could command a premium.

The girl's expression briefly stiffened, then she replied with a generous smile, "I'll give you 100 Spirit Stones. Could you please bring it out quickly for me to try?"

100 Spirit Stones...

That was an exorbitant sum. In Heavenly Cloud City, a chicken cost about 5 Spirit Stones. Even if he gave her all the chicken he had prepared, it would be worth it to buy another from the market and still pocket a tidy profit in Spirit Stones.

Indeed, the wealthy sure made for easy earnings!

Lin Yu returned from the kitchen with the dishes: Spicy Chicken Cubes, Kung Pao Chicken, Tiny Chicken with Poisonous Mushrooms, each served on a small plate, accompanied by a bowl of white rice.

The girl, still shielding her face from Lin Yu, sat with her back to him at the table, while he and the Magic Arts Master in green stood behind her.

She removed her veil, picked up a piece of Kung Pao Chicken with her chopsticks, and tasted it.

Behind her, Lin Yu's heart pounded. He had his sights set on the promised 100 Spirit Stones. If she was pleased with the meal, those Spirit Stones were as good as his. But if not, he could kiss them goodbye.

The girl brought her chopsticks to her lips, and as the diced chicken touched her tongue, she froze completely, motionless.

A sense of dread washed over Lin Yu. The last time he had prepared a dish from the global village for Aunt Liu to try, her face had contorted in displeasure. Despite her polite assurance that it was "not bad," her expression clearly betrayed her true distaste for the meal.

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