Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C8 West Marquis Mansion
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Ascending With Artificial Intelligence/C8 West Marquis Mansion
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C8 West Marquis Mansion

Different spaces, different continents, it's only natural that people's appetites and taste buds vary as well.

Lin Yu's heart sank as he watched the young girl's figure come to a halt.

One hundred Spirit Stones! That was a month's worth of provisions for him, and the remainder would have been enough for his sister's monthly allowance. But seeing her displeasure, it looked like those Spirit Stones were about to go down the drain.


Lin Yu let out a long sigh internally, while Qing Yuan, standing beside him, remained the picture of serenity.

The girl's shoulder gave a slight shudder, and in that instant, Qing Yuan's brow furrowed. She reached out and seized Lin Yu by the neck, her voice sharp with accusation, "What did you put in the food? Are you trying to poison us?"

As the third-grade Magic Arts Master's grip tightened around his neck, Lin Yu struggled to breathe, let alone speak.

This Magic Arts Master was not just skilled in her craft; her strength surpassed that of an ordinary person, lifting Lin Yu off the ground by his neck.

Lin Yu's toes barely touched the floor as he flailed, nearly passing out.

"Qing Yuan, stop."

The voice of the half-masked girl, choked with emotion, broke through, "The food isn't poisoned. It's just... it's just so..."

Her voice broke as tears began to fall, a single tear dropping onto the courtyard's stone tiles with a soft plink.

"Miss, you..." Qing Yuan released Lin Yu and hurried to the girl's side.

"It's just..."

The girl's voice was thick with tears, "It's just so delicious. I've never tasted chicken this good before. No one has ever made me a meal like this. Boohoo..."

So delicious it brought tears to her eyes!

Lin Yu sat on the ground, taking deep breaths, his neck feeling nearly snapped. He couldn't help but lament inwardly at the excessive force used by the cultivators of this land.

He resolved that he must become a cultivator himself if given the chance. Without that power, he wouldn't stand a chance in the future. He didn't desire greatness—just the ability to defend himself.

One chicken, three dishes.

The girl's appetite had been unleashed, sending Lin Yu's heart racing. Despite her frail appearance, she had devoured every last bite.

And on top of that, she had polished off three bowls of rice!

Not just a slender and frail young lady, even Lin Yu couldn't muster such an appetite.

It was downright alarming. Did her family never bother to ensure she was well-fed?

"500 Spirit Stones."

The girl patted her round, full belly, her face beaming with contentment. Her gaze softened as she looked at Lin Yu.

"Huh?" Lin Yu was puzzled.

"Your cooking is truly scrumptious. I'll give you 500 Spirit Stones, but on one condition," the girl said with a sweet smile. "I'll be a regular at your place from now on."

"Sure, you're always welcome!"

Lin Yu was quick to see the upside. One hundred Spirit Stones had ballooned to five hundred. Perhaps he should ditch the apothecary and open a restaurant instead. He wouldn't need a crowd of customers—just this wealthy young miss would suffice to keep him clothed and fed.


Her tone shifted, a mix of regret and bashfulness on her face. She left her sentence hanging, and her companion Qing Yuan took over. Qing Yuan looked Lin Yu in the eye for the first time, her voice steady, "We didn't bring any Spirit Stones with us this time. We'll head back to our estate and have someone deliver the 500 Spirit Stones to you later."

Lin Yu's initial excitement quickly turned into a frown. Was this the prelude to a dine-and-dash? He was inwardly irked but dared not voice his discontent. A third-rank Magic Arts Master could snuff him out with a mere flick of the wrist.

After the two women departed, Lin Yu slumped onto the stone bench. The last chicken in the house was gone, save for the one in the pen reserved for his sister's favorite chicken soup upon her return tomorrow.

With the hundred Spirit Stones gone, Lin Yu rummaged through the small storage and found two sweet potatoes. Tonight's dinner would be roasted sweet potatoes. Beside him, the Black Jackal dozed against the wall. Lin Yu whispered an apology, "Sorry, Brother Black Jackal."

Nibbling on his roasted sweet potatoes, Lin Yu's thoughts drifted back to the computer within his sea of consciousness.

West Marquis Mansion.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sprawling West Marquis Mansion was bathed in a golden glow.

Nestled in the heart of Heavenly Cloud City, this grand estate was second only to the Imperial Palace in grandeur. It spanned a vast area, its interiors adorned with intricately carved beams and painted rafters.

The Heavenly Cloud Kingdom was protected by four great Marquises—East, South, West, and North—each overseeing their respective territories.

Among them, West Marquis Nalan Zhan stood out as the kingdom's sole sixth-grade Magic Arts Master, aside from the reigning monarch. His years of service on the battlefield had earned him countless honors. He had once led a mere thousand cavalry to a legendary victory against an enemy force of a hundred thousand, securing his fame. Since then, he had pushed the kingdom's frontiers westward, repeatedly besting the barbarians who once threatened those lands.

Now, back in the capital for a respite, Nalan Zhan was seated at a generously laden dining table. Across from him sat a stunning woman in her forties, whose beauty and mature elegance belied her age, her skin so well cared for that she appeared no older than thirty.

The servants and maids attending to them could hardly contain themselves, their heads bowed as they silently longed for a taste of the feast. The meal was the work of Situ Deng, Heavenly Cloud City's rising star chef. At just twenty-five, his culinary creations were known for their almost magical quality.

Both Nalan Zhan and his wife, Qin Caiyun, took pleasure in the lavish spread before them. Yet despite their contentment, concern was etched on their faces.

Their daughter, Nalan Ziyan, was battling anorexia. She had grown alarmingly thin over the past three months, and her personality had taken on odd quirks. In an effort to lift her spirits, the royal family had arranged a hunting expedition for the young nobility. Nalan Zhan had sent Ziyan along, hoping the change of scenery and the chance to savor some game might benefit her. Relying on spirit medicine to sustain her health was not a sustainable solution.

It wasn't for lack of spirit medicine at West Marquis Mansion, but because all medicine carries a measure of toxicity, and prolonged use could prove detrimental to her well-being.

Nalan Zhan was the proud father of three sons and a daughter, but it was his only daughter whom he cherished above all.

Desperate to cure their daughter's anorexia, they had sought the expertise of countless doctors and renowned chefs. Initially, they clung to hope, but as time passed, that hope dimmed ever so faintly.


The courtyard's small gate swung open gently, and a striking figure slipped through, followed closely by a woman in a green robe. Had Lin Yu been present, he would have instantly recognized her as the young lady from the West Marquis Mansion—the same one who had devoured his entire chicken.

Nalan Ziyan had barely stepped into the courtyard when she was taken aback by the sight before her. A grand dining table was set up in the center, surrounded by her parents and a retinue of servants, all silent and unnoticed by her until now.

"Father, mother, you're here..." Nalan Ziyan offered an awkward smile. Without waiting for her parents to inquire, she quickly added, "I felt out of place among the princes and princesses, so I snuck back. Why have you decided to dine in my courtyard? No matter, you're welcome to use it."

Having said her piece, Nalan Ziyan turned to make her escape to her room.

"Yan'er, wait a moment," her mother, Qin Caiyun, called out, rising to her feet with a smile that radiated tenderness and affection. "We knew you'd come back on your own. You're not fond of socializing with the princes and princesses, and we don't fault you for it. We knew you'd return tonight, so we've prepared this lavish spread especially for you..."


Before her mother could finish, the aroma of the food wafted through the courtyard, and Nalan Ziyan couldn't help but vomit.

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